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Thread: New Feature - Ignore Threads and/or Forums

  1. #11
    Hillbilly Elitist Malamute's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom_Jones View Post
    OK. I'll download the code and audit it to the best of my abilities. Assuming there isn't anything too terribly wrong with it, I'll install it.

    It might be a few weeks before it goes live, most likely with the new themes and branding (which will also include the much desired like/dislike buttons ).
    Quote Originally Posted by JackRock View Post
    Dammit, I want to "like" this post!

    Attachment 3245

  2. #12
    Just saying, I'm seeing feature requests from non supporting members
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  3. #13
    Site Supporter Tamara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    Just saying, I'm seeing feature requests from non supporting members
    ...he said, subtly.
    Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.

    I can explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Tamara View Post
    ...he said, subtly.
    They don't have to contribute. But you.....I expect an review of the P320 and AIWB carry and soon.
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  5. #15
    Site Supporter SeriousStudent's Avatar
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    This is very cool. Thank you for your time and efforts on this, Tom.


    A site supporter.

  6. #16
    Site Supporter SeriousStudent's Avatar
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    Ye gods and little fishes, I must have missed that. I thought the Paypal doodad did that automagically these days.

    I shall attend to it. Thanks for the catch.

  7. #17
    Site Supporter SeriousStudent's Avatar
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    Fixed it - what a narrow escape.

  8. #18
    Member cclaxton's Avatar
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    Ignore threads feature: Let's pretend people aren't talking about other things that bother me. I don't get it. I use the link to see New Postings and Threads where I posted something. If I read a thread I don't want to continue reading....I just don't continue reading it. Maybe people need a way to protect themselves from being tempted to continue to read threads they don't like...but I don't get it. Doesn't bother me and I won't use the feature.
    That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom_Jones View Post
    Since I'm out of control and derailing threads all over the place today, I'll mention that I picked up a P320 today. I'd heard that it was similar to a Glock in that the striker wasn't fully tensioned. This got me sort of excited for gadgety reasons. Unfortunately, that's not the case. It's a lot more like an M&P or VP9 than a Glock.
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cclaxton View Post
    Let's pretend people aren't talking about other things that bother me.
    Sometimes the RR takes up the vast majority of the "What's New" section. I really don't care about 99% of what's in that section, and now I can substantially clean up my "What's New" feed with one click. That's a win in my book.

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