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Thread: NFA picture thread

  1. #1
    I own this joint, friendo LittleLebowski's Avatar
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    Last edited by LittleLebowski; 08-07-2015 at 05:27 PM.
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  2. #2
    Member StraitR's Avatar
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    Basking in sunshine
    Bass turd, you had to start this didn't you?

    My Omega is with UPS and scheduled to arrive at my local dealer tomorrow, so the Form 4 will be submitted by weeks end. It's my first NFA item, but I look forward to seeing what others at PF have while I wait. When I visit, I'll snap a few pics.

  3. #3
    Site Supporter
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    TEXAS !

    Remington factory 14" SBS - U.S. Secret Service contract overrun. Replaced the factory plus one magazine extension and had guard with a Wilson / Scatter gun plus one for the sling mount.
    Last edited by HCM; 08-11-2015 at 10:22 AM.

  4. #4
    Site Supporter ASH556's Avatar
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    Braselton, GA
    A few stamps:

    NIB Old Stock HK/Benelli M1S90 14" Entry w/Surefire, holding 7 rounds (ghost loaded) of LE1321B

    Go-to Carbine: Form 4 Daniel Defense MK18, AAC M4-2000, Aimpoint T-1, Surefire X300 Ultra, etc, etc

    Still have the can, but not the host setup anymore: AAC EVO-9 (happy 21st b-day from Kevin) shown on a G17, KKM barrel, Surefire X400:

    The EVO-9 now resides on my son's single-shot .300BLK Handi-Rifle and we only use 220gr Subs:

    And my little buddy (2 yrs old) shooting the M&P .22 with AAC Element 2
    Food Court Apprentice
    Semper Paratus certified AR15 armorer

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Currently sitting in NFA jail. Hopefully get it around Thanksgiving.

    Last edited by xmanhockey7; 08-13-2015 at 10:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Kansas City
    TBAC 22L-1 (no taper) on a CZ 75B SA 9mm with Kadet .22LR conversion upper. The Kadet is amazing and everyone who has shot with it loves it. It uses regular size mags so it's easy to do quick reloads since you're not trying to stick a 3/8" width mag into a 3/8" wide magwell like the 22/45 or any other dedicated .22 pistol.

    How it looks with a SilencerCo Sparrow. I pretty much keep the Sparrow permanently on a CZ American 16" since I usually always shoot subsonic target rounds through it which are lead round nose. Since the Sparrow is take apart it's easier to clean the carbon and lead deposits on the baffles. The 22L-1 is sealed and I try to shoot American Eagle copper plated rounds through it.

    12.5" SBR with LMT lower and Centurion Arms barrel and handguard.

  8. #8
    Licorice Bootlegger JDM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCM View Post

    Remington factory 14" SBS - U.S. Secret Service contract overrun. Replaced the factory plus one magazine extension and had guard with a Wilson / Scatter gun plus one for the sling mount.
    That is an awesome shotgun. Thanks for sharing!
    Nobody is impressed by what you can't do. -THJ

  9. #9

    Ruger 22/45 Lite with Spectre II. Just need to decide what reflex. RMR is not needed - perhaps the Vortex Venom or Burrs FFIII? Maybe a PA cheap one but I really dig lifetime, no hassle warranties so that may not be the decision.

    Ruger American Rimfire in 22LR. Quiet is an understatement with CCI SV. CCI Quiet is even more ridiculous.

    BCM 11.5 ELW KMR with a Griffin M4SDII and an A5 with AGB.

    All are fun and I don't regret any purchases at all. Griffin Revolution 9 should be approved any day at my local dealer - Hansohn Bros in Culpeper, VA. Like LL, I'm very pleased with price and service.

    The Rev9 will go on my L&M RMR'd G19 with a SilencerCo barrel.

    Addicting. Very addicting.

    Truth be told, that Spectre II gets shot 10X's as much as anything else is or will be. 22 cans are a must have. They should be everyone's first NFA purchase.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Last edited by punkey71; 08-22-2015 at 10:58 AM.

  10. #10
    Site Supporter Odin Bravo One's Avatar
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    In the back of beyond

    Didn't have room to include every single firearm that is a host for the suppressors.............sorry.

    AM-180 .22LR
    1928A1 Auto Ordnance Thompson
    MAC-10 .45 ACP

    SCAR SBR 5.56
    Noveske SBR .300 BLK
    S&W M&P 15-22 SBR w/dedicated GemTech Outback IID .22LR
    LWRC PSD 5.56
    Remington 870 SBS

    GemTech Ti Sand Storm .30 cal suppressor
    Silencerco Octane .45 ACP
    AAC SDN-6 .30 cal
    OPS INC 15th Model 5.56
    AAC M4-2000 5.56
    GemTech .17 HMR
    GemTech Outback II .22LR

    Pending/In ATF Purgatory:
    GemTech Multi-mount 9mm
    NEF/H&R 12 & 20 GA single shot SBS's
    Silencerco Shotgun Suppressor x's 2

    Accepting donations (seriously considering a "Go Fund Me" campaign) to buy the BAR for sale in NOVA..............
    Last edited by Odin Bravo One; 08-22-2015 at 07:28 PM.

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