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Thread: Nightforce NX8 1-8 thoughts and experience in 2022

  1. #41
    [MENTION=2839]ASH556[/MENTION] are you still liking this set up? I am thinking about trying an LPVO again and was going to try this route on a 16” carbine. Perhaps with an Acro up top.
    Quote Originally Posted by ASH556 View Post
    Member [MENTION=14913]oregon45[/MENTION] asked me in another thread how I liked my Nightforce NX8 1-8. Rather than derail that thread, I figured I'd create a separate post about it. I did a search and it looked like the most recent discussion was a few years old and mostly hype from when it was first released. So, this is my attempt to provide some feedback on it.

    This is actually the second NX8 1-8 I've had. I got the first one in October of 2018 a few months after they were released. I used that one a fair amount in various environments from flat range drills to hunting. I ended up selling it in May of 2019 as part of my overall withdrawal from pursuing shooting and guns at that time. Even so, I had considered moving away from it. There were things I didn't like about it, but in retrospect, most of those had to do with what I now deem to be unrealistic expectations of what that scope is good at.

    1. It is not a replacement for a red dot outside of static range drills. This is my opinion and others may disagree. That's fine. For me, in static positions or even with one-dimensional movement, it does work like a red dot. Fairly flat image, nice bright illumination. However, in multi-dimensional movement and, more importantly, less than ideal shooting positions, it certainly suffers compared to a red dot. Frankly, in my experience, every LPVO including the renowned Vortex Razor 1-6 struggles here. It's just what happens when you have tubes and lenses like that.
    2. It is not a long range precision optic. Yes, it's FFP. Yes it has Mil stadia. However, the reticle design does not lend itself well to shooting groups or small things far away.

    Initially this led me to dismissing the optic altogether as overpriced and a "worst of both worlds compromise." My line became, "If you have to add a red dot, why not put it on a real scope like a 2.5-10 or something with even more top end magnification?"

    I've seen many others go down this path as well. On paper, the logic seems to make sense. If all you ever do is shoot from static positions, it will also seems to make sense.

    So why did a buy another NX8 and how do I like it?

    Short answer: I love it! I've been messing with AR's very heavily since 2002 and have had more configurations than you can shake a stick at; including several high-end optic setups. The NX8 with a piggybacked RMR does everything I want an AR15 to do and does it better than anything else I've tried.

    The piggyback RMR is a lot of the magic here. Once you don't have to try to get the "scope" to work like an "Aimpoint," you can do a lot of different things. In several situations mostly revolving around nighttime armadillo hunting, I found myself wanting a more heads-up searching posture with the AR rather than the traditional cheek weld. The piggyback RMR does this perfectly. I think a lot of guys get hung up on the cheek weld vs "chin weld" thing and end up going with an offset RDS mount because they feel like they can transition to the scope faster and maintain cheek weld. To me, that's backwards. The scope is the secondary optic. The RMR is the primary optic and I only use the scope when I need more magnification for ID, Precision, etc. At that point, it's a simple dropping of the cheek into the cheek weld to use the scope.

    Ok, but why the NX8? The NX8 is not the worst of both worlds compromise I once thought it was, but rather the best of both, but it is still a compromise. It's size and weight are huge gains compared to most magnified optics. The glass quality is superb as well. I was able to better observe and shoot better groups as well with the NX8 compared to a 10X Leupold Mark 4. In a pinch if the RMR were to fail somehow, the NX8 also works much better at 1X than that 3.5-10 Leupold with Mil-Dot reticle.

    Is it the answer for everyone? Of course not. People will have preferences, biases, and budgets. However, if you go into it with the right expectations, I believe you will be well pleased.

  2. #42
    Site Supporter ASH556's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coal Train View Post
    [MENTION=2839]ASH556[/MENTION] are you still liking this set up? I am thinking about trying an LPVO again and was going to try this route on a 16” carbine. Perhaps with an Acro up top.
    I think it's probably about the best setup for a general purpose rifle. I'm no longer using it, mostly because I don't really have much use for a rifle. I tend towards minimalism, and the thought of at that money in glass just sitting in the safe finally got the best of me this past fall. I reasoned that for my "needs" (which is mostly the thing sitting in the safe) an Aimpoint and Magnifier would probably get me 75% of the capability at 1/2 the cost. The capability equation shifts a little as well given my lack of opportunity to make shots past 200 yds without going to a lot of trouble, travel, etc. For 200yds and in, which is probably close to the realistic limit of my 11.5" gun anyway, an Aimpoint and Magnifier probably gets me closer to 90% of the capability.

    If someone is a really enthusiastic user, knows what they're doing, and has the means, the NX8 w/piggyback dot is the best solution I can think of. Hope this helps!

    Here's where I landed for my "sit in the safe" gun. For reference, I just checked my round counts google sheet and I put 80 rounds through this rifle in 2024, 40 of which were zeroing the dot and irons and confirming lack of parallax with the magnifier.

    Last edited by ASH556; 01-10-2025 at 12:18 PM.
    Food Court Apprentice
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  3. #43
    Site Supporter dontshakepandas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coal Train View Post
    [MENTION=2839]ASH556[/MENTION] are you still liking this set up? I am thinking about trying an LPVO again and was going to try this route on a 16” carbine. Perhaps with an Acro up top.
    I ran an NX8 with a top mounted Acro for almost 2 years. I've since switched that rifle over to a Gen II Razor, but I till like the NX8 quite a bit and wouldn't have any issues running it.

    With the right gun, the NX8 provides good performance from 0-500 yards. The eyebox and field of view aren't great, but the reticle, weight, and illumination are all fantastic.

    I switched to the Razor because I picked up a 4-16 ATACR for a different rifle which serves my 0-500 yards needs better (although much heavier), and feel the Razor gives very good performance from 0-300 and then just ok performance from 300 - 500.

    Most of my shooting is 50 yards and in so I wanted an optic best suited for that.

  4. #44
    Site Supporter Colt191145lover's Avatar
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    Its not a perfect optic at its best if treated as a 1-6 with 8x available from a steady position. Unlike a lot of FFP optics I can still use the reticle on 1x if the batteries die.
    I wish I could afford to put one on most of my hunting rifles and ARs .

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by ASH556 View Post
    I reasoned that for my "needs" (which is mostly the thing sitting in the safe) an Aimpoint and Magnifier would probably get me 75% of the capability at 1/2 the cost. The capability equation shifts a little as well given my lack of opportunity to make shots past 200 yds without going to a lot of trouble, travel, etc. For 200yds and in, which is probably close to the realistic limit of my 11.5" gun anyway, an Aimpoint and Magnifier probably gets me closer to 90% of the capability.
    The main use for mine too is safe sitting but I have been more diligent in practicing the last few months. I have another AR set up with a dot and was thinking of trying the LPVO again but I also considered just putting the spare EOTech on it. I have also considered a magnifier + dot.

    Quote Originally Posted by dontshakepandas View Post
    With the right gun, the NX8 provides good performance from 0-500 yards. The eyebox and field of view aren't great, but the reticle, weight, and illumination are all fantastic.

    I switched to the Razor because I picked up a 4-16 ATACR for a different rifle which serves my 0-500 yards needs better (although much heavier), and feel the Razor gives very good performance from 0-300 and then just ok performance from 300 - 500.

    Most of my shooting is 50 yards and in so I wanted an optic best suited for that.
    This is a helpful perspective so thanks for sharing it. And I also just put an ATACR 4-16 on a .308 and you are defiantly right, it is noticeably heavy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colt191145lover View Post
    Its not a perfect optic at its best if treated as a 1-6 with 8x available from a steady position. Unlike a lot of FFP optics I can still use the reticle on 1x if the batteries die.
    I wish I could afford to put one on most of my hunting rifles and ARs .
    Thanks for sharing your perspective.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontshakepandas View Post
    I ran an NX8 with a top mounted Acro for almost 2 years. I've since switched that rifle over to a Gen II Razor, but I till like the NX8 quite a bit and wouldn't have any issues running it.

    With the right gun, the NX8 provides good performance from 0-500 yards. The eyebox and field of view aren't great, but the reticle, weight, and illumination are all fantastic.

    I switched to the Razor because I picked up a 4-16 ATACR for a different rifle which serves my 0-500 yards needs better (although much heavier), and feel the Razor gives very good performance from 0-300 and then just ok performance from 300 - 500.

    Most of my shooting is 50 yards and in so I wanted an optic best suited for that.

    I currently have an NX8 1-8 and I bought a Razor 1-6 because I remember the eyebox being far more forgiving but the Razor I just got in the mail isn't as forgiving as I remember. The one I had checked our previously was a 34mm model so= maybe the switch from 34mm to 30mm tube impacted eyebox, most likely my memory just isn't accurate. The more I fiddle with LPVO the more I kind of think I don't actually want or need one. I know it's slower by every measurable standard but I kind of feel like an ACOG was pretty awesome when I had it or Sig Romeo 4T with 3 or 5x magnifier might be better for me.

  7. #47
    Site Supporter dontshakepandas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrozowjj View Post
    I currently have an NX8 1-8 and I bought a Razor 1-6 because I remember the eyebox being far more forgiving but the Razor I just got in the mail isn't as forgiving as I remember. The one I had checked our previously was a 34mm model so= maybe the switch from 34mm to 30mm tube impacted eyebox, most likely my memory just isn't accurate. The more I fiddle with LPVO the more I kind of think I don't actually want or need one. I know it's slower by every measurable standard but I kind of feel like an ACOG was pretty awesome when I had it or Sig Romeo 4T with 3 or 5x magnifier might be better for me.
    I actually tried a TA02 with a top mounted Acro in between the NX8 and the Razor and as much as I wanted to like it, I just didn't. The eye relief is too short to be usable for me. I'm 6'2 and run the stock pretty far out, so maybe that would work better for short people or anyone who likes to shoot nose to charging handle, but it didn't work for me. I would take the NX8 over the Acog all day every day. It was lighter than the NX8, but not enough to make up for the amount of capability it gives up.

    The eyebox on the NX8 isn't nearly as bad as some people say, but the Razor is just on a different level. I can get a usable sight picture (some shadow but can still easily get a shot off) with my nose to the charging handle or with my face all the way on the back of my stock. The NX8 also gives more of the looking through a tube feeling even with perfect eye position, but the Razor feels like you're looking through a magical portal.

  8. #48
    Site Supporter Sensei's Avatar
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    I have both the 1-8 NX8 and ATACR. The NX8 is on this 16” MCX Spear LT:
    Name:  Sig Spear LT 8.jpg
Views: 142
Size:  67.0 KB

    The ATACR is on this LMT MARS-L:
    Name:  LMT MARS-L 1.jpg
Views: 135
Size:  86.1 KB

    As others have mentioned, the NX8 suffers from eyebox issues when doing non-static shooting at low power, and even at 8X while fairly static. The ATACR is far more forgiving, especially at higher magnifications. I plan to drop a RDS on the NX8 this spring to account for dynamic shooting needs around barriers at low magnification.

    Moreover, I’m very closely watching the arrival of the new PA Compact PLx 1-8X FFP with updated daylight bright reticle. I may put this on my 11.5” MCX Spear LT pistol/SBR that is now sporting an Aimpoint CompM4:
    Name:  Spear-LT 3.jpg
Views: 133
Size:  61.4 KB
    I like my rifles like my women - short, light, fast, brown, and suppressed.

  9. #49
    Site Supporter ASH556's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrozowjj View Post
    I currently have an NX8 1-8 and I bought a Razor 1-6 because I remember the eyebox being far more forgiving but the Razor I just got in the mail isn't as forgiving as I remember. The one I had checked our previously was a 34mm model so= maybe the switch from 34mm to 30mm tube impacted eyebox, most likely my memory just isn't accurate. The more I fiddle with LPVO the more I kind of think I don't actually want or need one. I know it's slower by every measurable standard but I kind of feel like an ACOG was pretty awesome when I had it or Sig Romeo 4T with 3 or 5x magnifier might be better for me.
    An ACOG is pretty good so long as you and/or the target aren't moving inside 100yds and you don't need to do anything inside 25yds. The 3.5X TA11 is better than the 4X TA31 I think, but comes at a size/weight penalty. I had an RMR piggybacked on a TA01 crosshair model for a minute and that wasn't too bad. ACOG's do have really good glass.
    Food Court Apprentice
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  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
    I have both the 1-8 NX8 and ATACR.
    Any guess on a comparison of the 1-8 NX8 with a top dot vs. the ATACR and no dot?

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