Several threads recently regarding 1911 reliability have prompted me to start this thread.
The overarching goal is to create a clearinghouse of 1911 reliability "tips, tricks, maintenance, and general information".
First some References:
Hilton Yam's extensive 1911 Section: -
Kuhnhausen's Two Volume Set on 1911s: Volume 1 and Volume 2
Nicolaus & Associates have a number of extremely useful U.S. Military Diagrams and Manuals for the 1911
There are also a number of videos out there on customizing and building the 1911 (see Yam's Technical Reference Section).
For those of you who really want to know, you might want to peruse some of the various Courses:
Gunsite 1911 Armorer's Course
Vicker's 1911 Armorer and Gunsmith Courses
Cylinder and Slide 1911 Style Tactical Pistolsmith Course
Jim Garthwaite Pistolsmithing Course
There are a few specific tools that aid one in keeping the 1911 running.
1911 Specific Tools:
Brownell's has a mostly complete Basic 1911 Tool Kit
And a much more extensive, but still "incomplete" 1911 Armorer's Tool Kit
But individually an owner/operator may wish to simply have the following tools:
Weigand Extractor Tension Gauge Set which must be used in conjunction with a trigger pull weight gauge, like one of the Timneys
Weigand Extractor Tensioning Tool
Brownell's Enhanced Bushing Wrench
Brownell's Extractor Removal Tool
Each of the above tools, will provide the basic end user virtually all that they need to maintain a 1911 in good functional condition. More specialized tools may be needed for the inveterate "tinkerer" those who like to or want to change parts, but to simply maintain a functioning 1911, the above individual tools are really all that are necessary, beyond a good gunsmith screwdriver and punch set.
Now onto the "Art and Science" of maintaining a 1911:
We will break this up into basic sections - As each individual here offers various tips and tricks, please add "Section 1" "Section 2" "Section All" as appropriate to your advice. That way, a search can recover the relevant sections quickly.
Sections are:
Section 1 - Government and Commander Length guns in .45 ACP
Section 2 - Government and Commander Length guns in 9x19 Luger
Section 3 - All Others (including Officer's guns in assorted calibers, double-stack guns, and various 1911-like weapons)
Section All - Tips/Tricks that are general to all 1911-pattern pistols
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