Avoid the crowds, shoot a IDPA match:
- Sunday, May 27, Montpelier, VA http://www.timyagla.com/cupcake/ (This is where I will be)
If you want to participate but have not signed up there are two options.
1- Send email to twidpa@aol.com till Saturday at 1200.
2- Show up at match and hope we can get you in.
No guarantee that option 2 will work. (show and help will work)
OR, try out the great new range at Peacemaker National Training Center in WV...only an hour from NoVa:
Memorial Day Weekend Action Pistol & AR Blast
BBQ & Cookout Sat, Sun & Mon
Bianchi Cup Movers & Turners, Steel Challenge,
Awesome Tactical Course Designs, 7 Different Ranges Set Up!!!!
Members FREE - Public $30 All Day - Colt AR's, Colt AR .22's, & FNH Scars & Tactical Shotguns Available for Rent!
Handguns to members available for rent
Friday May 25th 10-7 Saturday 26th 9-7 Sunday 27th Noon-7 Monday 9-7 (OPEN MEMORIAL DAY!)
NOTE: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA Match for Sat, May 26 is SOLD OUT.
Planning ahead:
- KSTG Match at NRA Range May 29 is likely SOLD OUT, but call the Range and get on waiting list.
- Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA Match for Friday, June 1 is SOLD OUT, long waitlist.
- Sunday, June 3: Sights Practical IDPA, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg) http://sightspracticalshooter.com/ Just Show Up by 9AM! They have a shoothouse! (Rideshare available...contact me)
- Sat, June 9: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA; Signup May 26 >6AM via John.Mcl@verizon.net, http://www.fxrgc.org/index.cfm?section=16&pagenum=240, MUST sign up to shoot!
- Sat, June 9: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match notice coming out next week: http://www.aafgidpa.com/ MUST sign-up for a slot!
- Thu-Sat, June 14-16 Carolina Cup is SOLD OUT;
- Sat June 16: Peacemaker IDPA Match https://peacemakernational.com/Home_Page.html
- SAt June 16: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA, http://sites.google.com/site/rivannaap/home, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot!
- Sat, June 16: Hollidaysburg Sportsmen Club IDPA, Hollidaysburg, PA: http://www.hollidaysburgsportsmensclub.com/idpa01.html, Just show up to shoot!
- Sat/Sun June 16-17: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match notice pending: http://www.aafgidpa.com/ MUST sign-up for a slot!
- Sat, June 23: Virginia State IDPA Championship, Bristol, VA, http://www.animalmedclinic.com/site/...onship2012.pml Slots still available!
Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all that hard work at drills....or show how many nonthreats you can hit like me.