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Thread: What did you shoot today?

  1. #2741
    Ready! Fire! Aim! awp_101's Avatar
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyDuty View Post

    Bad ideas, brilliant execution

    I may be slow, but I get there.

  2. #2742
    Site Supporter Timbonez's Avatar
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    -1F today when I made it out to shoot. This was meant to be a short range session due to the wind and low temperatures. The wind wasn’t as horrendous as it has been this whole 4 day weekend, so my fingers survived. The sun was out too and that’s a huge game changer in cold weather.

    Simple practice session of doubles with my commercial M9 that I upgraded with an LTT TJIAB, amongst a couple other things, and with my PDP Match SF. I snuck in a couple Bill Drills each with both pistols as well. I just wanted to focus on some fundamentals, and shooting doubles is just the trick. I’ve really taken to enjoying the PDP Match SF. Performance-wise it is very similar to quality 2011s at a fraction of the cost.

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  3. #2743
    Took my friend's new wife shooting on saturday. She's never held a gun before. This is her first ten shots. 320 X5 Legion/RMR, one round in a mag at a time, 7 yards. Pretty much zero coaching aside from showing her proper grip on an empty 365 grip module. No instruction about stance, or trigger finger placement, etc. She squared up, put the dot on the bull and figured it out

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    Then she picked up my MARS built Colt 1911, and proceeded to blow out a bullseye with 230gr ball. She had the dudes in the next lane packing up early. LOL

    At the end, she said she preferred the iron-sighted 1911 to the 320/RMR. I think she liked putting in the work with irons, even though the X5 is softer shooting
    I don't like making plans for the day, because words like "premeditated" get thrown around the courtroom.

  4. #2744
    Site Supporter HeavyDuty's Avatar
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    Not very bright but does lack ambition
    I actually remembered to take pics for once. Today was mostly a testing day with about 650 rounds burned.

    First up was making sure the RXM didn’t have any issues after the RMR installation, it ran great so I must have managed to keep thread lock out of the naughty bits. I’m really learning to like this pistol but forgot to get a pic. It looks just like everyone else’s, bone stock except for a SCD and the RMR.

    Then I was getting a feel for how the Apex barrel I fitted played in the Stack-a-toe M&P. Definitely tighter groups than the stock barrel, from braced shooting I’m guessing 2” at 25 yards is possible (not for me anymore.) Function was 100%, too.

    Next was trying the SA RO Compact to see if my issues continue. Since the last session I changed out the EGW recoil system from a 14# to 13# spring and picked up Wilson mags. The good news is that after 100 or so rounds of mixed 124g I had zero failures to extract or eject and failure to lock back only with the original SA mags - function with the new Wilson mags was solid. It also passed the 10-8 test with no bobbles. Ejection was a little wimpy even with HST, and I got BTF a few times - but it’s definitely getting there.

    I then tried the new 6.5” Bar-Sto barrel I picked up for the MP320. I wasn’t happy with where the muzzle was in relation to my support hand with the 5.5” replacement barrel I had in it so I ordered a longer one and fitted it. It runs great now.

    Next up was zeroing and testing the Staccato C24 with the new ACRO. No issues, and this thing continues to an easy button laser pistol.

    Last was putting a bunch more downrange through the new-to-me Staccato C, the OG single stack CCO. I love this thing, and after today I’m comfortable stoking it with 124 HST and using it for carry once my new OWB2 is here.

    I’m also very happy to report that the carpal and cubital tunnel surgery has apparently had a very positive impact on my tremor. I’m not a kid again, but I am very noticeably more steady than I was before the procedure. I still suck, but less than before the surgery. I do need to relearn some skills, though - I haven’t been able to shoot Weaver in a looong time due to the tremor, and I want to get back to it.

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    BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
    revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”

  5. #2745
    Some reps with the 1301 this evening in the fading light.

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    Is the boy you were proud of the man you are?

    Fimbo iliyo mkononi, ndio iuwayo nyoka!

  6. #2746
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    I shot the Gunset Card Challenge with my manual safety 4” M&P/ACRO. The first run was clean but over time at 5.37. The second run was clean at 4.70. I then shot the Rangemaster Baseline Assessment and the Five Yard Roundup. I haven’t shot a red dot pistol in a while and was a bit over time mostly on the single hand stages, although I was getting good hits.
    I shot the Velocitors that have been in my 43C and reloaded with fresh ammo and then put a cylinder through my Bearcat. I then ran three cylinders through the 632UC, one each Black Hills hollow point, Lost River wadcutters, and Federal hollow points. The Black Hills grouped really well at about 8 yards but the wadcutters were closer to point of aim.

  7. #2747
    First 50 rounds through the new centurion. I am incredibly happy with it, after some more testing it will probably replace the full size as my dedicated WML host. I will also be ordering a set of non-slim grips as the LTT grips make me work too hard to not push shots left at speed
    This is also the first day since I picked it up that I could physically press the trigger after dealing with an unruly patient at work, the DA was still painful, but manageable.
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  8. #2748
    Ready! Fire! Aim! awp_101's Avatar
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemas2 View Post
    This is also the first day since I picked it up that I could physically press the trigger after dealing with an unruly patient at work, the DA was still painful, but manageable.
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    WTH? Cat or Chihuahua?
    Bad ideas, brilliant execution

    I may be slow, but I get there.

  9. #2749
    Gran'pappy Curmudgeon CSW's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    NH, I can pee outside.
    Scoped my musket with a Burris 5x prism.
    Incredibly clear glass.
    My poor man's ACOG.
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    Also shot a 320 compact I found for $300 bucks.
    It's had the factory mods done. Shot at 15, seems pretty accurate, very easy to shoot.
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    62? or 65?

  10. #2750
    Quote Originally Posted by awp_101 View Post
    WTH? Cat or Chihuahua?
    Feral cat. it always start starts with "Snookums has a runny nose" and then after blood is spilled it turns out "Snookums" is an un-socialized outdoor cat and now everyone is on rabies quarantine
    My finger swelled so much by the second day I couldn't bend it at all.

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