I could not find one, so I figured I would get the ball rolling.
If there is one, then I apologize for being a tard.
Shown is my old school Colt Huntsman. I consider the old Huntsman/Woodsman series to be true "sleepers" of the rimfire semi auto world. They are rather nicely balanced, accurate enough to head shoot bunnies at fair distances, and light weight enough that you don't really notice them when carried in a belt rig.
Mine is shown along with my grandfather's Filson that he bought sometime after WWII. The Huntsman is from the same era, and they seem like a natural match. Perfect winter time companions for hunting jackrabbits hiding in the tall sage, when the snow is deep.
Sorry for the pic quality, I am using my phone. My camera bit the dirt.
My dad has one that he bought when he was in JR High. He tells the story of his mom going to buy it for him, and him working for a long time to earn the money for it. He has had his roughly 60 years and it still is a solid shooter.