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Thread: Spyderco fanboy thread

  1. #11
    My first was a stainless Police Model, straight edge. Inspired by that capoeira movie’s bad guy, years ago! It was massive and heavy. Then I learned about the waved Delica and Endura models, before the scales had liners. Then came the Pkal.

    And finally this one. Feels nice and planted in the hand, fwd or reverse, edge in or out. And if I lose it, no big deal.
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  2. #12
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    Heading for the hills
    Heh... I started my law enforcement career right about the time knives became “tactical”. Ya’ll remember that far back? That translated me into buying an old school Delica. Molded zytel handle with molded clip. Talk about some tactical wizardry! I was good to go with that bad boy! Or so I thought... Then I dropped it, tip down, on to a concrete floor. Snapped the tip clean off. I re-ground the blade so it wasn’t too terrible. I still shake my head at myself and how bad ass I thought that knife was at the time. I have a vague idea of where it may be so if anyone cares, I can look around to see if I can find it for some glamour shots.

    I carried a Benchmade for years when they came out with the Axis Lock. It never did suit me, nor cut, as well as my Spydercos. (The Benchmade had a blade of M2 steel. Wow. I can’t believe I remember that.) I bought a Manix pretty quick after they came into production and haven’t looked back. Every now and then I do make goo goo eyes at the current Manix line with the upgraded locks, but I really like the size, shape, and heft of my old lock-back Manix. I did replace the Spyderco clip with one off of a Benchmade. The Benchmade clip feels like actual spring steel with some sort of coating rather than a piece of stamped steel with cheap black paint. I haven’t been able to bring myself to drop the coin on one of the aftermarket clips.

  3. #13
    Site Supporter rob_s's Avatar
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    Ive got this guy laying around. Kinda an oddball.

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  4. #14
    Gray Hobbyist Wondering Beard's Avatar
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  5. #15
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    Can somebody tell me what this is (was)? After my divorce I got rid of a bunch of stuff I didn't really want anymore; this was sold on eBay. I kind of regret it now, because I bought it a long time ago (80s? I honestly can't recall.)

    Sigh. Probably should have kept it. These days I carry an inexpensive Dragonfly 2.
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  6. #16
    My first not-junk knife I bought myself was an early Endura, with the integral Zytel clip. Went through a few Enduras, all lost or given away at different spots on the planet.

    Not long after the first Endura, I was playing with serrations, picked up a Rescue with the plastic clip, and an Endura 2, because I was jealous of a friend's Police, but couldn't spare the coin for one. Joke was on him: we worked landscaping and construction together as reckless teens, and he snapped that pretty tip while mine kept going. Included is one of the wooden trainers I ground out for our basement sparring sessions, based on the original Endura.

    Probably not a ton of folks remember the Mas one.

    Last is the Shivworks designs. Highly recommend the Dark Star Gear clip sheath for it. Way better than the factory sheath, which is workable, but not perfect.

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  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by DanM View Post
    I carry the P’kal regularly but have never used my Reverse. The scales are too big and I couldn’t figure out how to conceal it. I took it out of the box, figured that out, and put it right back in the box. I wonder if Dark Star Gear still makes those smaller scales for the Reverse [MENTION=69]orionz06[/MENTION]. For those people actually carrying their Reverse, how are you doing it? Do you use the scales and sheath it came with or did it take some aftermarket stuff to make the knife practical?
    See my post for the Dark Star Gear sheath. Big improvement. I believe they are still doing the scales, too.

    You could also just go at the factory scales with any combo of Dremel, hacksaw, sandpaper, grinder. Wear respiratory protection from the G-10, be careful of the dust/shavings.

  8. #18
    Mod Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanM View Post
    ETA: What do you mean by the P’kal trainer being dangerous?
    The tip is pretty sharp and will make some good bruises, which isn't a dealbreaker. But the wave-stud is the real problem for training with a partner. I've had it snag and rip clothing, and also poke a guy in the hand (why was he grabbing the knife???). The P'Kal trainer is pretty much not welcome in the dojo anymore.
    Instructor/540 Training

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe S View Post
    See my post for the Dark Star Gear sheath. Big improvement. I believe they are still doing the scales, too.

    You could also just go at the factory scales with any combo of Dremel, hacksaw, sandpaper, grinder. Wear respiratory protection from the G-10, be careful of the dust/shavings.
    I’ll look into the DSG sheath as well. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clusterfrack View Post
    The tip is pretty sharp and will make some good bruises, which isn't a dealbreaker. But the wave-stud is the real problem for training with a partner. I've had it snag and rip clothing, and also poke a guy in the hand (why was he grabbing the knife???). The P'Kal trainer is pretty much not welcome in the dojo anymore.
    I hadn’t thought of the wave stud potentially injuring my training partner. That makes sense.
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  10. #20
    Mod Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Yojimbo 2 live and trainer, with 5x5 Combat Solutions Pickpocket wave openers.

    Last edited by Clusterfrack; 05-02-2020 at 11:28 AM.
    Instructor/540 Training

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