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Thread: Hornady's 6mm ARC. Who's all in?

  1. #11
    Site Supporter Shotgun's Avatar
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    I am in the Grendel crowd. I think target shooters are going to prefer the ARC for long range shooting; ARC ballistics are better than the Grendel. However, it's hard to beat the Grendel for pigs and predator hunting. I do not speak from any experience with the ARC. I hear of some Grendel shooters who have had some fun shooting the ARC, but they prefer the Grendel for pigs. The extra bullet weight of the Grendel is preferred.
    "Rich," the Old Man said dreamily, "is a little whiskey to drink and some food to eat and a roof over your head and a fish pole and a boat and a gun and a dollar for a box of shells." Robert Ruark

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Bergeron View Post
    There's a lot that I find attractive about the cartridge; bullet weight, muzzle velocity, exterior ballistics, use of an existing bolt face- but I'm not sure if I favor it in an AR-15. Those x39 bolt faces are thin, and while I'm not concerned about catastrophic failure, I am suspicious of long term bolt face durability in the small frame bolt face. I'd also prefer to be able to get 30 round polymer mags.

    I think this round would be perfect for an "AR-12", mid-sized between our traditional large and small frame guns. It also seems like it would be fun on one of those quick-change barrel, belt fed HK roller locks that costs like a decent used car.
    Mad Dog Weapons Systems is (or was, as may be the case) working on selling a "mid-sized" receiver set based on the LWRC 6.8 pattern. His idea was to use a metal mag and load the various 6, 6.5 and .270 Wildcats to 2.35" or whatever would be possible on the longer receiver sets. This gets pretty proprietary and would be pretty niche but it would open up a good deal of possibility for some interesting high performance cartridges.

    A similar option would be the CMMG Mutant. That is an "in between" AR that's based around an AR10 bolt and 7.62x39 magazine.

    But neither of these really meet the Army's specs for the 6 ARC as I understand them.

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  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Shotgun View Post
    I am in the Grendel crowd. I think target shooters are going to prefer the ARC for long range shooting; ARC ballistics are better than the Grendel. However, it's hard to beat the Grendel for pigs and predator hunting. I do not speak from any experience with the ARC. I hear of some Grendel shooters who have had some fun shooting the ARC, but they prefer the Grendel for pigs. The extra bullet weight of the Grendel is preferred.
    Bullet weights get pretty close I think. There are people loading the Berger 115 VLD Hunting in the ARC now. I think I saw on one of the forums that someone is also messing with the Nosler 115 RDF.

    Is there anything for the Grendel heavier than 120-123?

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  4. #14
    Gray Hobbyist Wondering Beard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tokarev View Post
    Yep. I linked that article in my first post. Good stuff!

    Sorry about that.

    That's what happens when one reads too fast. :-(
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  5. #15
    Site Supporter Shotgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tokarev View Post
    Is there anything for the Grendel heavier than 120-123?
    Yes. There is a 129 SST. Look at -- not that any are available.
    "Rich," the Old Man said dreamily, "is a little whiskey to drink and some food to eat and a roof over your head and a fish pole and a boat and a gun and a dollar for a box of shells." Robert Ruark

  6. #16
    Site Supporter OlongJohnson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bergeron View Post
    There's a lot that I find attractive about the cartridge; bullet weight, muzzle velocity, exterior ballistics, use of an existing bolt face- but I'm not sure if I favor it in an AR-15. Those x39 bolt faces are thin, and while I'm not concerned about catastrophic failure, I am suspicious of long term bolt face durability in the small frame bolt face. I'd also prefer to be able to get 30 round polymer mags.
    This is where I am. I was recently reminded by doing a lap around the "would that really be better than..." rabbit hole that included 6.5G. Officially-approved max pressures are held modest in the G due to the large case head and issues with that in an AR. Smaller cases that can go to higher pressure will launch the same weight bullet just as fast, and may not have the potential for feeding issues. I don't see how making it a 6mm is going to change that.

    I like the 6.8, I mean .30 Remington-based model better in an AR.

    I do think it would be cool if someone who has the capacity to get commercial legs under it would do a Commie-size casehead, 40-ish grain 6.5 or 6.8 cartridge in an AR-12ish rifle. But there's a whole other thread where we discussed that.
    DA dork.

  7. #17
    Mod Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Hornady's 6mm ARC. Who's all in?

    My 16” lightweight Grendel is the most fun rifle I own. It is good on steel out to 1150yds, has basically unlimited barrel and brass life, and is easy and relatively cheap to reload. Being limited to bullets like the 123 Match King is actually an advantage to me: no BS and fiddling with loads. One load. That’s it.

    The 6 ARC does look versatile. But I’m not interested.
    Instructor/540 Training

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Clusterfrack View Post

    The 6 ARC does look versatile. But I’m not interested.
    That's because you're stuck in the 2010s, man! It is 2021. You need to get with the times!

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  9. #19
    Here's some velocity data I stole from Hornady.

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  10. #20
    White Oak Armament's take on the 6mm ARC as of about a year ago. I wonder if the opinion has changed. True that the 7.62x39 or Grendel bolt face is pretty thin but are bolt failures all that common? Heck, I've seen .223 bolts fail. I guess nothing lasts forever exception M1 Garand bolts....

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