I'm considering going into the financial planning career field within the next couple years. I got interested in finance a few years back after looking in my personal situation, and 2020 drove that even deeper, and running the business in 2021 has encouraged that even more. Being in my late 30's, it's not realistic to keep doing field work chucking logs for many more years every day, and company size/location means we have limited opportunities to hire folks as well. So I'm looking at a career field change in 2-3 years in all likelihood.

Winds up I actually do like the puzzles of fitting personal goals and finding ways for finances to support those goals, a lot. Does anybody here have any insight to working as a personal advisor, accountant, or other parts of the career field beyond as a teller? Any advice, lessons to pass along, etc.?

I do have an associates and a bachelor's degree already (non-business), and am starting to study for CLEP's in the mean time to prep for taking the CFP exam.