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Week 1 -- Slow Fire Marksmanship
results may be posted until 11:59pm EDT on Monday 10-October-2011.
Range: 25yd
Target: NRA B8 replacement center (download pdf here, courtesy Tom Jones)
Start position: Any
Rounds fired: 10
Fire ten rounds at the 8.5x11 B8 replacement center target (click link above to download the pdf file to print this target). There is no time limit.
Add up the score for all ten shots. Keep in mind that the "7" ring is visible but not identified, and the four corners of the target are technically the "6" ring. For hits on the line between two scoring zones, use the higher scoring value only if the grease ring of the bullet hole cuts the line between the two zones. Tears and other marks that are greater than the bullet's diameter do not count for scoring. Shots that do not hit the sheet of paper score zero.