Seems like maybe some do???? Part # 16700-ZT3-013
(looking at a few parts diagrams, seems like some do, some don't. Dunno what models were sold when/where. Seems like a lot of variations)
Seems like maybe some do???? Part # 16700-ZT3-013
(looking at a few parts diagrams, seems like some do, some don't. Dunno what models were sold when/where. Seems like a lot of variations)
Here's a thought:
I want to see someone make an inverter generator, that either has battery storage on board, or has the ability to chain batteries to it. The spinny generator portion only fires up when the batteries are getting low, and then it runs at peak efficiency to charge the batteries. think of it as a hybrid generator.
Interesting idea. I would see a lot of value in being able to run batteries-only for a short time in order to refuel without losing power. I'd think the batteries could also help handle short spikes of load better, like when starting an A/C compressor or well pump, letting you run the same loads with a smaller, quieter, less thirsty ICE.
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
I was looking at it from the aspect of...
I've seen a couple utoob guys who are all into the alternate power idea, who've experimented with taking, as an example, a 212cc HF engine and hooking it to a modified alternator (basically ripping out the rectifier and straight feeding the 3 phase to their own rectification and transformer setups) to direct charge battery banks and seeing what the max Ah/gal they can push. the numbers are pretty impressive.
you average petrol fueled generator is pretty INefficient, unless it's running at its sweet spot. most of the time it's not, and efficiency drops off a cliff the closer you get to "max" power output from the generator head. so my thought is much like the Fisker Karma did... setup and tune the petrol portion to run at max efficiency, and recharge the battery as needed. RAM (Stellantis) is apparently doing something similar for one of the new pickups, with EricM's idea as well where it'll kick off the pistons and provide even MORE power than the battery alone to drive the motors on an as-needed basis.
it's already a fact you can already "build" a system like I suggested. Most (even some of the smaller self contained ecoflow style units) off- or grid-tied inverters have the ability to command start a generator. The difference is we're talking about many many thousands to roll a system like that together, not to mention some DIY aspects of it.
Gimme something with...
- 5kWh battery capacity
- 7kW inverter capacity
- a gasoline powered generator that's optimized to charge the battery in about an hour (no battery load)
- ports for "expansion" of the battery bank later on.
- for about $4000
and I think you'd be on to something.
and here's a neat little "trick" about the expansion ports... you can roll out some solar panels in your yard and hook a charge controller to those ports.
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Is ecoflow not doing some version of that with their products?
Is that what this combo does?
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BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
that's pretty much what I've described.
it even does the PV input as well.
I am le-impressed.
$4700 is stiff, but I could totally see that as a viable and fuel miserly setup for long term alternative power.
eta: I'm wrong about lacking split phase, well partially.
the DeltaPro 3 (battery) can do split phase output.
the generator is single phase AC only, but also straight DC to charge the battery.
now i'm even more impressed.
I can’t view the webpage - what are the stats?
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”