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Thread: Cloud Defensive Pistol Light

  1. #1
    Site Supporter Casey's Avatar
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    Cloud Defensive Pistol Light

    Anyone catch Cloud Defensive's IG post finally showing some detail on their upcoming pistol light? I'm pretty happy with my Modlite PL350s, but competition is a good thing, and the compact size of this one while maintaining output comparable to Modlite is impressive.

  2. #2
    Member GearFondler's Avatar
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    Well... That's impressive if they can pull it off. Kinda glad now I held off on the PL350.

  3. #3
    Site Supporter Erick Gelhaus's Avatar
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    Aside from the light, I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with their switching. Given my handsize/finger length, simple rocker switches do not interest me.

  4. #4
    Member SoCalDep's Avatar
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    Yeah buddy!

    I’d wish for a pressure switch but it probably won’t happen...I’m still excited that technology is evolving. I’ll be buying one!

  5. #5
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    Cloud Defensive said in an interview/podcast with "We Like Shooting" that it would not be a traditional rocker switch, but a new design that is currently on its 15th design cycle.

    They talk about history of the company, the OWL, the REIN -- and then get to pistol lights somewhere in the second half of the recording.

    They also talk about the handheld light they're releasing.

  6. #6
    They start the pistol light discussion about 1:10:-- in the video.

    Based on the teasers, this looks like a vastly better option than the PL350, at least for me, as well as the other full size/power pistol lights out there based on its high output without a massive form factor.

    ETA: The video doesn't have any significant info not contained in the picture in OP.
    Last edited by TicTacticalTimmy; 09-23-2021 at 07:48 PM.

  7. #7
    I'm kind of surprised that we're still seeing lights based on round/tubular batteries. With Surefire and Streamlight both making flat "pocket knife" lights I figured this would spill over to handguns. Something rectangular in basic shape that fits the general contour of modern duty pistols that has an access hatch to change the battery or allow the light to be charged on the gun.

    Granted this would depart from the 123 or 18350 series of batteries that you may or may not be running in an accompanying rifle light. Is that a big deal? Probably the bigger deal is someone stepping away from an existing battery format and taking a gamble on a new rectangular battery.

    In this same way I'm surprised that SIG or one of the aftermarket companies isn't making a 320 grip module with the light an integral part. It would still have a removable head to access the battery and/or change the head to something with more or less throw vs spill or whatever. But such a frame would be thinner and less bulky than two separate units. A pressure switch could also be formed directly in so there would be no exposed wires or other stuff between the light and switch.

    SIG already does a laser that's a part of the grip module. Could sales be so dismal that it has soured them on an integral light?

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  8. #8
    Site Supporter Trukinjp13's Avatar
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    I am very curious on these. They make solid stuff and r&d their gear hard. I also would like a new style switch that is easier to use esp with gloves on in the winter. Sometimes it’s hard for me to get a constant on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Have any holster makers been given samples to make molds?

    [MENTION=69]orionz06[/MENTION] [MENTION=2507]Tony Mayer[/MENTION]

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tokarev View Post
    I'm kind of surprised that we're still seeing lights based on round/tubular batteries. With Surefire and Streamlight both making flat "pocket knife" lights I figured this would spill over to handguns. Something rectangular in basic shape that fits the general contour of modern duty pistols that has an access hatch to change the battery or allow the light to be charged on the gun.
    I think there are too many downsides to going smaller/flatter. The trend in weaponlights is definitely towards higher candela/lux. Smaller reflectors/optics make for very floody lights. If you are going to use a big round light head for throw, then you might as well use an existing battery. A single, front-loaded 18350 seems like a pretty good option for a pistol WML. That makes for an easy battery change without removing the light and not having to bother with charging an integral battery.

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