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Thread: Horrorfest 2022

  1. #21
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FNFAN View Post
    And Lisa Bonet in her prime!

  2. #22
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    I just watched Triangle. It was very good. There’s a lot of twists and a lot to figure out with this one. I recommend it.
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  3. #23
    Site Supporter ccmdfd's Avatar
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    Another thumbs up for Triangle. My wife even thought it was well done and she hates these types of movies.

  4. #24
    The Empty Man (2020)

    A cosmic horror and feature debut from the director of a neat little short, AM1200 (2008). 20th Century Fox totally blundered through everything to include its use of the Fox logo after dropping that part of the company name. Funding, marketing, production staffing, release, release formats, and more were (still are) all a farce.

    To be fair, the movie might be impossible to market. Stills make it look to either be a jump scare spooky generic flick or angsty hipster teen trash. Amazon has it available for digital "purchase" and I'd say it is worth ten dollars. A contextless paraphrase of some Rush lyrics might do it some justice:

    Truth is false and logic lost
    Now the fourth dimension is crossed
    See what your fate might have in store
    Come explore your dreams' creation

    The writer/director/editor was given a very long creative lead and I think a lot of people here would dig it.

  5. #25
    Smoke Bomb / Ninja Vanish Chance's Avatar
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    Watched The Cabin in the Woods this weekend after discovering the wife had never seen it. I'm not a big horror guy, but I love that movie - one of those rare films put together by people with a perfect understanding and appreciation of the genre (e.g., Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard). Every time I see it, I just want to sit and rewatch it again.

    Also watched Event Horizon for the first time in probably 15 years - I literally laughed-out-loud when it was referenced in the new Thor movie. It aged better than I expected.
    "Sapiens dicit: 'Ignoscere divinum est, sed noli pretium plenum pro pizza sero allata solvere.'" - Michelangelo

  6. #26
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCCY Marshal View Post
    The Empty Man (2020)

    A cosmic horror and feature debut from the director of a neat little short, AM1200 (2008). 20th Century Fox totally blundered through everything to include its use of the Fox logo after dropping that part of the company name. Funding, marketing, production staffing, release, release formats, and more were (still are) all a farce.

    To be fair, the movie might be impossible to market. Stills make it look to either be a jump scare spooky generic flick or angsty hipster teen trash. Amazon has it available for digital "purchase" and I'd say it is worth ten dollars. A contextless paraphrase of some Rush lyrics might do it some justice:

    Truth is false and logic lost
    Now the fourth dimension is crossed
    See what your fate might have in store
    Come explore your dreams' creation

    The writer/director/editor was given a very long creative lead and I think a lot of people here would dig it.
    I saw that a while back. Effectively creepy, Lovecraftian madness horror.

  7. #27
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    Trick r Treat is always a good Halloween go to.
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  8. #28
    Member BCG's Avatar
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    If you can play YouTube videos on your big screen TV; grab a drink, grab a snack, turn the lights down, and enjoy some serious nightmare fuel from your couch. This is worth 16 minutes of your time ...

    Sci-Fi Short Film "Laboratory Conditions"

    Starring Marisa Tomei & Minnie Driver

    DUST - September 21, 2022

    A physician investigating a missing body disrupts an unlawful experiment.

    "Laboratory Conditions" by Jocelyn Stamat
    Last edited by BCG; 10-03-2022 at 07:28 PM.
    Yippee ki-yay

  9. #29
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Murderham, the Tragic City
    Quote Originally Posted by BCG View Post
    If you can play YouTube videos on your big screen TV; grab a drink, grab a snack, turn the lights down, and enjoy some serious nightmare fuel from your couch. This is worth 16 minutes of your time ...

    Sci-Fi Short Film "Laboratory Conditions"

    Starring Marisa Tomei & Minnie Driver

    DUST - September 21, 2022

    A physician investigating a missing body disrupts an unlawful experiment.

    "Laboratory Conditions" by Jocelyn Stamat

    And subscribed to that channel!

  10. #30
    Recovering Revolverist Totem Polar's Avatar
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    “Dust” rocks. Good youtube fare.
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