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Thread: LE UOF Video thread

  1. #2831
    Site Supporter Caballoflaco's Avatar
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    Rolling gunfight in NM between State Police and armed robbers. It’s got shooting through windshields with good results, the most motivational cop ever encouraging one of the wounded suspects to crawl for help, and some random CCR in the background. Shooting starts @25:ish minutes in.

  2. #2832
    Quote Originally Posted by HCM View Post

    On another note, what is flopping around blocking the second officer's BWC ? His necktie ?
    My bet is that it's a mask he's got hooked around a button or somehow attached to the front of his uniform shirt.

  3. #2833
    Site Supporter Erick Gelhaus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TGS View Post
    I mean, that's the reason you join the Highway units at big city PDs in the northeast. Gotta' be rocking that crush cap.

    Jackboots with boot knives and antique leather riding jackets are the norm in some places as well, like Philly. No different than a cop in Texas in current times wearing a revolver with individually looped rounds...that's even worse, really. The firemen up in the northeast are big into tradition/espirit de corps as well, and it's common for guys to be wearing 100 year old leather firehats instead of modern helmets that are objectively way safer and more comfortable.

    NYPD Highway Patrol:
    Attachment 82616

    Philadelphia PD Highway Patrol

    Attachment 82617
    If you're a fan of Mil & cop fiction, then you should read WEB Griffen's offerings and the follow-on ones from his son.

    The elder does a very solid job describing Phila PD's Highway cops. The historical what & why.

  4. #2834
    Quote Originally Posted by Caballoflaco View Post
    Rolling gunfight in NM between State Police and armed robbers. It’s got shooting through windshields with good results, the most motivational cop ever encouraging one of the wounded suspects to crawl for help, and some random CCR in the background. Shooting starts @25:ish minutes in.

    That was a wild one. I thought the officer did a great job.

    Shooting through the windshield while driving became the cool thing to do several years ago after the Oklahoma State Police/Brian Costanza shooting, but there are times where it’s appropriate, and this certainly seemed to be one of those times. I liked the fact that he made sure to say the bad guys were shooting when innocent motorists were around and the public was in danger. We all know that, of course, but it’s good to memorialize that on video, as well as letting supervision know.

  5. #2835
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    Las Vegas - man shot after charging officers with a knife.

    Suspect with drug and mental health issues attempted to break into his parents home. The family had a temporary restraining order against the subject due to prior incidents.

    Last edited by HCM; 01-10-2022 at 10:03 PM.

  6. #2836
    Site Supporter CleverNickname's Avatar
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    Semi-serious question: has anyone ever developed a gun port for patrol car windshields?

  7. #2837
    Site Supporter Caballoflaco's Avatar
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    Away, away, away, down.......
    Quote Originally Posted by HCM View Post
    Las Vegas - man shot after charging officers with a knife.

    Suspect with drug and mental health issues attempted to break into his parents home. The family had a temporary restraining order against the subject due to prior incidents.

    Is it just me or did it look like the officer missed his first shot based on his gun alignment and the bullet striking the road behind the badguy.

  8. #2838
    Site Supporter Paul D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCM View Post
    Las Vegas - man shot after charging officers with a knife.

    Suspect with drug and mental health issues attempted to break into his parents home. The family had a temporary restraining order against the subject due to prior incidents.
    Do LE issued Glocks typically come with the plastic sights? I thought they were all supplied with the Glock OEM steel sights. Is the other office supposed to help or stand back? His hands are empty.
    Last edited by Paul D; 01-10-2022 at 11:15 PM.

  9. #2839
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul D View Post
    Do LE issued Glocks typically come with the plastic sights? I thought they were all supplied with the Glock OEM steel sights. Is the other office supposed to help or stand back? His hands are empty.
    They come however the Dept or officer wants them. I don’t know what LVMPD’s requirements are or if they even issue duty guns. Some agencies simply authorize a list of personally owned weapons or mandate a gun purchased from the Dept when going through the Academy.

    Glock also makes and sells steel versions of the plastic fixed sights.. I believe the UK military issue Glock 17’s come with the steel version of the “ball and bucket” sights.

    There are some who argue that having a weapons mounted light makes night sights redundant.

  10. #2840
    I own this joint, friendo LittleLebowski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snow white View Post
    Id get into it just for the leather.
    Are we still not doing #Phrasing anymore?
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

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