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Thread: Regional Shooting Match Announcements

  1. #151
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va

    Feb 22 Update: Mid-Atlantic Region Match Listings

    *DISCLOSURES: While I make every effort to keep this list accurate and complete and updated, I am not responsible for errors and omissions. Please confirm information with each venue/match director and all dates and times. Matches may be cancelled at the last minute and regularly scheduled matches may not run in winter months.*
    *SAFETY: Please assume that ALL ranges and venues are cold ranges. Do not carry loaded firearms onto these ranges or properties unless you have received permission from the range owners/operators/match-directors or you know for certain you are allowed to carry hot onto the range. LEO's may be exempt from this, and it is up to you to know for certain it is allowed. The ONLY range that I know for certain that it’s okay to arrive and depart hot is the NRA range.*

    --- Thurmont, MD IDPA Match Sat, Feb 28 is still scheduled, unless weather turns bad
    --- North Mountain (Gravitas Tactical) Steel Match for Feb 28/Mar1 is CANCELLED
    --- Mass Ayoob MAG20 Training March 28-29, OnTarget, Ashland, VA
    --- Fredericksburg USPSA Match is cancelled for March
    --- TKA, LLC is no longer operating out of NRA Range. See website for updates
    --- West Virginia IDPA State Championship is CONFIRMED, Yours Truly Match Dir.
    Registration and Information HERE

    --- Peacemaker IDPA matches start March 14
    --- Summit Point permanently closed for shooting

    --- Tues, 6-9PM: CSA IDPA, Colonial Shooting Academy, Richmond, VA. Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. All skill levels.
    --- Wed 9AM-12PM: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. IDPA equipment required,
    --- Wed 1-6PM: Black Creek IDPA Weekly Match March 13-Oct 30, Mechanicsburg, VA, Open Registration, 36-60 Rounds, $10


    --- Virginia Indoor Regional IDPA Match, Chesapeake, VA, March 21-22
    --- Think of the Children IDPA Match, Lewistown, PA, Apr 25
    --- Maryland State IDPA Match, Lexington Park, MD, May 2
    --- Shoothouse Shootout IDPA Match CANCELLED, Moyock, NC, May 16-17
    --- West Virginia State IDPA Championship, Peacemaker, Gerrardstown, WV, June 12-14,
    --- York, PA Multigun Challenge, June 13-14,
    [/B]Registration Form
    --- Carolina Cup IDPA Match, Oxford, NC, June 18-20

    THE RANGE, OXFORD, NC: Every 1st and 2nd Sunday has a IDPA Match. Registration 11AM, Shoot at 1PM,
    YORK, PA ISAAC WALTON: 2nd Sundays and 4th Saturdays, Multi-Gun, Action Pistol,
    TARHEEL 3GUN (North Carolina 3Gun):
    USPSA AREA 8 (VA, MD, PA, DE, NJ):

    This is a summary of most upcoming events that are within a 4 hour drive of the DC Metro Area. Unless noted, all affiliated clubs follow current rules. indicates ones I plan to attend:

    --- Fri, Feb 27: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, Feb 28 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Feb 28: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, Feb 28: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Feb28: (Weather permitting) Thurmont IDPA Match, Register, email for more info.
    --- Sat, Feb 28: (CANCELLED) North Mountain Gravitas Monthly Steel Match


    --- Sun, Mar 1CANCELLED) North Mountain Gravitas Monthly Steel Match
    --- Sun, Mar 1: Sights Practical IDPA Match, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA), Just Show Up by 10AM! They have a shoothouse! Pizza provided at end of match. Bring your flashlight.
    --- Sun, Mar 1: (CANCELLED) Fredericksburg USPSA Monthly Match, Fredericksburg, VA, Sign-in 7:30AM, Briefing 8:45AM. $20-25, Registration 8PM Tue, week before: or Vince Sievert, Alan Pfeifer -
    --- Fri, Mar 6: AAFG IDPA Classifier Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Mar 7:Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. or
    --- Sat, Mar 7: AAFG Saturday IDPA Classifier Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot and MUST take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Email Jack to make the request: Email for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember, $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Mar 7: Sanners Lake Sportsmens Club IDPA Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Sun, Mar 8: New Holland Rifle and Pistol IDPA, Gap, PA. Registration 10AM, 7 COF, Fee: $15.00 or
    --- Sat, Mar 8: Sanners Lake Sportsmens Club Steel Challenge Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Wed, Mar 11: Blue Ridge Arsenal Handgun or 2Gun Match, IDPA-Style, Chantilly, VA, Indoor, Evenings only, (703) 818-0230 for slots, or
    --- Fri, Mar 13: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, Mar 14: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA PM Match ONLY, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, Mar 14: Peacemaker National Training Center USCA 2-Gun AM Match ONLY, Gerrardstown, WV
    -- Sat, Mar 14: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Mar 14: NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Mar 14: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club IDPA Match, Roanoke, VA. Second Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Mar 14: Black Creek Steel Plate Match, $20, Mechanicsville, VA, Signup for notices at Show up and shoot.
    --- Sun, Mar 15: TCSC USPSA Match, 10AM-2PM, Thurmont, MD, Sat 9AM Setup, (New Shooter orientation required) or
    --- Sun, Mar 15: Quantico USPSA Club Match, Quantico, VA, 8:30AM Safety Briefing. Signup Sunday night week before match at: and
    --- Sun, Mar 15: York, PA Double Action Multigun Match,
    --- Tue, Mar 17: TCSC IDPA Match, 2-4PM, Thurmont, MD, Must pre-register and be pre-qualified. Must help tear down stages. Setup starts at 12:30PM, 8 Stages, 80-130 rounds, $15, (New Shooters email
    --- Tue, Mar 17: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Slots available starting at 5PM, going to 9PM. Call 703-267-1402 to reserve a slot after Jan 7 at 8:30AM. Will sell out quickly. KSTG is very similar to IDPA but allows AIWB holstering and has some rules differences, but still uses cover and concealment. See the website for more information.
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Peacemaker National Training Center 3-GUN Match,
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation,
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Cavalier Monthly USPSA Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Rivanna IDPA Match, Charlottesville, VA. Registration 8:00-9AM to get in a squad and earlier departure. Must register by 11AM. and
    --- Sun, Mar 22: North Mountain Practical Shooters Match, AM and PM Squadding, 8AM Sat & Sun,
    --- Fri, Mar 27: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    -- Sat, Mar 14: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Mar 28 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Mar 28: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, Mar 28: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Mar 28: Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, 3-4 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! $15. Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down. and
    --- Sun, Mar 29: Thurmont IDPA Match, $15,Register, email for more info.

    --- 2nd Sundays: Hollidaysburg IDPA Match, Hollidaysburg, PA, or
    --- 2nd Saturdays: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA Match, Manassas, VA Email:
    --- Wednesday nights: Bedford County Pistol League, Bedford, PA, Bedford Toy Benefit, 6 stages, 200 rounds AM/PM squads, 8:15AM or 12:30PM Email Sandra Fletcher
    --- 5th Sat: AAFG USPSA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, USPSA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.

    A48040 IDPA
    A83038 USPSA
    Last edited by cclaxton; 02-22-2015 at 11:50 PM.
    That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;

  2. #152
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va

    Mar 17 Update: Mid-Atlantic Region Match Listings

    *DISCLOSURES: While I make every effort to keep this list accurate and complete and updated, I am not responsible for errors and omissions. Please confirm information with each venue/match director and all dates and times. Matches may be cancelled at the last minute and regularly scheduled matches may not run in winter months.*
    *SAFETY: Please assume that ALL ranges and venues are cold ranges. Do not carry loaded firearms onto these ranges or properties unless you have received permission from the range owners/operators/match-directors or you know for certain you are allowed to carry hot onto the range. LEO's may be exempt from this, and it is up to you to know for certain it is allowed. The ONLY range that I know for certain that it’s okay to arrive and depart hot is the NRA range.*

    --- NRA now supporting IDPA Matches 4th Tuesday evenings. 1st Match March 24.
    --- Thurmont, MD IDPA Classifier Match Sun, March 29 available for registration
    --- Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA Starts April 11 with Classifier
    --- Mass Ayoob MAG20 Training March 28-29, OnTarget, Ashland, VA
    --- Intermediate Competitive Handgun, Peacemaker, April 26
    --- West Virginia IDPA State Championship is CONFIRMED, Yours Truly Match Dir.
    Registration and Information HERE

    --- Peacemaker Matches have started
    --- Summit Point permanently closed for shooting

    --- Tues, 6-9PM: CSA IDPA, Colonial Shooting Academy, Richmond, VA. Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. All skill levels.
    --- Wed 9AM-12PM: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. IDPA equipment required,
    --- Wed 1-6PM: Black Creek IDPA Weekly Match March 13-Oct 30, Mechanicsburg, VA, Open Registration, 36-60 Rounds, $10
    --- Wednesday nights: Bedford County Pistol League, Bedford, PA, Bedford Toy Benefit, 6 stages, 200 rounds AM/PM squads, 8:15AM or 12:30PM Email Sandra Fletcher


    --- Virginia Indoor Regional IDPA Match, Chesapeake, VA, March 21-22
    --- Think of the Children IDPA Match, Lewistown, PA, Apr 25
    --- Maryland State IDPA Match, Lexington Park, MD, May 2
    --- Fredericksburg Area 8 MD/VA USPSA Sectional, May 15-17
    --- Shoothouse Shootout IDPA Match CANCELLED, Moyock, NC, May 16-17
    --- West Virginia State IDPA Championship, Peacemaker, Gerrardstown, WV, June 12-14,
    --- York, PA Multigun Challenge, June 13-14,
    Registration Form
    --- Carolina Cup IDPA Match, Oxford, NC, June 18-20

    THE RANGE, OXFORD, NC: Every 1st and 2nd Sunday has a IDPA Match. Registration 11AM, Shoot at 1PM,
    YORK, PA ISAAC WALTON: 2nd Sundays and 4th Saturdays, Multi-Gun, Action Pistol,
    TARHEEL 3GUN (North Carolina 3Gun):
    USPSA AREA 8 (VA, MD, PA, DE, NJ):

    This is a summary of most upcoming events that are within a 4 hour drive of the DC Metro Area. Unless noted, all affiliated clubs follow current rules. indicates ones I plan to attend:

    --- Tue, Mar 17: TCSC IDPA Match, 2-4PM, Thurmont, MD, Must pre-register and be pre-qualified. Must help tear down stages. Setup starts at 12:30PM, 8 Stages, 80-130 rounds, $15, (New Shooters email
    --- Tue, Mar 17: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Slots available starting at 5PM, going to 9PM. Call 703-267-1402 to reserve a slot after Jan 7 at 8:30AM. Will sell out quickly. KSTG is very similar to IDPA but allows AIWB holstering and has some rules differences, but still uses cover and concealment. See the website for more information.
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Peacemaker National Training Center 3-GUN Match,
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation,
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Cavalier Monthly USPSA Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Rivanna IDPA Match, Charlottesville, VA. Registration 8:00-9AM to get in a squad and earlier departure. Must register by 11AM. and
    --- Sat, Mar 21: Hollidaysburg IDPA Classifier Match, Hollidaysburg, PA Practiscore Registration or
    --- Sun, Mar 22: North Mountain Practical Shooters Match, AM and PM Squadding, 8AM Sat & Sun,
    -- Tue, Mar 24: NRA IDPA Evening Match, 5PM-9PM hourly squads, $25 fee, Registration at
    --- Fri, Mar 27: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    -- Sat, Mar 28: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Mar 28 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Mar 28: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, Mar 28: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Mar 28: Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, 3-4 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! $15. Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down. and
    --- Sun, Mar 29: Thurmont IDPA Classifier Match, $15,Register, email for more info.

    --- Fri, Apr 3: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.

    --- Sat, Apr 4: Peacemaker National Training Center USPSA Match, AM/PM squads, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, Apr 4: Peacemaker National Training Center Steel Match, AM/PM squads, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, Apr 4: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. or
    --- Sat, Apr 4: AAFG Saturday IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot and MUST take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Email Jack to make the request: Email for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember, $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Apr 4: Sanners Lake Sportsmens Club IDPA Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Sun, Apr 5: North Mountain Gravitas Monthly Steel Match
    --- Sun, Apr 5: Sights Practical IDPA Match, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA), Just Show Up by 10AM! They have a shoothouse! Pizza provided at end of match. Bring your flashlight.
    --- Sun, Apr 5: Fredericksburg USPSA Monthly Match, Fredericksburg, VA, Sign-in 7:30AM, Briefing 8:45AM. $20-25, Registration 8PM Tue, week before: or Vince Sievert, Alan Pfeifer -
    --- Wed, Apr 8: Blue Ridge Arsenal Handgun or 2Gun Match, IDPA-Style, Chantilly, VA, Indoor, Evenings only, (703) 818-0230 for slots, or
    --- Sat, Apr 11: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA Classifier Match, Manassas, VA Email: [email]
    --- Sat, Apr 11: Sanners Lake Sportsmens Club Steel Challenge Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Sat, Apr 11: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA Classsifier Match, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, Apr 11: Peacemaker National Training Center USCA 2-Gun AM Match ONLY, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, Apr 11: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Apr 11: NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Apr 11: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club IDPA Match, Roanoke, VA. Second Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Apr 11: Black Creek Steel Plate Match, $20, Mechanicsville, VA, Signup for notices at Show up and shoot.
    --- Sun, Apr 12: Quantico USPSA Club Match, Quantico, VA, 8:30AM Safety Briefing. Signup Sunday night week before match at: and
    --- Sun, Apr 12: York, PA Double Action Multigun Match,
    --- Sun, Apr 12: New Holland Rifle and Pistol Action Pistol (Outlaw), Gap, PA. Registration 10AM, 7 COF, Fee: $15.00 or
    --- Sat, Apr 18/19: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sun, Apr 19: TCSC USPSA Match, 10AM-2PM, Thurmont, MD, Sat 9AM Setup, (New Shooter orientation required) or
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Peacemaker National Training Center 3-GUN Match,
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation,
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Cavalier Monthly USPSA Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Rivanna IDPA Match, Charlottesville, VA. Registration 8:00-9AM to get in a squad and earlier departure. Must register by 11AM. and
    --- Sun, Apr 19: North Mountain Practical Shooters Match, AM and PM Squadding, 8AM Sat & Sun,
    --- Tue, Apr 21: TCSC IDPA Match, 2-4PM, Thurmont, MD, Must pre-register and be pre-qualified. Must help tear down stages. Setup starts at 12:30PM, 8 Stages, 80-130 rounds, $15, (New Shooters email
    --- Tue, Apr 21: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Slots available starting at 5PM, going to 9PM. Call 703-267-1402 to reserve a slot after Jan 7 at 8:30AM. Will sell out quickly. KSTG is very similar to IDPA but allows AIWB holstering and has some rules differences, but still uses cover and concealment. See the website for more information.
    --- Sat, Apr 25: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Apr 25 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, 3-4 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! $15. Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down. and
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Thurmont IDPA Match, $15,Register, email for more info.

    --- 5th Sat: AAFG USPSA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, USPSA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- April Break: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.

    Last edited by cclaxton; 03-17-2015 at 01:38 AM.
    That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;

  3. #153
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va

    Apr 16 Update: Mid-Atlantic Region Match Listings

    *DISCLOSURES: While I make every effort to keep this list accurate and complete and updated, I am not responsible for errors and omissions. Please confirm information with each venue/match director and all dates and times. Matches may be cancelled at the last minute and regularly scheduled matches may not run in winter months.*
    *SAFETY: Please assume that ALL ranges and venues are cold ranges. Do not carry loaded firearms onto these ranges or properties unless you have received permission from the range owners/operators/match-directors or you know for certain you are allowed to carry hot onto the range. LEO's may be exempt from this, and it is up to you to know for certain it is allowed. The ONLY range that I know for certain that it’s okay to arrive and depart hot is the NRA range.*

    --- NRA now supporting IDPA Matches Next Match May 26
    --- Thurmont IDPA is Sunday, April 26, Registration Open at
    --- Intermediate Competitive Handgun, Peacemaker, April 26
    --- West Virginia IDPA State Championship is CONFIRMED, Yours Truly Match Dir.
    Registration and Information HERE
    --- Summit Point permanently closed for shooting
    --- VA/MD USPSA Sectional Match May 15-17
    --- Commonwealth Cup Sept 19, Rivanna, near Charlottesville, VA (Tentative)

    --- Tues, 6-9PM: CSA IDPA, Colonial Shooting Academy, Richmond, VA. Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. All skill levels.
    --- Wed 9AM-12PM: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. IDPA equipment required,
    --- Wed 1-6PM: Black Creek IDPA Weekly Match March 13-Oct 30, Mechanicsburg, VA, Open Registration, 36-60 Rounds, $10
    --- Wednesday nights: Bedford County Pistol League, Bedford, PA, Bedford Toy Benefit, 6 stages, 200 rounds AM/PM squads, 8:15AM or 12:30PM Email Sandra Fletcher


    --- Think of the Children IDPA Match, Lewistown, PA, Apr 25
    --- Maryland State IDPA Match, Lexington Park, MD, May 2
    --- Fredericksburg Area 8 MD/VA USPSA Sectional, May 15-17
    --- Shoothouse Shootout IDPA Match CANCELLED, Moyock, NC, May 16-17
    --- West Virginia State IDPA Championship, Peacemaker, Gerrardstown, WV, June 12-14,
    --- York, PA Multigun Challenge, June 13-14,
    Registration Form
    --- Carolina Cup IDPA Match, Oxford, NC, June 18-20

    THE RANGE, OXFORD, NC: Every 1st and 2nd Sunday has a IDPA Match. Registration 11AM, Shoot at 1PM,
    YORK, PA ISAAC WALTON: 2nd Sundays and 4th Saturdays, Multi-Gun, Action Pistol,
    TARHEEL 3GUN (North Carolina 3Gun):
    USPSA AREA 8 (VA, MD, PA, DE, NJ):

    This is a summary of most upcoming events that are within a 4 hour drive of the DC Metro Area. Unless noted, all affiliated clubs follow current rules. indicates ones I plan to attend:

    --- Sat, Apr 18/19: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sun, Apr 19: TCSC USPSA Match, 10AM-2PM, Thurmont, MD, Sat 9AM Setup, (New Shooter orientation required) or
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Peacemaker National Training Center 3-GUN Match, Sat, Apr 18: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation,
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Cavalier Monthly USPSA Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down
    --- Sat, Apr 18: Rivanna IDPA Match, Charlottesville, VA. Registration 8:00-9AM to get in a squad and earlier departure. Must register by 11AM. and
    --- Sun, Apr 19: North Mountain Practical Shooters Match, AM and PM Squadding, 8AM Sat & Sun,
    --- Tue, Apr 21: TCSC IDPA Match, 2-4PM, Thurmont, MD, Must pre-register and be pre-qualified. Must help tear down stages. Setup starts at 12:30PM, 8 Stages, 80-130 rounds, $15, (New Shooters email
    --- Tue, Apr 21: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Slots available starting at 5PM, going to 9PM. Call 703-267-1402 to reserve a slot after Jan 7 at 8:30AM. Will sell out quickly. KSTG is very similar to IDPA but allows AIWB holstering and has some rules differences, but still uses cover and concealment. See the website for more information.
    --- Fri, Apr 24: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, Apr 25: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot,
    and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, Apr 25 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, Apr 25: Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, 3-4 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! $15. Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down. and
    --- Sun, Apr 26: Thurmont IDPA Match, $15,Register, email for more info.

    --- Fri, May 1: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 2: Peacemaker National Training Center USPSA Match, AM/PM squads, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, May 2: Peacemaker National Training Center Steel Match, AM/PM squads, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, May 2:Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. or
    --- Sat, May 2: AAFG Saturday IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot and MUST take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Email Jack to make the request: Email for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember, $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 2: Maryland State IDPA Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Sun, May 3: North Mountain Gravitas Monthly USPSA Match
    --- Sun, May 3: Sights Practical IDPA Match, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA), Just Show Up by 10AM! They have a shoothouse! Pizza provided at end of match. Bring your flashlight.
    --- Sun, May 3: Fredericksburg USPSA Classifier Monthly Match, Fredericksburg, VA, Sign-in 7:30AM, Briefing 8:45AM. $20-25, Registration 8PM Tue, week before: or Vince Sievert, Alan Pfeifer -
    --- Wed, May 6: Blue Ridge Arsenal Handgun or 2Gun Match, IDPA-Style, Chantilly, VA, Indoor, Evenings only, (703) 818-0230 for slots, or
    --- Fri, May 8: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 9: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA Classifier Match, Manassas, VA Email: [email]
    --- Sat, May 9: Sanners Lake Sportsmens Club Steel Challenge Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Sat, May 9: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, May 9: Peacemaker National Training Center USCA 2-Gun AM Match ONLY, Gerrardstown, WV
    --- Sat, May 9: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 9: NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, May 9: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club IDPA Match, Roanoke, VA. Second Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, May 9: Black Creek Steel Plate Match, $20, Mechanicsville, VA, Signup for notices at Show up and shoot.
    --- Sun, May 10: Quantico USPSA Club Match, Quantico, VA, 8:30AM Safety Briefing. Signup Sunday night week before match at: and
    --- Sun, May 10: York, PA Double Action Multigun Match,
    --- Sun, May 10: New Holland Rifle and Pistol Action Pistol (Outlaw), Gap, PA. Registration 10AM, 7 COF, Fee: $15.00 or
    --- Sat, May 16/17: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot,
    and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 16: Peacemaker National Training Center 3-GUN Match, Sat, May 16: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation,
    --- Sat, May 16: Cavalier Monthly USPSA Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down
    --- Sat, May 16: Rivanna IDPA Match, Charlottesville, VA. Registration 8:00-9AM to get in a squad and earlier departure. Must register by 11AM. and
    --- Sun, May 17: North Mountain Practical Shooters Match, AM and PM Squadding, 8AM Sat & Sun,
    --- Tue, May 19: TCSC IDPA Match, 2-4PM, Thurmont, MD, Must pre-register and be pre-qualified. Must help tear down stages. Setup starts at 12:30PM, 8 Stages, 80-130 rounds, $15, (New Shooters email
    --- Tue, May 19: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Slots available starting at 5PM, going to 9PM. Call 703-267-1402 to reserve a slot after Jan 7 at 8:30AM. Will sell out quickly. KSTG is very similar to IDPA but allows AIWB holstering and has some rules differences, but still uses cover and concealment. See the website for more information.
    --- Fri, May 22: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 23: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot,
    and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, May 23 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, May 23: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, May 23: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, May 23: Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, 3-4 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! $15. Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down. and
    --- Sat, May 23: Thurmont IDPA Match, $15,Register, email for more info.
    --- Tue, May 26: NRA IDPA Match, $25, Register More information at:
    --- Sat, May 30: AAFG USPSA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sun, May 31: TCSC USPSA Match, 10AM-2PM, Thurmont, MD, Sat 9AM Setup, (New Shooter orientation required) or

    All Clubs Open

    Cody Claxton
    Thurmont IDPA Committee Chair
    Thurmont IDPA Weekend Match Dir.
    NRA IDPA Match Dir.
    Peacemaker IDPA Match Dir

    That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Fairfax VA and Nokomis FL
    Hey Cody,

    Quick correction - Cavalier IDPA is Sunday the 24th.

  5. #155
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va

    May 28 Update: Mid-Atlantic Region Match Listings

    *DISCLOSURES: While I make every effort to keep this list accurate and complete and updated, I am not responsible for errors and omissions. Please confirm information with each venue/match director and all dates and times. Matches may be cancelled at the last minute and regularly scheduled matches may not run in winter months.*
    *SAFETY: Please assume that ALL ranges and venues are cold ranges. Do not carry loaded firearms onto these ranges or properties unless you have received permission from the range owners/operators/match-directors or you know for certain you are allowed to carry hot onto the range. LEO's may be exempt from this, and it is up to you to know for certain it is allowed. The ONLY range that I know for certain that it’s okay to arrive and depart hot is the NRA range.*

    --- Cody Claxton appointed IDPA Area Coordinator for Virginia and Maryland
    --- West Virginia IDPA State Championship needs SO's, and slots available Sat and Sun Mornings.
    Registration and Information HERE
    --- IDPA Safety Officer Training at AAFG June 20
    --- Thurmont, MD announces 3Gun Matches, Starting Sun, June 21
    --- Summit Point permanently closed for shooting
    --- Commonwealth Cup Sept 19, Rivanna, near Charlottesville, VA (Tentative)
    --- USPSA Maryland State Match Nov 4-8, Sanners Lake, Lexington Park, MD

    --- Tues, 6-9PM: CSA IDPA, Colonial Shooting Academy, Richmond, VA. Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. All skill levels.
    --- Wed 9AM-12PM: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. IDPA equipment required,
    --- Wed 1-6PM: Black Creek IDPA Weekly Match March 13-Oct 30, Mechanicsburg, VA, Open Registration, 36-60 Rounds, $10
    --- Wednesday nights: Bedford County Pistol League, Bedford, PA, Bedford Toy Benefit, 6 stages, 200 rounds AM/PM squads, 8:15AM or 12:30PM Email Sandra Fletcher


    --- West Virginia State IDPA Championship, Peacemaker, Gerrardstown, WV, June 12-14, Register
    --- York, PA Multigun Challenge, June 13-14,
    Registration Form
    --- Carolina Cup IDPA Match, Oxford, NC, June 18-20
    --- Virginia State Match, June 26-27, Bristol, VA,
    --- Beast of the East, June 26-27, Easton, PA
    --- Pennsylvania State Independence Match, July 10-12, Wilkes-Barre, PA
    --- The Patriot Match, Lower Providence Rifle and Pistol, August 21-23, Valley Forge, PA
    --- East Coast IDPA Championship, Sept 12, Prospect Hill, NC

    THE RANGE, OXFORD, NC: Every 1st and 2nd Sunday has a IDPA Match. Registration 11AM, Shoot at 1PM,
    YORK, PA ISAAC WALTON: 2nd Sundays and 4th Saturdays, Multi-Gun, Action Pistol,
    TARHEEL 3GUN (North Carolina 3Gun):
    USPSA AREA 8 (VA, MD, PA, DE, NJ):

    This is a summary of most upcoming events that are within a 4 hour drive of the DC Metro Area. Unless noted, all affiliated clubs follow current rules. indicates ones I plan to attend:

    --- Sat, May 30: AAFG USPSA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sun, May 31: TCSC USPSA Match, 10AM-2PM, Thurmont, MD, Sat 9AM Setup, (New Shooter orientation required) or

    --- Fri, June 5: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Fri, June 5: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, June 6: Peacemaker National Training Center USPSA Match, AM/PM squads, Glengary, WV
    --- Sat, June 6: Peacemaker National Training Center Steel Match, AM/PM squads, Glengary, WV
    --- Sat, June 6:Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation. or
    --- Sat, June 6: AAFG IDPA Saturday Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, June 6: Sanners Lake IDPA Rifle Match, Lexington Park, MD, 3-5 Stages, $15 Non-members, Show up and Shoot! 8AM Setup, 9AM SO's, 10AM match begins
    --- Sat, June 6/7: North Mountain Gravitas Monthly Steel Match Calendar
    --- Sun, June 7: Sights Practical IDPA Match, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA), Just Show Up by 10AM! They have a shoothouse! Pizza provided at end of match. Bring your flashlight.
    --- Sun, June 7: Fredericksburg USPSA Monthly Match, Fredericksburg, VA, Sign-in 7:30AM, Briefing 8:45AM. $20-25, Registration 8PM Tue, week before: or Vince Sievert, Alan Pfeifer -
    --- Tue, June 9: NCRR IDPA Classifier Match, 12-10PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Reservations required! $15 non-members.
    --- Wed, June 10: Blue Ridge Arsenal Handgun or 2Gun Match, IDPA-Style, Chantilly, VA, Indoor, Evenings only, (703) 818-0230 for slots, or
    --- Sat, June 13: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA Classifier Match, Manassas, VA Email: [email]
    --- Sat, June 13: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, June 13: NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, June 13: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club IDPA Match, Roanoke, VA. Second Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sat, June 13: Black Creek Steel Plate Match, $20, Mechanicsville, VA, Signup for notices at Show up and shoot.
    --- Sun, June 14: Quantico USPSA Club Match, Quantico, VA, 8:30AM Safety Briefing. Signup Sunday night week before match at: and
    --- Sun, June 14: York, PA Double Action Multigun Match,
    --- Sun, June 14: New Holland Rifle and Pistol Action Pistol (Outlaw), Gap, PA. Registration 10AM, 7 COF, Fee: $15.00 or
    --- Tue, June 16: TCSC IDPA Match, 2-4PM, Thurmont, MD, Must pre-register and be pre-qualified. Must help tear down stages. Setup starts at 12:30PM, 8 Stages, 80-130 rounds, $15, Register at (New Shooters email
    --- Tue, June 16 : KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Slots available starting at 5PM, going to 9PM. Call 703-267-1402 to reserve a slot after Jan 7 at 8:30AM. Will sell out quickly. KSTG is very similar to IDPA but allows AIWB holstering and has some rules differences, but still uses cover and concealment. See the website for more information.
    --- Fri, June 19: NCRR IDPA Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4-6 COF, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    --- Sat, June 20: Thurmont IDPA Match, $15,Register at, email for more info.
    --- Sat, June 20/21: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot,
    and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, June 20: Peacemaker National Training Center 3-GUN Match, Sat, June 20: Bridgeville IDPA Match, Bridgeville, DE. 8:30AM Arrival, 3-5 Stages, 85-100 rounds, $3 Fee, No reservation,
    --- Sat, June 20: Cavalier Monthly USPSA Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down
    --- Sat, June 20: Rivanna IDPA Match, Charlottesville, VA. Registration 8:00-9AM to get in a squad and earlier departure. Must register by 11AM. and
    --- Sat/Sun, June 20/21: North Mountain USPSA Match, AM and PM Squadding, 8AM Sat & Sun, Calendar
    --- Sun, June 21: Thurmont 3Gun Match, (TENTATIVE) $20,Register at, email for more info.
    --- Tue, June 23: NRA IDPA Match, $25, Register More information at:

    --- Sat/Sun, June 27/28: TCSC USPSA Match, 10AM-2PM, Thurmont, MD, Sat 9AM Setup, (New Shooter orientation required) or
    --- Sat, June 27: AAFG IDPA or Steel Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game: MUST sign-up for a slot, and take orientation or be otherwise qualified! Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Make request: for a slot including Name, IDPA#, Exp Date, Div-Class, AAFG Member/Nonmember. $20 non-members.
    --- Sat, June 27 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Norfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members,
    --- Sat, June 27: Eastern Shore Practical Shooters USPSA Match, Sudlersville, MD,
    --- Sat, June 27: Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club USPSA Match, Roanoke, VA. Fourth Sat (year round unless inclement weather). Setup 7AM, registration 9AM. Match fee $15, 6 stages, Paul Deel, Match Director: (434) 489-8908
    --- Sun, June 28: Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, 3-4 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! $15. Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down. and

    Cody Claxton
    IDPA Area Coordinator, Virginia and Maryland
    Thurmont, MD IDPA Committee Chair and Weekend Match Dir.
    NRA IDPA Match Director
    WV IDPA Championship Match Dir, 2015

    That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;

  6. #156
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va
    I know it has been a long time since I updated this list, and I apologize for getting behind. I am now Area Coordinator and still match director for two clubs, and that has been keeping me busy. I now distribute a Newsletter to IDPA shooters in VA/MD/DC and I list matches as a part of that newsletter. For the sake of expediency, I have posted the Newsletter here, which includes upcoming matches. Thanks for your understanding. Cody
    __________________________________________________ ______
    IDPA Shooters in the Mid-Atlantic:I hope you are all having a great year, enjoying this great weather, and have made progress in developing your skills this year and been enjoying IDPA in the Virginia and Maryland areas. It has been a very busy year as I have been working to teach SO classes, get existing SO's certified, visit local clubs, review sanctioned matches, get in some practice and shoot a few matches myself. This notice may be reposted freely.

    In light of the Paris terrorist attacks and the threats by ISIS on our own country, it's important for us all to continue to improve our gunfighting and self-defense skills. Be safe, be prepared, and keep your dry fire practice going and get to some matches when you can, and take more tactical training. Also, if you have the opportunity to take hand-to-hand self-defense training such as Krav Maga or Brazilian, Jiu-Jitsu, this will provide more tools in your arsenal. Same goes for pepper spray deployment training.

    First, I want to clarify that the announcement of the 1second/point scoring change will not occur until late 2016 or even 2017. No timeline has been set. You are welcome to try it out if you like at the local club levels, but I have chosen to stay with .5s/point for the clubs where I am Match Director.

    NEW SANCTIONED MATCH: I am pleased to advertise the Chesapeake Cup Tier-2 Sanctioned Match at Sanners Lake in Lexington Park, MD on Feb 5-6, 2015. This will be a CCP/BUG ONLY match, will cost ONLY $30, be about 150 rounds, 10 stages, and will be a lot of fun, even if it's cold. If you need a classifier for BUG or CCP, please contact your local MD or you are welcome to attend the Sat, Nov 28 classifier at Thurmont, MD.

    SAFETY OFFICERS: The member database is still being updated with your SO/CSO status. Please give it until Nov 30. If you still have not received the update, please let me know. I also have a stack of certificates for new SO's that I am putting in the mail in the near future. If you failed to recertify and need to get recertified, please email me and I will see what I can do.

    RULES CLARIFICATIONS: A new set of rules clarifications will be showing up in the near future. This will include clarifications about the Sig320 among many others. Please keep a watch on the link:

    - Arctic Blast January 15-17, Wilkes-Barre Rifle and Pistol Club, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
    - Chesapeake Cup, Feb 5-6, Lexington Park, MD
    - Fri-Sat, April 2-3 Virginia Indoor Regional Match, Chesapeake, VA
    - Fri-Sun, April 22-24 Think of the Children, Lewistown, PA
    - Fri-Sat, May 6-7 Maryland State, Lexington Park, MD
    - Fri-Sun, June 3-5 WV State, Glengary, WV
    - Fri-Sun, June 17-19, Keystone Sportsmens IDPA Sanctioned Match, Muncy, PA
    - Thu-Sat, June 16-18 Carolina Cup, Oxford, NC
    - Fri-Sat, June 24-25 Virginia State, Bristol, VA
    - July 8-10 Pennsylvania State Independence Match, Wilkes-Barre, PA

    Other Upcoming Local Matches:
    - Wed, Nov 18, Colonial Shooting Academy, Virginia Beach, VA,
    - Fri, Nov 20, NCRR IDPA, 2PM, Chesapeake, VA
    - Sat, Nov 21, Rivanna IDPA Top Gun Match, Charlottesville, VA,
    - Sat, Nov 21, Peacemaker National 3 Gun Match,

    - Sat, Nov 21, GRB Cavalier USPSA Match,
    - Sat, Nov 28, Thurmont IDPA Classifier and Side Match,
    - Sat, Nov 28, AAFG IDPA Match,
    - Sat, Nov 28, Peacemaker IDPA and SuperSteel Match,
    - Sat, Nov 28, NCRR Tactical Shotgun, Chesapeake, VA
    - Sat, Nov 28, Kettlefoot IDPA Match, Bristol, VA
    - Sun, Nov 29, Thurmont 3 Gun Match, Thurmont, MD,
    - Wed, Dec 2, Colonial Shooting Academy, Virginia Beach,VA,
    - Fri, Dec 4, AAFG IDPA Match,
    - Sat Dec 5, AAFG IDPA Match,
    - Sat, Dec 5, Gravitas Steel Match,
    - Tue, Dec 8, NRA IDPA Match, Registration will open Nov 30 on
    - Every Tuesday Night, Colonial Shooting Academy Richmond IDPA,
    - Fairfax Rod and Gun Closed for Winter
    - Black Creek IDPA Closed for Winter, but Steel Matches continue in December:

    Training Opportunities:
    - Nov 21/22, FPF Training Concealed Carry 2 Person Tactics and Vehicle Environmental Tactics,
    - Sat, Nov 21, Civilian Pepper Spray Training,
    - Tue, Nov 24 Green-Ops Defensive Carbine By Master Operator Michael Green, Only $150, a real value!:
    - Trevor Scheuneman Advanced Reactive Gunfighting - Trevor offers a 15% discount with the discount code to IDPA shooters: DDCAFG. Click here for a course description:
    - Competition Shooting Private Instruction, Brett Simon, Advanced Shooting Instruction in IDPA, USPSA, 3Gun and more. Rates vary. Available at the NRA Range, Culpeper, VA and elsewhere. See
    - AAFG is hosting a CPR/AED/Gunshot Wound training in the near future. Email if interested.
    - Sat/Sun, Feb 6/7: Massad Ayoob MAG-20, Armed Citizen Rules of Engagement, Sponsored by FPF Training,
    - Shivworks/ECQC/Blade Training Schedule:
    - Rangemaster Conference:
    - KRAV MAGA:
    - Todd Green's pistol-training list of drills:

    Tactical Briefs
    Nov 3 Tactical Brief:

    Nov 10 Tactical Brief:
    Nov 17 Tactical Brief:
    Nov Rangemaster Newsletter:

    Match Directors
    - Please get to me your plans for any sanctioned matches or changes to your IDPA schedules for 2016.
    - Look for an upcoming date for a VA/MD Match Directors Conference Call in December to plan for continuing education for Safety Officers.
    - Let me know if you need any Safety Officer Training so we can get that on the schedule.
    - Please update me on any special matches or other events that may be of interest to IDPA shooters in the Mid-Atlantic.

    I did some research to buy insurance on my firearms collection. If you don't have insurance on your firearm consider Eastern Insurance: $126/year for $40,000 coverage all firearms, $100 deductible, guns replaced at market value:
    The underwriter is an NRA supporter and rifle shooter and collector.

    I have copied a great drill below.
    __________________________________________________ ___________
    Thanks to Gabe White on Pistol Forum

    Misdirection Draws Dry

    This is going be a dry practice drill that almost everyone can participate in regardless of range restrictions. You will need your pistol, holster, concealment, a wallet or similar object, target, and a safe direction.

    At bare minimum, verify gun is unloaded, have no live ammo anywhere in the dry practice area, and keep muzzle in a safe direction. But there is more you can do to ensure safety in dry practice. Please also read Robust Dry Practice Safety Principles and Procedure following the drill description.

    Designed by Gabe White
    Target: Any silhouette target
    Range: Shooter's choice
    Rounds: 0

    We are going to practice creating opportunity when facing a time deficit, then rapidly transitioning into moving, drawing, and shooting.

    Complete as many cycles of the following drill as you want, until you get physically or mentally tired of it. It is fine to break the drill up over multiple sessions. Instead of doing a certain number of repetitions, just keep track of how much time you spend doing the drill.

    One cycle of the drill is:

    A. Start with your hands either hanging naturally at sides or in a surrender-type position. Simultaneously take one or two lateral steps and draw. Press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target. No misdirection, just explosively move-draw-shoot.

    B. Start with your hands in a surrender-type position. Beg and plead for your life. After a few seconds of pleading, and at a moment of your choice, explosively take one or two lateral steps and draw. Press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target.

    C. Start with your hands in a surrender-type position. Feign compliance by slowly reaching for your wallet (or other object you have put where you keep your wallet, if you want to use something else.) Once the wallet is in your hand and you have your hand in front of you, simultaneously throw the wallet at the target's face while taking one or two lateral steps and draw. Press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target. When you throw the wallet, don't telegraph it by winding up or cocking your hand back. Throw it non-telegraphically, a lot like throwing a shot put.

    D. Think of a phrase that might cause mental friction in the adversary. This can be a question, it can be something that doesn't make sense - anything to grab part of their mind for a moment. Questions and statements that are plausibly specific to the adversary can work well. A few examples: "I have $2000 in my pocket, is that enough?" "Do you want my car keys too?" "Hey I was at the game with your brother!" "How many times does the shoulder thing go up?" Once you have decided what you are going to say (canned phrases need to be figured out and practiced ahead of time, and improvisation must be practiced in FOF/scenarios with real people), start with your hands either hanging naturally at sides or in a surrender-type position, and make your statement or ask your question. Give just a very brief moment for their mind to start attaching to your words. Explosively step to the side, draw, and press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target.

    E. Start with your hands in a surrender-type position and acting nervous. Feign compliance by reaching for your wallet (or other object you have put where you keep your wallet, if you want to use something else.) Once the wallet is in your hand and you have your hand in front of you, fumble (drop) the wallet onto the ground, and immediately take one or two lateral steps and draw. Press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target.

    F. Start with your hands either hanging naturally at sides or in a surrender-type position. Look past the threat target as if there were someone behind them. Say something to that invisible person. A few examples: "Not now!" "No, don't do it!" "Officer, no!" You might also have wide eyes or shake your head. Convey that you are alarmed about something that is behind the adversary. Give just a very brief moment for their mind to begin attaching to your words or for them to look away from you. Explosively move, draw, and press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target.

    G. Start with an object in one of your hands (practice with both strong and support hands.) Your hands can be hanging at sides (as if car keys), in front of your torso (as if holding a drink), or at some surface (wall, table, wherever - as if manipulating some object.) Simultaneously throw the object at the target's face while taking one or two lateral steps and draw. Press a dry shot to either the COM or CNS of your dry fire target. When you throw the object, don't telegraph it by winding up or cocking your hand back. Throw it non-telegraphically from wherever your hand happens to be.

    Be careful with the verbalization if you are practicing in a place where there may be people unaware of what you are doing who might hear the verbalization and call 911 or otherwise intervene. You can probably mitigate this simply by verbalizing fairly quietly, which goes along with the verbalization in this drill.

    Two of the most important elements of this drill:
    Misdirect/distract first, then move and engage. Make sure you do one, then the other, and not both at the same time.
    Reduce the time and friction you have when transitioning from talking or whatever misdirection/distraction you were doing, into explosive action.

    Please report: gun, holster, and concealment garment used, amount of time you devoted to the drill, and anything you noticed during the drill.

    Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.

    Robust Dry Practice Safety Principles and Procedure (the closer you follow this, the fewer opportunities you will have to ND)

    Allow no distractions – focus exclusively on the task at hand
    Keep muzzle in a safe direction
    Use correct trigger finger discipline
    Verify no live ammo in gun, on person, or in the dry practice area
    Use dedicated dry practice targets that are put away until you consciously choose to begin dry practice, and taken down when you consciously end dry practice
    Use dedicated dry practice magazines and dummy rounds/inert training cartridges that stay in the dry practice area (if you use any magazine or cartridges)

    Unload gun in a location other than the dry practice area
    Leave live ammo, and magazines with live ammo, completely outside the dry practice area
    Enter the dry practice area
    Verify gun is unloaded, that any magazines do not contain live ammo, and that any cartridges present are inert/dummy cartridges
    Consciously choose to begin dry practice
    Put up dry practice targets
    Do your dry practice
    Take down dry practice targets and put them away
    Consciously choose to end dry practice
    Exit the dry practice area and do something unrelated for a few minutes
    Return gun to location and condition of your choosing

    That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;

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