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Thread: Lost River Ammunition

  1. #1
    Site Supporter Paul D's Avatar
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    Lost River Ammunition

    On one of Ted's (@Lost River) posts, I noticed that he was starting his own ammo company on his sig line: Lost River Ammunition Company. I reached out to Ted and to obtained some 44 Spl for my Ruger Redhawk and Vaquero. He is not quite set up for CC payment yet, so I paid via an alternative route (the struggles with starting a new enterprise). I ordered 200 rounds of the .44 Special 240 grain Semi Wadcutters. The brass was Starline and each round appeared crimped and meticulously made. The ammo is priced to include shipping. They came in last weekend, but I had to work. Today I took the ammo to the indoor range with my Vaquero, Redhawk and brand new LabRadar! The LabRadar didn't work (dammit), so I couldn't get any velocities. I shot both guns off hand at 25 yards. Caveat: I cannot really see pistol front sights anymore. I could barely see the Vaquero's blade sight. When I put on my reading glasses, I can see the sight but now I can't see the target. Ce la vie: I did the best I could. Despite this, I think they grouped pretty good despite my failings!

    Overall, I thought the ammo was great and would recommend it without reservations. I always loved Ted's posts when it involves the Idaho life, revolvers or his not-so-little-anymore daughter. Every pull of the trigger brings out a little of that essence since I know who made the ammo.

  2. #2
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Supporting good folks, (even better when they're friends), is a reward in and of itself. Good for you, and congrats to [MENTION=4952]Lost River[/MENTION] on his new endeavor.
    Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by blues View Post
    Supporting good folks, (even better when they're friends), is a reward in and of itself. Good for you, and congrats to [MENTION=4952]Lost River[/MENTION] on his new endeavor.
    I’ll second that.
    And buy some 9mm Penetrator ammo when it’s back in stock.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul D View Post
    I always loved Ted's posts when it involves the Idaho life, revolvers or his not-so-little-anymore daughter.
    Official Brand Ambassador of LRAC:

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  5. #5
    I mostly roll my own for fun, but I'd be inclined to send a few bucks northward at some point to support this venture. Mostly interested in the .38, .357, and 9mm loads. Do you plan to expand your lineup in the future [MENTION=4952]Lost River[/MENTION] ?

  6. #6
    Outstanding. All the loads on that page are eminently useful to an outdoorsperson. There are some intelligent choices being made when it comes to velocities, instead of just going full-tilt rhino roller on everything.

    His iteration of Elmer Keith’s “the load” is something that is really hard to find: a sensible working .44 Mag load that will kill just about anything without beating the gun or shooter to pieces.

  7. #7
    The Nostomaniac 03RN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmc45414 View Post
    Official Brand Ambassador of LRAC:

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    When I show my 2yo daughter pics of his she gets quiet and wide eyed.

    I don't see me ever getting horses but...

  8. #8
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    How does the “pay by cash” option work? Mail a check, Venmo/Zelle, something else?

  9. #9
    I'm hoping he offers some of the 38 Short Colt he posted about. Seemed really slick in a J-Frame to me.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Willard View Post
    I'm hoping he offers some of the 38 Short Colt he posted about. Seemed really slick in a J-Frame to me.
    Tried to order some 148 grain wadcutters in the interim, but credit card function wouldn't work.

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