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Thread: Offset/Rapid Transition Sights

  1. #1
    Member ASH556's Avatar
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    Offset/Rapid Transition Sights

    I've battled this concept for about 5 years now and have owned/tried several of the available options.
    Key Points:
    1. I don't see the point of folding rapid transition sights. If I need to transition rapidly, flipping sights up is counterintuitive.
    2. I don't see the need for the complexity of an A2 elevation drum on the rear. The Surefire/Duek units are overly complex and heavy.
    3. I don't place a huge premium on cheek weld for rapid transition sights. Whether I'm coming from a low ready/search position or getting out of a magnified optic (ACOG in my case) to deal with an immediate/closer threat, a more heads-up, situationally-aware position is preferred.

    I thought the XS sights would do it for me with their open design. However, they are too low. No amount of cramming my face into the stock was going to get them to align properly.

    1. @Tom_Jones: How feasible would it be to make a plate that would mount to the RMR screws on an ACOG, but that would extend forward over the optic (roughly the length of a G17 slide) and then mount a set of pistol sights to it. The screw-in front is probably the easy-part. The dovetail in the rear is where things would get complicated. Here's a ROUGH sketch of the idea:

    2. Refute any of the above objections about existing designs.
    3. Any other ideas?
    Food Court Apprentice
    Semper Paratus certified AR15 armorer

  2. #2
    New Member schüler's Avatar
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    Agreed on Duecks. Fine for a match rifle, didn't like the exposed rear knobs for serious use. A1 style would have been preferable, something like DD 1.5 or LaRue 103 in ocfset.

    I'm OK with the Griffin Fail Safe set - do wish for tritium dot, smaller rear sight and traditional front sight profile vs. HK style.

  3. #3
    Site Supporter Hambo's Avatar
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    What I understand is that you want to mount what is basically an old BoMar rail on top of an ACOG instead of an RMR. What I don't understand is why that instead of an RMR?

    Being of a certain age I remember when the TA01NSN came out and used one of those for a while. The ghost ring on top worked up close, but it wasn't my favorite. If I had to choose between short radius irons and an RMR, I'd take the RMR any day.
    "Gunfighting is a thinking man's game. So we might want to bring thinking back into it."-MDFA

    Beware of my temper, and the dog that I've found...

  4. #4
    Member ASH556's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    What I understand is that you want to mount what is basically an old BoMar rail on top of an ACOG instead of an RMR. What I don't understand is why that instead of an RMR?

    Being of a certain age I remember when the TA01NSN came out and used one of those for a while. The ghost ring on top worked up close, but it wasn't my favorite. If I had to choose between short radius irons and an RMR, I'd take the RMR any day.
    Reasons for not wanting an RMR:
    1. Less robust than irons
    2. Requires a battery
    3. Cost
    4. Pushes me into open class for gun games (2 optics)
    Food Court Apprentice
    Semper Paratus certified AR15 armorer

  5. #5
    Site Supporter Failure2Stop's Avatar
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    Part of the issue with pistol sights is that they don't work particularly well unless they are at an extended position.
    But I do agree that pistol type sights are a missing part of the alternate aiming solution package on rifles.
    The closest that I have seen so far are the XS, and as you noted, they are too short; but any higher becomes an issue.
    This is something that I have pondered and prototyped a few times. I'm hoping to have something this year, but I remain unsatisfied.
    Last edited by Failure2Stop; 01-16-2018 at 12:44 PM.
    Director Of Sales
    Knight's Armament Company

  6. #6
    Member ASH556's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failure2Stop View Post
    Part of the issue with pistol sights is that they don't work particularly well unless they are at an extended position.
    But I do agree that pistol type sights are a missing part of the alternate aiming solution package on rifles.
    The closest that I have seen so far are the XS, and as you noted, they are too short; but any higher becomes an issue.
    This is something that I have pondered and prototyped a few times. I'm hoping to have something this year, but I remain unsatisfied.
    An MLOK-backed plate that would accept pistol sights (Trijicon HD's or the Ameriglo TCAPS I use on my G17's) would be amazing. Getting the height right would be a deal, but yeah, mount it at the 2:00 position on my hand guard. That would work. Should get the extension I need and present a sight picture I'm already very familiar with.

    Like an updated good quality version of this:
    Name:  p_687000070_1.jpg
Views: 560
Size:  17.6 KB
    Last edited by ASH556; 01-16-2018 at 12:54 PM.
    Food Court Apprentice
    Semper Paratus certified AR15 armorer

  7. #7
    Site Supporter Failure2Stop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASH556 View Post
    An MLOK-backed plate that would accept pistol sights (Trijicon HD's or the Ameriglo TCAPS I use on my G17's) would be amazing. Getting the height right would be a deal, but yeah, mount it at the 2:00 position on my hand guard. That would work. Should get the extension I need and present a sight picture I'm already very familiar with.

    Like an updated good quality version of this:
     0YHyggGBolHRUVIjEhJSorLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FQ8QFy0dFR0rNzcrKysrNzA1Ly03LTc4KysrLCstNysrKy0tNy 0tKy03KzcrKystKysrKystKystK//AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQMEBQYHAgj/xABAEAACAQIDBQUEBwUIAwAAAAAAAQIDEQQhMQUSQVFhBgcTcY EikaHwQlJicrHB0RQjMlPhFSRzgpKy0vEzQ8L/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBP/EABsRAQEBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAARAQMhMQIE/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDuIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAACAABIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAENgeK9eMIuU5 KEVq5NKK82zAR7cYFz3PHX3t2Xh/wCq1vU5P2021LF15ycn4UW1Tjf2VFZJ20u9b9TX4YnggPpmnNN Jpppq6azTT0a5no0zurxcp4Pdk/4aklG+u7ZPLpdszHaXtRh8FFOrK82vZpxznLr0XVijNg5xgO9e nKdp4ecY3ycZKTS6ppfib/gMZCtTjVpvehJXT+dGBXAAEgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YDtxtPwMHVknaUluR53nldeSu/Qz5y/vc2nedPDp5Rjvy85XUU/RP/UByjbeL3EorWTv6L5+BjsDiJX0cn0/NmZxeEhUd5J3ta9yhQwfhu8LPo1kTbOvVyXtvezu0NXC08NNQU nGNnGTajnG0s1yuzXNuY2WIqyq1HepOXuXJckkRUx9SpFRmkt3 Szf6ltSzk3wWS/M4fm4t4/nc33d3XTl+s+t68VYq2mSO293EWsBSvxc2vJzlY4lc+guzuF8L 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i/Q2sAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAf/9k=
    Yeah, that version definitely needs updating.
    Director Of Sales
    Knight's Armament Company

  8. #8
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    Away, away, away, down.......
    @ASH556 what king of precision at what distance are you looking for? Ie lower A zones @ fifteen is good enough or upper/headbox A's at 30?

    I remember back in the early 00's a couple of guys at the local 3 gun match were using what was similar to a PPC revolver top rail with a fixed rear sight mounted on 45* mounts as a backup sight. Anybody else remember something similar or who might have made it?

    @Failure2Stop did you incorporate "protective wings" on the front and rear sights you prototyped? I love well designed protective wings on irons because they always worked really well for me as macro sights for close range fast shooting back when I shot irons a lot in competition. If I needed precision I just dropped down to the finer aperture/notch and front post.
    Last edited by Caballoflaco; 01-16-2018 at 01:12 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by schüler View Post
    I'm OK with the Griffin Fail Safe set - do wish for tritium dot, smaller rear sight and traditional front sight profile vs. HK style.
    Whose design did they copy?

  10. #10
    Member ASH556's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballoflaco View Post
    @ASH556 what king of precision at what distance are you looking for? Ie lower A zones @ fifteen is good enough or upper/headbox A's at 30?

    I remember back in the early 00's a couple of guys at the local 3 gun match were using what was similar to a PPC revolver top rail with a fixed rear sight mounted on 45* mounts as a backup sight. Anybody else remember something similar or who might have made it?

    @Failure2Stop did you incorporate "protective wings" on the front and rear sights you prototyped? I love well designed protective wings on irons because they always worked really well for me as macro sights for close range fast shooting back when I shot irons a lot in competition. If I needed precision I just dropped down to the finer aperture/notch and front post.
    3x5 @ 7yds, 6" at 25yds. Speed and movement/transitions incorporated.
    Food Court Apprentice
    Semper Paratus certified AR15 armorer

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