You’re right, I’ve seen those groups.
I should have also added “in 38. Special” and not one of the Ultimate Carry models. The lack of QC
really soured me on a revolver that I probably would love.
I have no doubt that a J Frame is mechanically capable of shooting tight groups at 25 yards. The problem is I have not found a set up that I could ring this level of capability from. I have a 158 gr LSWC load that I enjoy in my K frame?but Ive yet to find a J frame that is tolerable to shoot it in. I had a S&W Model 36 that shot ~2 inches to the left at 7 yards, which I confirmed with 3 other shooters. Even with Pachmayr stocks the recoil with my preferred load was not conducive to fast follow up shots. I would go from shooting mid to upper nineties on a B8 with my Model 15 and then barely be able to crack an 80 with the Model 36. Very frustrating. That gun now lives with a friend who likes to collect guns more than shoot.
Alternatively, I rented a bone stock SP101 and bought a box of 158 gr Magtech a few years ago. I fired a few sighters at 15 yards and then ran a B8 out to 25 yards. I was absolutely shocked when I brought back a 92 and how comfortable the gun was to shoot comparatively. Didn't keep that target like an idiot.
If I ever come across a SP101 with Novak sights at a good price Im absolutely going to nab it.