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Thread: Regional Shooting Match Announcements

  1. #1
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Vienna, Va

    Regional Shooting Match Announcements

    Avoid the crowds, shoot a IDPA match:
    - Sunday, May 27, Montpelier, VA (This is where I will be)
    If you want to participate but have not signed up there are two options.
    1- Send email to till Saturday at 1200.
    2- Show up at match and hope we can get you in.
    No guarantee that option 2 will work. (show and help will work)

    OR, try out the great new range at Peacemaker National Training Center in WV...only an hour from NoVa:
    Memorial Day Weekend Action Pistol & AR Blast
    BBQ & Cookout Sat, Sun & Mon
    Bianchi Cup Movers & Turners, Steel Challenge,
    Awesome Tactical Course Designs, 7 Different Ranges Set Up!!!!
    Members FREE - Public $30 All Day - Colt AR's, Colt AR .22's, & FNH Scars & Tactical Shotguns Available for Rent!
    Handguns to members available for rent
    Friday May 25th 10-7 Saturday 26th 9-7 Sunday 27th Noon-7 Monday 9-7 (OPEN MEMORIAL DAY!)

    NOTE: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA Match for Sat, May 26 is SOLD OUT.

    Planning ahead:
    - KSTG Match at NRA Range May 29 is likely SOLD OUT, but call the Range and get on waiting list.
    - Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA Match for Friday, June 1 is SOLD OUT, long waitlist.
    - Sunday, June 3: Sights Practical IDPA, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg) Just Show Up by 9AM! They have a shoothouse! (Rideshare me)

    - Sat, June 9: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA; Signup May 26 >6AM via,, MUST sign up to shoot!
    - Sat, June 9: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match notice coming out next week: MUST sign-up for a slot!
    - Thu-Sat, June 14-16 Carolina Cup is SOLD OUT;
    - Sat June 16: Peacemaker IDPA Match
    - SAt June 16: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA,, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot!
    - Sat, June 16: Hollidaysburg Sportsmen Club IDPA, Hollidaysburg, PA:, Just show up to shoot!
    - Sat/Sun June 16-17: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match notice pending: MUST sign-up for a slot!
    - Sat, June 23: Virginia State IDPA Championship, Bristol, VA, Slots still available!

    Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all that hard work at drills....or show how many nonthreats you can hit like me.
    Last edited by JV_; 06-13-2012 at 08:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Vienna, Va
    Upcoming Matches/Corrections:

    - KSTG Match at NRA Range May 29 is likely SOLD OUT, but call the Range and get on waiting list.
    - Friday, June 1 Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA Match is SOLD OUT, long waitlist.
    - Sunday, June 3: Sights Practical IDPA, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA) Just Show Up by 9AM! They have a shoothouse! (Rideshare me)
    - Sat, June 9: Fairfax Rod and Gun IDPA; Signup May 26 >6AM via,, Likely SOLD OUT, Email John.mcl for waitlist!
    - Wed, June 13: IDPA Classifier at Blue Ridge Arsenal, evening time slots only, call Blue Ridge to see if any slots are open. Phone (703) 818-0230, Email:
    - Thu-Sat, June 14-16 Carolina Cup is SOLD OUT;
    - Sat June 16: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA Match, Gerrardstown WV Fantastic facilities, large bays, USPSA and IDPA in one day!
    - SAt June 16: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA,, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot!
    - Sat, June 16: Hollidaysburg Sportsmen Club IDPA, Hollidaysburg, PA:, Just show up to shoot!
    - Sat June 16: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match notice pending: MUST sign-up for a slot!
    - Sun June 17: Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match possible: MUST sign-up for a slot!
    - Sat, June 23: Virginia State IDPA Championship, Bristol, VA, Slots still available!

    Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all your hard work.

  3. #3
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Vienna, Va

    See Calendar For Matches and Events

    I will try to keep the Calendar updated with matches and other events.
    Any changes or unusual ones will go in this thread.
    I have completed June, and some recurring events and working on the rest of the year.
    Please check with individual web sites and match directors before heading to a match to make sure it has not been cancelled and no special restrictions apply.

    Hope to see you at a match!

  4. #4
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    AAFG IDPA 3-gun and pistol match, June 17, Annapolis, MD.

    This is the notice I received from Jack Blundell and subsequently he announced there will likely be an IDPA Pistol match in the afternoon. Please contact Jack at with your request to attend DMG 3-gun or IDPA Pistol on June 17. Please include all the information requested below from his email.



    This is the announcement for the Sunday, June 17th three gun match. This match will comprise 3 stages. Bring plenty of ammo!
    Match fee is $10 for AAFG members, and $20 for non-members.

    You will need the following:

    Rifle: Pistol caliber rifle only - minimum two detachable magazines with 10 round or greater capacity - minimum 50 round count (75 rounds recommended). Rifle must be chambered in a traditional center-fire pistol caliber such as 9mm or .45 ACP, OR rim-fire 22 LR. Center-fire rifle calibers such as .223/5.56 are NOT PERMITTED.
    Shotgun: 5 round minimum capacity - minimum 22 round count (50 rounds recommended). 12 gauge or smaller shotgun - size 7 1/2, 8, 8 1/2 or 9 LEAD bird shot only. Speed-Loaders are NOT PERMITTED.
    Pistol: Any IDPA legal pistol and holster is allowed. Minimum 24 round count (75 rounds recommended). Three magazines or speed loaders are required.

    Four divisions will be based on rifle caliber type and sight system:

    Center-fire rifle with optic sights (CFO).
    Center-fire rifle with iron sights (CFI).
    Rim-fire rifle with optic sights (RFO).
    Rim-fire rifle with iron sights (RFI).

    All firearms must be cased upon arrival at the range and remain cased until instructed otherwise by a safety officer.

    If there is sufficient interest among shooters and qualified safety officers, we will have two relays. The morning relay will arrive on the ActionPistol Range by 9 AM, help set up, replace targets and police brass before departing around 1 PM. The afternoon relay will arrive on the Action Pistol Range by 12:30 PM, police brass and put the props away before departing around 4 PM.

    Provide the following information:

    Your name.

    Division (CFO, CFI, RFO, RFI).
    Preferred relay (morning or afternoon).
    Alternate relay, or none if you can only shoot in your preferred relay.
    Whether you are a member of AAFG.

    Your chances of getting to shoot are greatly increased if you are flexible as to relay assignment. If your preferred relay is full and you can't make it to the other relay, you will be placed on the waiting list.

    The squad list will be published on Sunday, June 10.

    Signup begins now for the June 17th three gun match.

    - Jack

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Vienna, VA
    This thread totally should be sticky'd. Thanks for taking the time to maintain this list, and I hope to see you at PTNC this Saturday...


  6. #6
    Dot Driver Kyle Reese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Rhines View Post
    This thread totally should be sticky'd. Thanks for taking the time to maintain this list, and I hope to see you at PTNC this Saturday...

    Consider it done!

  7. #7
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Vienna, Va
    Please see the calendar for a detailed list for the coming months. This is a summary of upcoming events. ( indicates ones I plan to attend):

    - Mon, June 18: KSTG Signup Date: Call NRA Range, Fairfax, VA, Call 703-267-1402 to request a time slot/squad for the KSTG Match on July 3, 2012. Please see rules on KSTG on this site.
    - Friday, June 22: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply
    - Sat, June 23: Virginia State IDPA Championship, Bristol, VA, still available!
    - Sat, June 23: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 4th Saturday every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Match is full, but no waiting list, so email if you want on the waiting list. Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM.
    - Sun, June 24: Cavalier IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, 6-8 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down.,
    - Sat, June 30: Hollidaysburg 3-Gun, DMG IDPA Match, Hollidaysburg, PA, Hollidaysburg Special 3-Gun DMG IDPA Match, Hollidaysburg Sportsmens Club, Hollidaysburg, PA. Outdoor Range, Must Pre-register!! Notification already sent out. Email:
    - Sat, June 30: Cavalier 3-Gun Two-Man Team Match, Montpelier, VA, The format this time will be 2-man team. After the 3G match, an expanded (optional) side match will be held with 2+ MOA reactive steel targets from ? out to 500 yards. There will be three "divisions" for the side match; GAS guns (semi-auto), MOR w/mag and MOR w/out, each having its own target array. $5/shooter and each pot is paid out fully to the first four or five shooters in each group. A max of 30 team slots will be available. Slots for this match are limited and will be taken on a first come - first served basis. Slot requests can only be accepted from the persons on the mailing list. (Please PM cclaxton if you want help getting on the list.), $30/team match fee; magnet check all rifle ammo to be used on Stage 1; Cavalier is a cold range. No magazines inserted and chamber flags must be visible for all (long) guns unless you are the active shooter; Start at 9:00am - expected finish @1:30 - 2:00pm for 3g match;,
    - Sun, July 1: SightsPractical IDPA Monthly Match, Lewisberry, PA, Sights Practical IDPA, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA) Just Show Up by 9AM! They have a shoothouse! Pizza provided at end of match. Excellent club. Often they will offer Shotgun DMG, Rifle DMG, Indoor Flashlight COF, or 3Gun. Check the website for each date.
    - Tue, July 3: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA. Must sign up on June 18 after 9AM and before 10AM to get a slot, otherwise it will sell out and you can get on the waiting list. Must have experience using a holster to draw and shoot, handgun must meet KSTG rules, posted on this site. Bring 100 rounds just in case and three magazines.
    - Fri, July 6: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 1st Friday of every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM.
    - Fri, July 6: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply
    - Fri/Sat, July 13/14: Independence Match, Wilkes-Barre, PA, IDPA Sanctioned, 2012 WBRP Independence Match, Hunlock's Creek, PA, It will consist of 10 stages and an estimated round count of an estimated minimum of 130 rounds. Bring more just in case.
    $85 Registration Fee includes T-shirt
    - Fri-Sun, July 13-15: 3 Gun National Team Event, Peacemaker National Training Center, 1624 Brannons Ford Rd., Gerrardstown, WV 25420, Contact PNTC Staff: 304-229-4867,
    - Sat, July 14: Fairfax Rod and Gun Monthlly IDPA, Manassas, VA. Get notifications from Must sign-up immediately after notification to get a slot. Usually Sold Out within 4 hours. Outdoor Match, One Large Bay, New Bay under construction. Normally 4 Stages. IDPA Rules.
    - Sat, July 14: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 2nd Saturday every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM.
    - Sat, July 21: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA and USPSA Monthly Match., Morning and Afternoon Sessions. You can shoot USPSA in the morning and IDPA in the afternoon, or visa versa.

    Don't forget to check the Peacemaker National Training Center Schedule at:

    Also, visit the brand-new Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, VA. They host a weekly IDPA match every Tuesday evening, except major holidays: CSA IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. We welcome new and novice shooters! All skill levels are encouraged to participate from beginner to Master shooter.

    Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all your hard work.
    Last edited by cclaxton; 06-17-2012 at 08:19 PM.

  8. #8
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Vienna, Va

    July 2 Update

    Please see the calendar for a detailed list for the coming months. This is a summary of upcoming events. ( indicates ones I plan to attend):

    - Tue, July 3: KSTG Match at NRA Range, Fairfax, VA. Must sign up on June 18 after 9AM and before 10AM to get a slot, otherwise it will sell out and you can get on the waiting list. Must have experience using a holster to draw and shoot, handgun must meet KSTG rules, posted on this site. Bring 100 rounds just in case and three magazines. $24 Fee.
    - Fri, July 6: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 1st Friday of every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Fri, July 6: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Fri/Sat, July 13/14: Independence Match, Wilkes-Barre, PA, IDPA Sanctioned, 2012 WBRP Independence Match, Hunlock's Creek, PA, It will consist of 10 stages and an estimated round count of an estimated minimum of 130 rounds. Bring more just in case. $85 Registration Fee includes T-shirt
    - Fri-Sun, July 13-15: 3 Gun National Team Event, Peacemaker National Training Center, 1624 Brannons Ford Rd., Gerrardstown, WV 25420, Contact PNTC Staff: 304-229-4867, (Cost Unknown)
    - Sat, July 14: Fairfax Rod and Gun Monthlly IDPA, Manassas, VA. Get notifications from Registration for non-FRGC members begins 1200, Tuesday, 3 JUL. Please select a primary and a secondary shooting line on which you'd like to shoot (9AM, 10:30AM, 12Noon, 1:30PM). Confirmation will be by return e-mail. I recommend a quick response as these shoots tend to fill up quickly. Usually Sold Out within 4 hours. Outdoor Match, One Large Bay, New Bay under construction. Normally 4 Stages. IDPA Rules. $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 14: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 2nd Saturday every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Friday, July 20 : NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA and USPSA Monthly Match., Morning and Afternoon Sessions. You can shoot USPSA in the morning and IDPA in the afternoon, or visa versa. (Cost Unknown)
    - Sat, July 21: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply. $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Hollidaysburg IDPA Montly Match, Hollidaysburg, PA, Hollidaysburg Sportsmens Club, Hollidaysburg, PA. Outdoor Range, Show Up and Shoot! Site of 2012 Penn State IDPA Championship scheduled Oct 20. $15 non-members.
    - Sun, July 22: Cavalier IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, 6-8 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down., $15 non-members.
    - Wed, July 25: Stafford, VA IDPA at The Range, Typically 4 stages, Indoor Only. 6PM and 7PM time slots...small squads. ENTRY FEE:$15.00-CASH-NO CREDIT, SIGN-UP IN ADVANCE THE SUNDAY BEFORE BY PHONE: Phone (540) 720-5922, 62 Potomac Creek Drive, Fredericksburg, Va. 22405
    - Sat, July 28: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 4th Saturday every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Match is full, but no waiting list, so email if you want on the waiting list. Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 3: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 1st Friday of every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 3: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.

    Sat, Aug 11: NC State Championship
    Sat, Sept 15: Virginia Commonwealth Cup, Charlottesville, VA
    Sep 19-21: IDPA National Championships, Oxford, NC
    Sep 28-30: Lewistown IDPA Patriot Match, Lewistown, PA,
    Oct 20-21: Pennsylvannia State Match, Hollidaysburg, PA
    Oct 27-28: Shoothouse 2012, Blackwater, Moyock, NC REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!....Sells Out!!

    Don't forget to check the Peacemaker National Training Center Schedule at:

    Also, visit the brand-new Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, VA. They host a weekly IDPA match every Tuesday evening, except major holidays: CSA IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. We welcome new and novice shooters! All skill levels are encouraged to participate from beginner to Master shooter.

    Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all your hard work.
    Last edited by cclaxton; 07-03-2012 at 09:06 AM.

  9. #9
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va

    July 6 Update

    Please see the calendar for a detailed list for the coming months. This is a summary of upcoming events. ( indicates ones I plan to attend):

    - Fri, July 6: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Fri/Sat, July 13/14: Independence Match, Wilkes-Barre, PA, IDPA Sanctioned, 2012 WBRP Independence Match, Hunlock's Creek, PA, It will consist of 10 stages and an estimated round count of an estimated minimum of 130 rounds. Bring more just in case. $85 Registration Fee. SOLD OUT...Waitlist only.
    - Fri-Sun, July 13-15: 3 Gun National Team Event, Peacemaker National Training Center, 1624 Brannons Ford Rd., Gerrardstown, WV 25420, Contact PNTC Staff: 304-229-4867 , (Cost Unknown)
    - Sat, July 14: Fairfax Rod and Gun Monthlly IDPA, Manassas, VA. Get notifications from Registration for non-FRGC members begins 1200, Tuesday, 3 JUL. Please select a primary and a secondary shooting line on which you'd like to shoot (9AM, 10:30AM, 12Noon, 1:30PM). Confirmation will be by return e-mail. I recommend a quick response as these shoots tend to fill up quickly. Usually Sold Out within 4 hours. Outdoor Match, One Large Bay, New Bay under construction. Normally 4 Stages. IDPA Rules. $15 non-members. SOLD OUT...Email John for waitlisting.
    - Sat, July 14: AAFG IDPA Classifier, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA Classifier: (Normally there is a match 2nd Saturday every month.) MUST sign-up for a slot! Email for a slot or waitlisting. Sign up for announcements on website: 9:30 Squad and 11AM Squad. $20 non-members.
    - Friday, July 20 : NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA and USPSA Monthly Match., Morning and Afternoon Sessions. You can shoot USPSA in the morning and IDPA in the afternoon, or visa versa. (Cost Unknown)
    - Sat, July 21: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply. $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Hollidaysburg IDPA Montly Match, Hollidaysburg, PA, Hollidaysburg Sportsmens Club, Hollidaysburg, PA. Outdoor Range, Show Up and Shoot! Site of 2012 Penn State IDPA Championship scheduled Oct 20. $15 non-members.
    - Sun, July 22: Cavalier IDPA Match, Montpelier, VA, Cavalier Monthly IDPA Match, 6-8 Stages, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. Show up and shoot! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down., $15 non-members.
    - Wed, July 25: Stafford, VA IDPA at The Range, Typically 4 stages, Indoor Only. 6PM and 7PM time slots...small squads. ENTRY FEE:$15.00-CASH-NO CREDIT, SIGN-UP IN ADVANCE THE SUNDAY BEFORE BY PHONE: Phone (540) 720-5922 , 62 Potomac Creek Drive, Fredericksburg, Va. 22405
    - Sat, July 28: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 4th Saturday every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Match is full, but no waiting list, so email if you want on the waiting list. Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 3: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 1st Friday of every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 3: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.

    Sat, Aug 11: NC State Championship
    Sat, Sept 15: Virginia Commonwealth Cup, Charlottesville, VA
    Sep 19-21: IDPA National Championships, Oxford, NC
    Sep 28-30: Lewistown IDPA Patriot Match, Lewistown, PA,
    Oct 20-21: Pennsylvannia State Match, Hollidaysburg, PA
    Oct 27-28: Shoothouse 2012, Blackwater, Moyock, NC REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!....Sells Out!!

    Don't forget to check the Peacemaker National Training Center Schedule at:

    Also, visit the brand-new Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, VA. They host a weekly IDPA match every Tuesday evening, except major holidays: CSA IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. We welcome new and novice shooters! All skill levels are encouraged to participate from beginner to Master shooter.

    Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all your hard work.

  10. #10
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Vienna, Va

    July 15 Update

    Please see the calendar for a detailed list for the coming months. This is a summary of upcoming events. indicates ones I plan to attend):

    - Friday, July 20 : NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA and USPSA Monthly Match., Morning and Afternoon Sessions. You can shoot USPSA in the morning and IDPA in the afternoon, or visa versa. $25 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply. $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21: Hollidaysburg IDPA Montly Match, Hollidaysburg, PA, Hollidaysburg Sportsmens Club, Hollidaysburg, PA. Outdoor Range, Show Up and Shoot! Site of 2012 Penn State IDPA Championship scheduled Oct 20. $15 non-members.
    - Sat, July 21 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    - Sun, July 22: Cavalier IDPA Classifier Match, Montpelier, VA, Outdoor, 3-sided bays. May need to register, check VAIDAP group at Yahoo! Show up early or stay late to help set up or tear down., Normally $15 non-members.
    - Monday, July 23 : NCRR IDPA Classifier Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Wed, July 25: Stafford, VA IDPA at The Range, Typically 4 stages, Indoor Only. 6PM and 7PM time slots...small squads. ENTRY FEE:$15.00-CASH-NO CREDIT, SIGN-UP IN ADVANCE THE SUNDAY BEFORE BY PHONE: Phone (540) 720-5922 , 62 Potomac Creek Drive, Fredericksburg, Va. 22405
    - Sat, July 28: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 4th Saturday every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Match is full, but no waiting list, so email if you want on the waiting list. Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Sat, July 28: Cavalier 3-Gun DMG Match, Montpelier, VA, SOLD OUT! Email: for waitlisting.
    $20/competitor match fee, signup between 8:00 - 8:40am, shooting starts at 9AM, If you get a slot, get details from binazone above.
    - Mon, July 30 : NCRR IDPA Classifier Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 3: AAFG IDPA Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA match: 1st Friday of every month. MUST sign-up for a slot! Sign up for announcements on website: Normally six stages, IDPA rules apply. Must set up, stay for match, and stay for tear down. Normally 8:30AM-2:30PM. $20 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 3: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Sun, Aug 5: Sights Practical IDPA Monthly Match, Lewisberry, PA (Near Harrisburg, PA) Just Show Up by 9AM! They have a shoothouse! Pizza provided at end of match. Excellent club. Often they will offer Shotgun DMG, Rifle DMG, Indoor Flashlight COF, or 3Gun. Check the website for each date.
    -Wed, Aug 8: Blue Ridge Arsenal IDPA Match, Chantilly, VA, Indoor, 4 Stages, Evening time slots only, call Blue Ridge to see if any slots are open. Phone (703) 818-0230, Email:
    - Wed, Aug 8: Stafford, VA IDPA at The Range, Typically 4 stages, Indoor Only. 6PM and 7PM time slots...small squads. ENTRY FEE:$15.00-CASH-NO CREDIT, SIGN-UP IN ADVANCE THE SUNDAY BEFORE BY PHONE: Phone (540) 720-5922 , 62 Potomac Creek Drive, Fredericksburg, Va. 22405
    - Sat, Aug 11: NC State Championship, Boone, NC
    - Sat, Aug 11: Fairfax Rod and Gun Monthlly IDPA, Manassas, VA. Get notifications from Registration for non-FRGC members begins 1200, Tuesday, 3 JUL. Please select a primary and a secondary shooting line on which you'd like to shoot (9AM, 10:30AM, 12Noon, 1:30PM). Confirmation will be by return e-mail. I recommend a quick response as these shoots tend to fill up quickly. Usually Sold Out within 4 hours. Outdoor Match, One Large Bay, New Bay under construction. Normally 4 Stages. IDPA Rules. $15 non-members. SOLD OUT...Email John for waitlisting.
    - Sat, Aug 11: AAFG IDPA Monthly Match, Annapolis, MD, Anne Arundel Fish and Game AAFGIDPA IDPA Classifier: (Normally there is a match 2nd Saturday every month.) MUST sign-up for a slot! Email for a slot or waitlisting. Sign up for announcements on website: 9:30 Squad and 11AM Squad. $20 non-members.
    - Sat, Aug 11: NCRR IDPA BUG Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Fri, Aug 17: NCRR IDPA Monthly Match, 4-9PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Friday evenings, 4 Courses of Fire, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply $15 non-members.
    - Sat, Aug 18 : NCRR Tactical Shotgun Monthly Match, 6AM-5PM, Chesapeake, VA, Noirfolk County Rifle Range IDPA Indoor Match, Chesapeake, VA, Great Indoor Club. Show up and Shoot! $15 non-members.
    - Sat, Aug 18: Peacemaker National Training Center IDPA and USPSA Monthly Match., Morning and Afternoon Sessions. You can shoot USPSA in the morning and IDPA in the afternoon, or visa versa. $25 non-members.
    - Sat, Aug 18: Rivanna IDPA, Charlottesville, VA, Great outdoor range, great club, Just show up to shoot! All IDPA Rules Apply. $15 non-members.
    - Sat, Aug 18: Hollidaysburg IDPA Montly Match, Hollidaysburg, PA, Hollidaysburg Sportsmens Club, Hollidaysburg, PA. Outdoor Range, Show Up and Shoot! Site of 2012 Penn State IDPA Championship scheduled Oct 20. $15 non-members.

    Sat, Aug 11: NC State Championship, Boone, NC
    Sat, Sept 15: Virginia Commonwealth Cup, Charlottesville, VA
    Sep 19-21: IDPA National Championships, Oxford, NC
    Sep 28-30: Lewistown IDPA Patriot Match, Lewistown, PA,
    Oct 20-21: Pennsylvannia State Match, Hollidaysburg, PA
    Oct 27-28: Shoothouse 2012, Blackwater, Moyock, NC REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!....Sells Out!!

    Don't forget to check the Peacemaker National Training Center Schedule at:

    Also, visit the brand-new Colonial Shooting Academy in Richmond, VA. They host a weekly IDPA match every Tuesday evening, except major holidays: CSA IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) Registration is first come first serve from 6-9pm with a charge of $15 per entry. We welcome new and novice shooters! All skill levels are encouraged to participate from beginner to Master shooter.

    Hope to see you at one of these events so you can show off all your hard work.

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