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Thread: Week 127: Warren Advanced 3-Second Standards

  1. #1
    Leopard Printer Mr_White's Avatar
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    Gaming In The Streets

    Week 127: Warren Advanced 3-Second Standards

    Week 127: Warren Advanced 3-Second Standards

    Results may be posted until September 28th, 2015

    Designed by: Scott Warren
    Range: Varies, see description below
    Target: Three IDPA or USPSA Metric targets, spaced two feet apart shoulder to shoulder
    Start Position: Holstered, except on WHO strings, see description below
    Rounds Fired: 63

    Use a shot timer set with a 3-second par for each string. Extra/make-up shots are not allowed. Shots anywhere in the entire head (A/B zones) count as hits. Overtime shots count as misses.

    A. At the start signal, shoot one shot to the head of each target, from left to right.
    B. At the start signal, shoot one shot to the head of each target, from right to left.
    C. At the start signal, shoot one shot to the head of each target, starting on the center target, then engaging the left and right targets in any order.

    Do parts A, B, and C from:

    5 yard line, freestyle

    7 yard line, freestyle

    10 yard line, freestyle

    15 yard line, freestyle

    5 yard line, SHO

    5 yard line, WHO, starting in a ready position

    Variable distance, shooting while moving. Do part A while advancing from the 10 to the 5 yard line. Do part B while retreating from the 5 to the 10 yard line. Do part C while advancing from the 10 to the 5 yard line.

    Please report the following when you post your results in this thread:

    Equipment used (pistol, holster, optional concealment garment if one was used)
    Targets used
    Total score out of the possible 63 points
    Anything you noticed

    Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.
    Technical excellence supports tactical preparedness
    Lord of the Food Court

  2. #2
    Member Luke's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Can anyone explain this part to me?

    Variable distance, shooting while moving. Do part A while advancing from the 10 to the 5 yard line. Do part B while retreating from the 5 to the 10 yard line. Do part C while advancing from the 10 to the 5 yard line.

    So... Do we move on all strings on fire? What do we do on the 15 yard line. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm so confused.

  3. #3
    Member Luke's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Ok I googled it (should have done that in the first place)

    I can understand what's going on now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    61/63. By far my best ever. I dropped 2 at weak hand on the last drill.... center then the outside targets.

    Glock 34
    USPSA Production Rig.

    What did I notice....

    When I got my hits at 15 I was thinking I was looking pretty good to clean it; which I've never done before. I think my PR was 57-59 or so. Then on the last weak hand I dropped 2. Went on to clean the rest. To be fair, after I missed the pressure was off which I had been feeling it just a tad. Working under pressure and learning to overcome it is good.
    Last edited by nwhpfan; 08-29-2015 at 08:29 PM.

  5. #5
    Leopard Printer Mr_White's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwhpfan View Post
    61/63. By far my best ever. I dropped 2 at weak hand on the last drill.... center then the outside targets.

    Glock 34
    USPSA Production Rig.

    What did I notice....

    When I got my hits at 15 I was thinking I was looking pretty good to clean it; which I've never done before. I think my PR was 57-59 or so. Then on the last weak hand I dropped 2. Went on to clean the rest. To be fair, after I missed the pressure was off which I had been feeling it just a tad. Working under pressure and learning to overcome it is good.
    That's really burly, great job!
    Technical excellence supports tactical preparedness
    Lord of the Food Court

  6. #6
    Synthesizer backtrail540's Avatar
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    CZ P09, JMCK AIWB, polo
    Uspsa target
    I had a few goose eggs, two during the weak hand portion and one during the retreat on part b of the movement. I couldn't make time on the 15 yard string, so i had a few clean runs but i was over time. Overall a very enjoyable yet challenging test. I know i have a sho/who deficiency ave have started doing more of that dry.

  7. #7
    Modding this sack of shit BehindBlueI's's Avatar
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    Sig P226 .40, Bladetech Eclipse OWB, no concealment. Speer Lawman 180gr.

    44/63 I could only fire 2 shots once from 10y (C) and all 3 times from 15y. I also didn't get the 3rd shot off once on WHO. The rest I was down were just misses.

    GP100 Match Champion, .357, Reloads (125gr Berry Bullet, 7.3 gr CFE Pistol, CCI magnum SPP) Don Hume thumb snap avenger style OWB holster.
    34/63. 38 hits, but 4 were after the buzzer so I took -4 for over time shots. Only 2 shots per string from 15y, bobble with thumb snap once at 10y led to only one shot on string B (2nd was over time). WHO had the other 3 over time shots. Force of habit led me to tuck my right hand tight against me and muffle the buzzer so I didn't realize until after the string.

    Things noted:

    Recoil was, of course, harder to control on the GP100. However the front sight was also easier to track through recoil. My misses were almost always high, pulling the trigger before letting the front sight settle again, and this was true for both pistols. I was breaking my first shot at around 1.50-1.65 and 3rd shot at around 2.75-2.90. Any tighter time constraints and my score would have suffered quite a bit. My speed didn't very much until 15y. WHO would have been real ugly from the holster, even starting pointing at the "feet" of the middle target, I was right against the time limit with a 2.97 on the C string with the P226, and went over a few times with the GP100.

    I'm out of practice with speed loaders. It's a good thing there was no timed reload during this.

  8. #8
    Site Supporter Clobbersaurus's Avatar
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    Waaaay out west.

    Beretta Centurion clone - 9mm
    AIWB holster under a polo shirt.

    The par times on this were impossible for me. I guess I shouldn't say impossible, rather very difficult for my current skill level.
    I only met one par time; run B at 7 yards with no misses.
    WHO was a disaster, getting only two points total for the three runs.

    Advanced standards indeed!

    I used two overlapping 3x5 index cards for the "heads". Targets were spaced properly.
    Last edited by Clobbersaurus; 09-07-2015 at 09:52 PM.

  9. #9
    Site Supporter MD7305's Avatar
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    Week 127: Warren Advanced 3-Second Standards


    -Glock 22/ TLR1, Safariland 6360, full duty belt set up
    -3x standard IDPA targets
    I lost 4 shots to time (-2 at 15yds, -1 WHO, and -1 on "C" advancing from 10-5 yds.) that left me with 11 other misses.

    When I read the 3sec par and decided to shoot with my duty gear I figured I'd never make the par. Surprisingly I was doing pretty good until 15 yds, the timer was buzzing about the time my sights transitioned to the last target. On my better runs I was clearing my draw and 3 shots at about a 2.85-2.90 window. Of course moving back took more time due to the target becoming smaller. Liked the drill, I don't SOM nearly enough. WHO was bad even though it was at low ready. I can shoot accurately WHO but adding speed everything goes to poop.

    -all the duty holster draw practice is showing fair dividends.
    -need to work transitions more.
    -WHO on a timer is in my future.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by MD7305; 09-07-2015 at 10:55 PM.

  10. #10

    Week 127: Warren Advanced 3-Second Standards

    G17/rmr from Raven phantom open carried.

    Score was 46/63

    At 5sho I was a little cold and dropped one rd on all three stages

    At 7 I was warmed up and cleaned it
    At 10 I had two misses and 2 over time
    Sho and who I dropped 5 each from having trouble driving the gun fast enough.

    Uspsa targets
    Last edited by Ptrlcop; 09-08-2015 at 04:50 PM.

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