Sometimes I’d get failure to lock back on empty while shooting 92’s.

With a thumbs forward grip, my support thumb would sometimes push up against the slide stop. I thinned down the stops on all my guns but the issue still remained.

Failure to lock back is not the end of the world but I wanted to eliminate the occurrence if possible.

I found the 90-Two Berettas have a slightly different slide stop. The tab is about 1 mm higher compared to the standard 92/96 stop. This allows the rear area of my thumb enough room and avoids pushing up on the stop.

The left side grip panel will have to be trimmed slightly to fit the 90-Two stop on a standard 92/96. The look may be a little weird to some, but I feel it’s a nice improvement if you have the same issue of failure to lock back.

Finding a 90-Two slide stop…that’s a different problem.

Attachment 6362

Attachment 6363

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