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Thread: Unarmed options in Norway

  1. #11
    Generally I would avoid Krav Maga.

    Find a good MMA or BJJ gym, and realize that it’s going to take significantly more time than a weekend seminar to really learn how to fight.

    Maybe a silly question but is carrying a knife possible?

    Honestly if it’s getting that sketchy, I just wouldn’t be there. I’m not religious, though, so likely he and I view this much differently.

  2. #12
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  3. #13
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAD View Post
    A buddy has been having lots of interesting interactions with Iranians at church in Norway. He is looking for a source of pepper spray, which is moderately illegal; I don't think he's going to find much.

    So, the next best thing would probably be something like an ECQC class. Do we know any competent trainers in Norway or Finland?
    I was wearing this when I was in Finland...
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  4. #14
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    Unarmed options in Norway

    Quote Originally Posted by Clusterfrack View Post
    I was wearing this when I was in Finland...
    Darn it…. I’ve only been in Finland for I think 2 days, but have been extremely impressed from that short visit and the 2 Finnish guys I know….
    It looks like weapons laws are as restrictive there as in most of Europe?

    Dang, I better start learning Czech.

    Edited to add: or Polish; got dozens of friends in Poland from work.

  5. #15
    Site Supporter rob_s's Avatar
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    My wife’s mother is Norwegian. My wife did two study abroad years there when young, we have hosted the Norwegian cousins several times here, and I have been there once (we are anxious to go back, actually).

    I really feel for them. Prior to discovering oil they weren’t a rich country. My MIL moved here prior to the oil. Since the oil they have enjoyed great wealth as a country, but as a people they are largely naive to the world. The resistance fighters from WWII are dead and/or forgotten. They are all now fat and ignorant of the world. They have that naïveté that many isolated wealthy peoples have they think everyone else is like them. So they open their borders, they let folks in, and now they have encampments where the immigrants literally shit in their rivers (these are, thankfully, still very isolated situations for now).

    When the cousins come here and we talk, they are still blissfully cheerful. They are all in their 60s and I hope they get to keep that optimism for the rest of their lives. I suspect their children and grandchildren are starting to see the consequences of their parents’ immigration policies, as they aren’t yet rich enough to have their own Hytte to retreat to and hide from the world.

    Even the other, non-oil-finding, Scandinavian countries harbor some jealousy towards their (relatively newly) rich neighbors.

    All of that said, I never felt scared or threatened when we were there. We spent some time in the countryside, and some time in Oslo. I suspect that, now just a few years later, that may have changed in the City. Funnily enough when we were there before the most disliked I felt was in the countryside at a restaurant getting mean-mugged by the white Norwegians for being American.

    I would offer that if your friend is feeling uncomfortable to to groups of men, particularly at a church, he assemble his own group of men.

    I love Norway, and the people there, but I fear that in my children’s lifetime it will drastically change for the worse. I’m so glad we got to go when we did, and I’m hopeful that things won’t change too much by the time we get to go back.
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  6. #16
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Maybe something...traditional?

  7. #17
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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  8. #18
    Site Supporter rob_s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Maybe something...traditional?

    that would seem to me to be pretty viable. Chances are whatever sort of rabble is getting roused outside won't have much more, and I don't think I've ever been in a church that wasn't in the middle of some sort of repairs and/or project.
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  9. #19
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    that would seem to me to be pretty viable. Chances are whatever sort of rabble is getting roused outside won't have much more, and I don't think I've ever been in a church that wasn't in the middle of some sort of repairs and/or project.
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  10. #20
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    I suggest asking a Norwegian cop for advice about self defense. If it were me, I would not risk being arrested even if I had to retreat--especially if I were ignorant of the law. Norway very likely has its own version of bullshit hate crime criteria.

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