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Thread: Incoming Gun Control Attempts for 2019...

  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by BillSWPA View Post
    If your goal is to challenge a rulemaking process rather than a specific ban, why pick the least sympathetic cause you could possibly find? Seriously, we are talking about BATFE here. You can't find something they did wrong that elicits greater sympathy for the cause?
    They burned a bunch of kids alive in Texas once and that didn't cause any change so I'm not exactly optimistic.

  2. #112
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    Just as clarification, the FBI took over Waco from the BATFE. It was the BATFE that started the incident.

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by OlongJohnson View Post
    Exactly how were we supposed to "negotiate" that?
    The same way everything else in the world is negotiated: You have x, I want it. I have y, you want it. Let's sit down and make a deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by OlongJohnson View Post
    The goal of gun banners is total annihilation, not just of guns and gun ownership, but of the culture of personal responsibility, the culture that recognizes the government is not and cannot be the solution to every problem. Guns both teach those lessons, and are one of the answers once those lessons are learned, so they must go.
    Yes, I'm sure sally school teacher, after watching the Parkland carnage, sat down and rubbed her palms together ominously and muttered, "we finally have what we need to get total annihilation and end personal responsibility!" What happened to you to make you think your average countryman is some sort of comic book villian?

    Quote Originally Posted by OlongJohnson View Post
    When your enemy's goal is your complete and utter destruction, the time to fight is now. There is no compromising, because you will always give up more than you get and in the end, be left with nothing.
    You are describing war. When you speak that way, you fit every stereotype the left puts out there.

    Politicians crave power and reelection. For some of them, gun control is the way they get that. What we need to do is redirect their efforts. This isn't complicated.

  4. #114
    <I’m putting on my tinfoil hat here.>

    What worries me the most right now is the next manufactured active shooter/mass casualty event. The gun control activists (gun grabbers, control freaks) need an emotional event to whip up a frenzy and push their turd through. We have not seen that yet, and that is what concerns me now.
    "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master"

  5. #115
    Member olstyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSH View Post
    You are describing war. When you speak that way, you fit every stereotype the left puts out there.
    Given the history of gun laws in this country, and the example trend you can see if you look at England's history, it's very obvious what the intent is. They keep coming back for another chunk of our rights, and then another, and another, and they'll keep coming until there's nothing left. I have a hard time understanding what compromise you think we can achieve which will be beneficial *and* long lasting.

    People talk about removing suppressors and SBRs from the NFA a lot in these discussions, but I don't see the Democrats ever agreeing to that. Even if they did, the next year they'd be back with a bill to raise the minimum decibels a gunshot was allowed to make and increase the minimum overall length of a rifle.

  6. #116
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    While folks are still enamored with Donald. Here's a counterfactual. Let's say the Las Vegas shooter used a semi (no bump) but with this gadget. It's a 50 round 308 mag from Magpul, from an ad in the upcoming issue of SWAT.

    What would be banned? Certainly, I wouldn't trust him not to tell the AFTE to reclassify it as destructive device (if they could) or something else. With a Democratic president and Congress, the moral panic would probably cause enough in the Senate to go along. Common usage would kill any SCOTUS appeal.

    Name:  100 round.jpg
Views: 335
Size:  66.3 KB

    I keep getting folks telling me that ARs aren't that dangerous because the number of folks shot with them is low compared to the overall gun deaths, deaths from hammers and swimming pools. I shake my head as that 'excuse' continually ignored the psychological impact of the vivid instance and the fear of an active agent seeking to kill you and that is enhanced by these guns and devices for rampages. Hammers aren't designed for killing.

    Thus, my point, unless there is a proactive policy to protect the RKBA, such as in the SAGA act (which went nowhere), there will be an eventual increasing set of bans. That is unless the SCOTUS stops it. FAT CHANCE. When a politician says that he or she will protect the RKBA, the subtext is that he or she will keep the threats in place, send a check.

  7. #117
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Might be time to revisit this gunculture 2.0 article from last year. I’m sure many of you have read it before. If not, it’s worth a read. The author has a handle on the problem, if nothing else.


    ”But in the end all of these ideas just manufacture new criminals when the problem isn't a lack of criminals.” -JRB

  8. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidheshooter View Post
    Might be time to revisit this gunculture 2.0 article from last year. I’m sure many of you have read it before. If not, it’s worth a read. The author has a handle on the problem, if nothing else.


    This is what I’m talking about, and if the NRA proposed this to the other side of the aisle and was able to negotiate the results, they would put everytown and Brady out of business and Feinstein would waddle off to eat 5 year old hard candy and die in her cluttered Bay Area home.

    I never saw the NRA ad with the sledgehammer destroying the TV, but it sounds stupid.

  9. #119
    I feel like many here have forgotten that reasonable people are capable of bringing about and being a part of horrible atrocity.

    Just because a neighbor is a reasonable, well intentioned person doesnt mean that the end goal of specific social trends isn't complete control and eradication of specific social groups. It's happened more than once.

    Have a listen if you need a reminder.

    People act like holding the line, or being absolute about certain topics is wrong. People act like going with the flow is a solution. It is not. Perhaps a change of tactic or viewpoint is required, but giving ground is not. Being reasonable and agreeable with those pushing society against us as a group will lead to the end of our culture and way of life. They can make us out to be evil, and the expand the group of "non-humans" ad nausem. This has literally killed millions. And the belief it can't happen here because we are to civilized and reasonable is false.

    And the only hold up, is civilian firearms ownership. If we keep conceding to the idea of being polite, agreeable, and non-objectionable it will be gone. And once it is, we are in for the stuff of nightmares.


  10. #120
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Well, this is damn timely. I wonder if Liptak reads P-F?

    Totally apropos to the discussion:

    "This was written by NRA Board Member Duane Liptak. It’s a long read, but if you’re in the ranks of those who are pro-gun but anti-NRA, it’s worth the read."
    ”But in the end all of these ideas just manufacture new criminals when the problem isn't a lack of criminals.” -JRB

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