My early Covid lock down home improvement was turning my reloading corner into a reloading room. The bench with the presses and the plywood wall behind it were there, as was the safe. Everything else, to include the wall with sliding barn door, the structure around the safe, the bench next to it, and the drop ceiling are new.
Another question. I want to reload 9mm ammo for my Ruger9mm carbine and my Glock 19. Could anyone recommend a powder brand and any Details to help me get started thanks again
Check out the sticky thread in this subforum on known good pistol loads:
You're going to find availability of components and equipment to be difficult right now, though.
Built this with the Eastwood Shop Table kit and cedar lumber. The bench top is a solid wood door from Lowe's and the shelves are 2x12s mounted on 1" iron pipe stands. The bottom shelve holds 8- "Fat Fifty" on each side. It is a mixture or Redding and RCBS.