One of the joys about my life in PNG is the ability to use the internet to shop for things that I just can't buy quite yet. Firearms is one, but bass guitars and accessories are another.
I've more than enough bass guitars, but nowhere near enough amps. My SWR Bassic 350 into an Ampeg PF-115HE works fine, but I could always use a nice combo amp...

-What my heart really wants: A GK MB150S micro combo
-What I'm distracted by: various old Acoustic 126 combos
-What I should get: an old Rickenbacker/Road TR35 or similar combo. I have one here, and they're great.
-What I would get if available locally for not too much: a silverface Fender Bassman 10 4x10
-What I should really, really do: Get a 2x10 cab for the SWR, and throw an Ampeg PF500 on the current 1x15 cab.