It's Run, Hide, Fight! However, the recent Colorado Night Club shooting has impacted the world view of an Obama Era homeland security type, now a professor at Harvard in Homeland Security:
Now charging the shooter is brave and works at times, sometimes the heroic person saves lives and dies. Perhaps a realization, that reasonably trained armed folks might help is coming? Perhaps not.I’m not ready to say I want my young kids to fight if, God forbid, they encounter a mass shooter. But I’m willing to admit that maybe I want someone present to fight for them. I don’t love it. I don’t even like it. In fact, I hate it.
Certainly NYS doesn't see that. With two guys arrested for planning to attack a synagogue, Kathy Hochul prefers people of the Jewish faith to be unarmed. There are restraining orders on that part of the CCIA but probably the 2nd Circuit will think the bans are just dandy.