I’ve been following this thread and PF.com for years. I have a few targets I’d like to add to this thread but I’m also going to use it as a reintroduction after not posting for almost a decade.
My name is Julien. I spent two enlistments on active duty in the USMC as a Small Arms Repairman (MOS 2111), Combat Marksmanship Coach (MOS 0933), and Precision Weapons Repair Technician (MOS 2112, or “Gunsmith” in common terms). I am an inveterate nerdy pistol shooter and was heavily influenced professionally just before beginning my military career by the writings of Todd Louis Green and Ernest Langdon. I spent my whole career in the Marines entirely focused on the following:
1. Get to Quantico, VA and become a 2112.
2. Spend as much time on the range shooting as much government
ammo as I could.
3. Attend as much training on small arms as I could.
I managed to accomplish all 3 of those goals despite the never ending nightmare of trying to individually fight a massive government bureaucracy hellbent on preventing me from either enjoying my life or attending the very training it budgeted and provisioned for. Point two set me on the path to earn an EIC badge (bronze) with an M9 so I could get my tail off Okinawa early and to the USMC Shooting Team as a summer shooter. I was the last guy in my detail to earn my campaign cover, right before I went to 2112 school, and to this day being told by the Pistol Team Coach I finally rated to wear it is still one of my proudest accomplishments. Point 3 is how I learned that iron sighted AKMs are really hard to hit things with at 500 yards, along with finding out that the “Special” in “Special Operations” might not mean what you’d think, but that’s a story for a different day…
I sought greener pastures and I’ll have been a civilian for 5 years in a few months. For as much as twenty year old me wanted nothing more in life than to be a a military gunsmith & shooter, my current career is not related to guns or the military in the slightest and I could not be happier. Incidentally, that’s how I now actually have the time and resources to focus on what I love most- poking 10 holes in a 5 inch circle at 25 yards with a handgun. Now that you’ve attended my Ted Talk please enjoy my contribution 😆
Special thanks to @
JRV for the inspiration to post this- truly some of the best shooting I’ve ever seen!