Jay walks you through some of the methods for dealing with a total failure of the optic with the RMR.
Jay walks you through some of the methods for dealing with a total failure of the optic with the RMR.
Aaron Cowan did a video on the white paint line on top of the RMR a few months back. I've been meaning to buy a paint pen so I can try this with my training gun, but seem to forget every time I'm actually out of the house.
So, would it make sense to make the line across the top of the optic a different color than the dot on the housing facing you for the purpose of making sure you’re not shooting over your target?
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Possibly, but at the same time I don't want what I'm looking at to be too busy. If I'm not careful I will be looking at the dot (red) the front sight (black or green/white trit) white line (top of the optic) and now another dot of (pick your color). I have to weigh out if I'm making my backup situation so verbose that I'm actually cutting into the efficacy of my primary sighting situation. As it stands now I wouldn't pick a tritium front the next time I set up an optics gun, instead I'll probably opt for a plain black front sight like Overwatch Precision or Dawson sells.
Yup, and when I start making the transition to doing dots on pistols a set of all black BUIS is exactly what I’d do. I remember listening to a P&S Modcast where Chuck Pressburg was talking about how he thought it wasn’t wise to throw fiber or tritium on BUIS as you were adding so much visual noise to your sight picture in anticipation of the dot failing when, in some cases, the dot will be more durable than the irons. Make your dot the primary and run with it. Your backups are there in the event of the highly unlikely case that something does fail and you have to fall back to it. Sometimes the situation you’re in is one giant poo sammy and you have to make the best of what you have.
Case in point, just the other day on the ‘grams, I saw that some dude sheared off his front sight on his M&P CORE on the draw for the third time because: front sight vs. holster.
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BUIS choice is going to be a bigger consideration with an RMR, for example, than on the SRO due to the difference in display size. The SRO window is so large you don’t notice the sights unless you look for them, where you feel like you are looking through the sights to see the dot on an RMR.
One place three dot tritium sights are very helpful is to help you acquire the red dot in a weird position in the dark.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.
Been doing this for years before there were optics.
Most reliable - back plate method
Also works - line up side of slide (like the corner front to rear)