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Thread: Flamingo and Rob's Tools: Self-Opening Sheath - In-Stock Now

  1. #11
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Two quick updates:

    1) We are now currently out of stock on P'Kal sheaths. We'll be bending up more this coming week to restock.

    2) We have temporarily removed the stock of our Kershaw-Emerson sheaths and you cannot order them at present. Despite having a solid functional prototype when we went to production with it, we changed something and we're not sure what. After some further testing we have determined the production versions are not reliably deploying and working like we want. We're not satisfied in shipping you a product that doesn't meet our standards. This is something I'll be working on this weekend to get hammered out so we can get these back to the prototype functionality in a production quality sheath. We'll get it fixed, thanks for your pat

  2. #12
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    P'Kals now in stock and Kershaw-Emerson's are available once again.

    So we have all three forms of the SOS are now available for purchase and shipment!

    Thanks guys!


  3. #13
    Name:  IMG_1017.jpg
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    Here is a picture of my daily carry Spyderco waved Delica. It carries pretty nicely, I think the light weight of the FRN handles really helps out.

  4. #14
    Site Supporter Oldherkpilot's Avatar
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    I sure hope my Emerson Kershaw is the CQC6 or I'll be buying a new knife, too!

  5. #15
    I just ordered a Manix 2 and a 5x5 PickPocket mod and I am excited to see how this works with the SOS.

  6. #16
    Site Supporter Oldherkpilot's Avatar
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    My SOS arrived today and my knives are indeed CQC6s. I carry two, one In each front pocket. The right hand knife is for routine stuff and the left one is only used occasionally and I keep it razor sharp. I am now carrying the sharp one in the SOS on my left side. Since the knife is no longer in my left pocket, access to my keys is much easier. Retention seems plenty adequate and opening is a certainty. I'm always looking for the better mousetrap and this might be one!
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    The knife in the photo is the right pocket knife, clip is on the other side with the left pocket one.
    Last edited by Oldherkpilot; 10-14-2022 at 02:36 PM. Reason: Punctuation

  7. #17
    @Oldherkpilot I am glad you like it! I have carried my Delica everyday for a couple of months and I have had great luck with it.

    I got the 5x5 combat solutions pick pocket for the Manix in the mail and it is working very well with the prototype sheath I made up.

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  8. #18
    Site Supporter feudist's Avatar
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    Will this work with the Kershaw CQC-7?
    They look identical .

  9. #19
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Will this work with the Kershaw CQC-7?
    They look identical .
    I can't be 100%, because I don't have one on hand to check. But looking at them I believe so. The 6K and 7K do appear identical in specs and in the pictures.

  10. #20
    Recovering Revolverist Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Got mine today!

    As soon as I can figure out where I put my 5x5 wave dealieo, I’ll be back…
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