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Thread: IDPA & Ported Barrels

  1. #1

    IDPA & Ported Barrels

    Are ported barrels allowed in any of the classes for IDPA? Thanks

  2. #2
    No, you would need to replace the barrel with an non ported one if such a change is allowed in your division.

    might want to add this to your library...

  3. #3
    You can shoot them in a local match in NFC (not for competition) Division.

  4. #4
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    Seems kind of short sighted to not allow them, given the number of factory ported/comped revolvers and pistols that S&W and others offer as carry guns. Not to mention Magna Port etc. that people do actually carry as defensive handguns.
    Be Aware-Stay Safe. Gunfighting Is A Thinking Man's Game. So We Might Want To Bring Thinking Back Into It.

  5. #5
    Member Wheeler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MDFA View Post
    Seems kind of short sighted to not allow them, given the number of factory ported/comped revolvers and pistols that S&W and others offer as carry guns. Not to mention Magna Port etc. that people do actually carry as defensive handguns.
    IDPA actually took the long view on this when the original rules were written. The goal was to prevent equipment races such as those that had developed in IPSC. While there are certain divisions that tend to dominate matches now, the decision to not allow ported or compensated barrels still holds true to that initial ruling. It would require an entire revamping of the rules to include them in all divisions and a complete waste of time to set up a separate division for what should be fairly obvious reasons.

    The amount of people that actually carry a ported or compensated pistol isn’t really that great. Don’t be misled by the vocal minority talking about the Roland-esque gats. Most serious defensive instructors recommend against ported guns, especially if they teach any sort of entangled fighting.
    Men freely believe that which they desire.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wheeler View Post
    IDPA actually took the long view on this when the original rules were written. The goal was to prevent equipment races such as those that had developed in IPSC. While there are certain divisions that tend to dominate matches now, the decision to not allow ported or compensated barrels still holds true to that initial ruling. It would require an entire revamping of the rules to include them in all divisions and a complete waste of time to set up a separate division for what should be fairly obvious reasons.

    The amount of people that actually carry a ported or compensated pistol isn’t really that great. Don’t be misled by the vocal minority talking about the Roland-esque gats. Most serious defensive instructors recommend against ported guns, especially if they teach any sort of entangled fighting.
    I'm well aware of the original intent. I've been a member since 2003 and a SO since 2004 and have run several state championships. I'm also a serious defensive instructor for over 30 years. Just saying it might be time for the board to take another look at it.
    Be Aware-Stay Safe. Gunfighting Is A Thinking Man's Game. So We Might Want To Bring Thinking Back Into It.

  7. #7
    Member Wheeler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MDFA View Post
    I'm well aware of the original intent. I've been a member since 2003 and a SO since 2004 and have run several state championships. I'm also a serious defensive instructor for over 30 years. Just saying it might be time for the board to take another look at it.
    If you’ve been around that long and are that involved you’re probably aware that your best bet is to talk to IDPA HQ directly. It would help to have a plan to address the issues I pointed out above if you want your suggestion to gain any traction. Cheers
    Men freely believe that which they desire.
    Julius Caesar

  8. #8
    I shot IPSC for several seasons, become a convert to IDPA in 1997 and took off ALL compensators.
    I have been swinging both ways for a while now and have no inclination to buy an Open gun, Limited is fine, no difference from ESP but magazine capacity.

    But I see the carry comp type guns with a following here and they have joined the constant plaint of "why can't I compete with my carry gun?"

    To the advocates, OK, where will you put them? A new Division of their own? There are already more Divisions than will be well represented at any but the biggest matches. Let them into ESP under the Gentlemen's Agreement and start an "arms race" that will make me need to recreate my old IPSC Modified gun?

    Same thing in USPSA. Such guns would now be placed in Open vs 30 shot scope sighted match machinery, so how would you make them welcome?
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  9. #9
    Site Supporter 1911Nut's Avatar
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    After much competition and participation in IDPA and some in USPSA, I am firmly convinced that all the division and equipment rules could have been much, much simpler and saved countless thousands of hours discussing and cussing if something like the following had been done:

    Division 1 - Really Little
    Fits in a really little box with the lid closed and with empty magazine installed, weighs a maximum of _.__ ounces

    Division 2 - Little
    Fits in a little box and - - - - - - - - - -

    Division 3 - Medium
    Fits in a medium box and - - - - - - - - -

    Division 4 - Large
    Fits in a large box and - - - - - - - - - -

    Division 5 - Really Large
    Fits in a really large box and - - - - - - - - - -

    You get the idea

    Other than not allowing disabling of safety devices there wouldn't be any other firearm equipment rules. NONE.

    Then we could focus on arguing about holsters, procedural penalties, cover garments. stage design, fault lines, scoring rings on the targets, scoring procedures, safety procedures, range officials, etc.

    I also believe it might reduce internet traffic up to 5% by eliminating questions about what guns are "legal in IDPA"

    But then, I am optimistic, and should know better.

  10. #10
    Member leekellerking's Avatar
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    IDPA & Ported Barrels - Zombie Revival

    I hope no one is upset for me reviving this thread, but the newest set of IDPA rules (2023) appears to allow ported barrels in ESP and Co. I say "appears" because the rules for ESP are internally inconsistent:

    A.2.1.5 Firearms originally sold as compensated/ported models may be used in ESP with noncompensated/ported barrels installed.

    But "ESP Permitted modifications" includes:

    A.2.3.2 Compensated and ported barrels that are incorporated into the firearm.

    Has anyone seen ported barrels used since the rule change?

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