You know, that's a good reminder that I should brush up one some of my self-defense targeted techniques. My gym has kind of a "competition-oriented, but traditionally-influenced" kind of culture to it. We don't train with strikes practically ever, but we don't do a lot of berimbolos and worm guard either. My instructor's philosophy tends to be that if you can handle yourself in competition the "right" way -- get on top, smash people, grab something and twist -- you'll be in good shape if you get in a fight. I haven't gotten in enough fights to argue that one way or the other... but I also haven't gone live with gloves on in some time (or been the range at all... yuck ammo prices).
I certainly started this with the intent to learn how to defend myself... but ended up enjoying the art for its own sake so much I stopped thinking about it too much. Of course, it didn't help that it's a *lot* easier with kids to go to a 5 am class every day while they sleep than to try to make it to the range in prime "your turn!" family time. New goal: set some time aside for the original point of all this.
2nd goal -- follow the ECQC schedule like a hawk so I can register before the class fills up next time ;-)