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Thread: Old Bakersfield PD qual

  1. #221
    Join Date
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    Living across the Golden Bridge , and through the Rainbow Tunnel, somewhere north of Fantasyland.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Hearne View Post
    The current times on the Bakersfield qual are just an artifact of there particular turning target system. It can only do times in whole seconds so they rounded up.
    This happened to our target system when Meggitt, or whatever they're called now, upgraded our software to Range 10000. Previously had the ability to do quarter second increments. How in the hell this was considered an upgrade is a mystery.

  2. #222
    Member John Hearne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMC View Post
    This happened to our target system when Meggitt, or whatever they're called now, upgraded our software to Range 10000. Previously had the ability to do quarter second increments. How in the hell this was considered an upgrade is a mystery.
    I roll my eyes at this stuff. My redneck tech turner just runs off of an old CED-6000 timer. Can do increments of 0.10 second and as quick as 0.60.

    Excellence in law enforcement shooting is a lost cause. I'm sure there's not POST qual that requires performance in anything less than a 1 second increment.
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  3. #223
    Slower with 2 layers
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  4. #224

    Turning target bakersfield

    Gave this drill a go with my new iron sighted m9a1 compact. I went ahead and printed out the original target and pasted it onto an ialefi q. I shot the drill from aiwb and I used the current bakersfield pd par times for a turning target system. The target turners at the range I have access to do not allow for anything other than whole second increments. I think using the original target adds a layer of difficulty because of the lack of a defined point of aim. I also had to adjust the distances slightly because my range is yds only. I will say I prefer the challenge of the original par times vs the current ones for the turning target system. I think the original par times are well within reach for most people and I've shot multiple 95s using my rmr'd glock 26 from aiwb. Overall still a great test of skill in 10 rounds.

  5. #225

    100 with a TDA and Iron Sights

    I decided to revisit this drill using the original par times and a slight increase in distances due to the target system at my range only allowing for yds. I was finally able to pull off my 1st 100 pt run on this drill. I shot this at the end of my range session using a beretta m9a1 compact drawn from aiwb with the manual safety engaged. The final string tends to be the most difficult for me especially with the smaller 7 inch scoring zone of the original target. I'm very pleased with the outcome of this run especially since it was done using iron sights.
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  6. #226
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  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by John Hearne View Post
    The current times on the Bakersfield qual are just an artifact of there particular turning target system. It can only do times in whole seconds so they rounded up.

  8. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by John Hearne View Post
    I roll my eyes at this stuff. My redneck tech turner just runs off of an old CED-6000 timer. Can do increments of 0.10 second and as quick as 0.60.

    Excellence in law enforcement shooting is a lost cause. I'm sure there's not POST qual that requires performance in anything less than a 1 second increment.
    This some more

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