If you @ tag me or “like” a post then I’ll know you responded otherwise it’s at the mercy of wandering back around the forum to realize you responded.
I only know USPSA rules so you’ll have to see what translates over and what doesn’t.
I’ll take some pictures when I get home but if you upload some pictures of your holsters I can show you on your holsters.
The common retention device on some newer holsters is a lever clamp with an eccentric cam.
Like the ones you have on a tripod leg or on a scope mount.
Clamp the lever closed when not running the stage. Open it at make ready.
Use it instead of a traditional screw or thumb screw on the trigger guard area.
I’ll make a quick video later today regarding what makes holsters fast from a geometry standpoint.
You’re a 3 o’clock holster guy, right?