My opinion is that evidence of training might be one item in a defense attorney's toolbox. Another useful item might be the fact that the defendant used the same weapon as issued in his community. I said might be. However, perhaps most important elements are having conducted oneself properly when interacting with police at the scene and assuring detectives that you will cooperate after consulting an attorney. Some writers advise not giving any information. I disagree. Mas has excellent suggestions. Other important elements would be not having written stupid comments on social media and having demonstrated erratic behavior. And if the shooter was high on dope or had been drinking when the incident occurred, then where does that lead?

At the risk of stating the obvious, I must say that all should review their state laws on using lethal force. In my area, being indicted and then having to go to trial would mean that the shooter might have made a terrible error in judgment. By this I mean pulling the trigger when one's life is not in danger as he or she interacts during the day. Being cursed,, slapped, kicked, hit, or spit on don't qualify as valid reasons to shoot. However, many of my students killed others and were themselves killed for such reasons. Jailhouses and cemeteries have very many present because their residents were affected one way or another by unwise actions.

Of course this is PF where nobody needs to hear these comments. I hope not but wish to point out to younger members that jails and prisons are real shit holes. Unwisely used, your pistol will put you there real quick, and you will be financially ruined by the time you ride the chain bus where the man will literally beat your ass for running your mouth. I know.