I've been shooting intermittently for a few years now, and have just recently decided that I want to get serious with practicing, training, and possibly competing. My shooting experience up until now has been renting something at the local range for an hour a couple of times a year. I'm basically a blank slate in terms of equipment and experience. I don't have any monetary investment in any particular platform, such as hundreds of dollars sunk into holsters, magazines, and accessories. Nor do I have any significant experience (muscle memory) with any particular platform. About a month ago I started going to the range every weekend, renting 9mm pistols (gen 4 Glock 19, M&P9, XDM), and seeing what I did and didn't like. Out of those three I preferred the Glock 19. It points naturally for me, and the gen 4 grip fit my smallish hands (for a guy) decently. Besides shooting preference, the plethora of accessories for Glocks is also appealing. I also like the size of the Glock 19, not too small as to be uncomfortable for a lot of shooting, but not too big for defense and concealment. I intend to shoot about 100-200 rounds of 9mm per month, supplemented with a few hundred rounds of .22 per month to practice my fundamentals.
Price-wise, the mid-range price of a gen 4 Glock 19 is best for my budget. For the $900 of an HK I can get the Glock 19 and a lot of ammunition for practice. I'd like to stick with 9mm, unless the issues with the gen 4 Glock 23s have been iron out and I can be convinced that avoiding the issues with the gen 4 Glock 19s is worth the increased cost of .40 ammunition. I also prefer the operational simplicity of striker-fired pistols, although I'm not opposed to other actions if someone wants to convince me otherwise.
It just seems that, based on all the reading I've been doing, that purchasing a gen 4 Glock 19 is a bit of a crapshoot, with some pistols being fine and some have tons of troubles, including troubles that don't appear until 1000-4000 round have been shot through the pistol.
Given that I'm a blank slate that could start with pretty much anything, would it be worth it for me to make my investment in a gen 4 Glock 19 and accessories, or choose something else to avoid the Glock 19 issues?
Extra information: I'm one of those lucky shooters who are right-handed, but left-eye dominant. When I began shooting I made the decision to shoot from my left side instead of my right, and I've shot enough for it to be comfortable and natural for my left hand to be my primary hand and my right hand to be my support hand.