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Thread: LE UOF Video thread

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by voodoo_man View Post
    Warning to anyone who doesn't want to see a dog get shot...

    He's wearing a camera attached to his sunglasses, shows the situation completely and what happens afterwards.
    Dont read the comments on the video...just dont. SMDH.

  2. #12
    Member Luke's Avatar
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    Last edited by Luke; 09-11-2015 at 11:25 AM.

  3. #13
    Member Symmetry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoo_man View Post
    Warning to anyone who doesn't want to see a dog get shot...

    He's wearing a camera attached to his sunglasses, shows the situation completely and what happens afterwards.
    This is why you keep your f*****g dog fenced in or on a chain. Just curious what those guys use for caliber and ammo brand?

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetry View Post
    This is why you keep your f*****g dog fenced in or on a chain. Just curious what those guys use for caliber and ammo brand?
    IIRC, Glock 17 & Gold Dot 124 gr+P.

  5. #15
    Member Symmetry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeeFus View Post
    IIRC, Glock 17 & Gold Dot 124 gr+P.
    Cool. Looks like it worked.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetry View Post
    This is why you keep your f*****g dog fenced in or on a chain. Just curious what those guys use for caliber and ammo brand?
    This is where it'd be a really good idea to tell the officer at your house that's about to go in your backyard that you have a dog that's protective of it's home. Most alarm companies will notify the PD of this too, if they have the information. Cop was doing his job, the dog was doing his job, someone had the power to stop that confrontation and failed miserably.

  7. #17
    Member Symmetry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pablo View Post
    This is where it'd be a really good idea to tell the officer at your house that's about to go in your backyard that you have a dog that's protective of it's home. Most alarm companies will notify the PD of this too, if they have the information. Cop was doing his job, the dog was doing his job, someone had the power to stop that confrontation and failed miserably.
    I feel that a dog is the equivalent of setting a booby trap(which are illegal pretty much everywhere). Dogs are known for attacking children that wander onto someone's property to retrieve a ball. Dogs in general are loose cannons, and even the most highly trained ones can be unpredictable under stress......especially when they are not leashed by the owner. I have seen my share of mauled children over the years, and the owner has always insisted that their dog was sweet and loving.

  8. #18
    Recovering Revolverist Totem Polar's Avatar
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    There's no win in that clip. Bottom line: the officer had to shoot a judge's family dog. Anyone watch long enough to catch the line "yes ma'am, I know your husband..."? Even with the best cop and the most magnanimous judge, that's going to cause some tension.

  9. #19
    THE THIRST MUTILATOR Nephrology's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetry View Post
    I feel that a dog is the equivalent of setting a booby trap(which are illegal pretty much everywhere). Dogs are known for attacking children that wander onto someone's property to retrieve a ball. Dogs in general are loose cannons, and even the most highly trained ones can be unpredictable under stress......especially when they are not leashed by the owner. I have seen my share of mauled children over the years, and the owner has always insisted that their dog was sweet and loving.
    well, there are some dogs where this will never be an issue of course.... (beagles, golden retrievers, etc...)

  10. #20
    STAFF Hambo's Avatar
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    Behind the Photonic Curtain
    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetry View Post
    I feel that a dog is the equivalent of setting a booby trap(which are illegal pretty much everywhere). Dogs are known for attacking children that wander onto someone's property to retrieve a ball. Dogs in general are loose cannons, and even the most highly trained ones can be unpredictable under stress.
    A SWAT instructor once told me that he thought the decision to shoot dogs got made before the team ever rolled. Meaning that some are predisposed to think dogs are a threat while others aren't. I'm in the camp that thinks a lot of people overreact to dogs.
    "Gunfighting is a thinking man's game. So we might want to bring thinking back into it."-MDFA

    “It worked pretty good if you could shoot.” -Pat Rogers

    "Expect to get shot at. Don't let it freak you out."-VCSO deputy

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