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View Full Version : Getting Ready For A Tactical Conference

05-22-2011, 02:42 PM
What would be the best way to prepare to attend a tactical conference?
What would be the most important areas to stress in practice beforehand?

I have shot Bullseye, practical pistol, bowling pins, and steel plate matches.
Now shooting a bit of three gun. Also taken a few handgun courses over the years.

Feeling a bit rusty at the moment after last winter which featured bad weather, illness and not much shooting.

05-22-2011, 04:07 PM
IMO it depends on what you want to accomplish. Are you going to be exposed to multiple trainers or to try and win the match?

I just work my regular practice sessions and not try anything special.

If it's something like Toms Eastern conference that has alot of H2H stuff I'd work on my conditioning.

Have some sort of game plan for what classes you want to attend and how much ammo you will need before you get there. If you try to wing it the first morning you'll end up missing something you wanted to attend.

Print the schedule out and take it so you can double check what time and where classes are.

05-24-2011, 01:00 PM
I haven't gotten a schedule yet but do plan to go through it and plan out course attendance.
I'm more interested in classes than match performance although I do plan to shoot competition.

05-24-2011, 05:32 PM
I'd just work my normal routine. Make sure you know where you carry gear hits out to 25 yards and you should be good.

05-24-2011, 08:42 PM
One thing, If your going to Tom's Eastern Conference make sure you know how a "HOT" range works, Never Holster a empty gun ect ( unless told to). I saw several folks doing the Unload and show clear thing at Tulsa, and ya don't do that there, it was good for a chuckle though.

I'd get in the best shape I could ( that aint saying much for me:o) If you have not been in a class with SouthNarc that is a MUST, then take the classes that you have not had that type of training before.

Maybe if things work out I'll see you there.

05-31-2011, 09:26 AM
Couple things I would suggest...

Read some reviews of prior courses/events. That'll give you a heads-up as to what you can expect.

Bring more ammo than you think that you'll need.

Hydration - a Camel back is great. Sometimes you have just a moment to get a drink. If you don't have to walk to get it, all the better.

Make sure that you are using REAL equipment that you plan to use every day. I attended a course and saw a female shooter wearing a tactical thigh rig on the range. If it isn't your regular holster, don't wear something just to look cool.

If there are multiple classes being held at the same time, pick your #1, 2 and 3. Know where they are and get to them early. If one is full, you'll already have a plan on how to get to #2.

Pocket protein snacks - peanuts, protein bars, etc. They can make all the difference when running around in the woods or in the heat.

06-09-2011, 02:57 PM
I got back from a week-long trip Tuesday and am still beat from the travel and dealing with a few days of 100 degree heat. I have a lot of work to do to get into better condition.