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View Full Version : Rideshare to Shoothouse Shootout/3-gun Oct 11-13 to Moyock, NC

09-22-2013, 02:01 PM
My original shooting pardner for this event had surgery on his hand which will disable his trigger finger for a while and can't do the Shoothouse Match. (Will help his weak hand shooting for a while.)

So, I am looking for a rideshare pardner to Moyock, NC on Oct 11, shooting both 3-gun and IDPA pistol matches, then returning Sunday night. I plan to stay at the bunkhouse on-site at Academi Fri and Sat nights. But I could be convinced on another lodging option.

I will be travelling down I-95, then through Richmond area, then east on I-64, barring possible detour due to I-64 traffic. I could stop and pick you up along that route. Pickup time somewhat flexible, but I want to get to Moyock by 9PM, latest.

Vehicle will be my Cadillac DTS, gets about 25mph on highway. We split gas and some driving. No smoking in my vehicle, but we can stop for breaks along the way.

Contact me at cclaxton@verizon.net

09-22-2013, 06:40 PM
Vehicle will be my Cadillac DTS, gets about 25mph on highway. We split gas and some driving. No smoking in my vehicle, but we can stop for breaks along the way.

Contact me at cclaxton@verizon.net

You should leave now... :p

Seriously though, have fun man. Academi has a ridiculously high speed facility. I took my CCW class there (I'm in Raleigh) and can't wait until to go back for a week long class.