E-form 4 on a single RP trust, for a Griffin Armament HRT 556. It was certified on 19April24 approved 03Sep24, 137 days.
E-form 4 on a single RP trust, for a Griffin Armament HRT 556. It was certified on 19April24 approved 03Sep24, 137 days.
Form 4 Suppressor, trust 1 RP. E file on 8/27, approval 9/13.
I didn't realize the trust ones had sped up
Oof that's nice lol. I'm the same as you and it was still over 4 months. That is amazing to see a trust go that fast though. I had heard rumblings of some of them getting approved that fast, but yours is the only firsthand experience I've seen.
Right! I'm hearing "womp wop" and "The Price is Right" losing buzzer reading that lol.
Yeah, I had heard rumors that the trust applications would be speeding up but this is my only first-hand experience with it so far. I'm most likely just won the lottery and my next submission which will happen before the end of the year will probably take 18 months or something now.
That’s great, though - I’m not going to be surprised if mine is done soon. And this is after a seven day 1RP eForm 1 SBS a few months ago.
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
(2) Form 4s for Suppressors, filed as individual
Submitted 9/17/24 4:53PM
Approved 9/18/24 2:16PM
Submitted 9/17/24 4:42PM
Approved 9/18/24 2:14PM
Family member just had a trust form 4 for suppressor get approved at 7 days.
Form 4 I filed at 1800 on 10/29/2024 just came back approved at 1620 on 10/31/2024. So just a little less than 48 hours... Could get used to these times.
" The State is what it is because the citizens are what they are. We may not expect better States until we have better men." - Plato
Form 4 single shot trust with silencershop.
Certified on 11/26 and approved on 12/4.