“Formerly we suffered from crimes; now we suffer from laws.” - Tacitus.
There's also the old Jim Crews standard of 3 rds in a single hole at 3 yds.
"For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night."
-- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy --
Here was my attempt today. HKP30V3 Heinie Straight Eight Qwik from concealment. 7.66 sec. In all fairness the sun was at my back and made the painted top serration glow like a red dot, it was shall we say, helpful.
Participation does not equal Proficiency
- Mike Pannone
Only had time to run it twice before a class, getting 8 hits in 5.6-5.8 secs from a draw. Need to slow down on this one, for sure. Great test.
I tried a variation of "The Test" yesterday at the range. Call it the "Double Test".
Two B8 repair centers used (Either side-by-side or on two separate backers)
Two magazines loaded with 10rds each
Just repeat "The Test" twice with a slidelock reload in-between targets. I set the Par time @ 21 seconds.
10rds-reload-10rds on two separate B8's
I shot 'the test' at Ken's Advanced Tactical Pistol class in Carthage about a year ago.
A shooter using an ex-unit 1911 right beside me shot 100/100. Kinda tough to follow that, but I ended up with a 99/100 using a borrowed Gen4 G19 with Hackathorn Ameriglo sights. I was pretty happy with the results.
I can pretty consistently shoot in the mid to high 90's, occasionally cleaning it.
I'll have to try the 'double test' next time I get on a range (haven't been able to do any shooting since June/July due to work and family commitments).