View Full Version : RFK Jr Diary has some, ahem, interesting insights....

09-09-2013, 09:00 AM

The Revs. Jackson and Sharpton “give me the creeps,” Kennedy writes in a July 5 entry.
“Al Sharpton has done more damage to the black cause than [segregationist Alabama Gov.] George Wallace. He has suffocated the decent black leaders in New York,” he says. “His transparent venal blackmail and extortion schemes taint all black leadership.”
Rev. Al Sharpton gave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “the creeps,” he wrote in his diary.
He goes on to call Sharpton a “buffoon” who has never escaped the “stench” of his advocacy for Tawana Brawley, the black Dutchess County teen who fabricated a story about six white men raping her in 1987.

09-09-2013, 09:12 AM
If he wasn't making hookers three at a time then he has nothing on the more famous Kennedy tribesmen.

09-14-2013, 04:54 PM
They, including Daddy, were were more interested in Hollywood starlets. Thats Class with a capital 'C'. Trumps a Clinton 20 year old Intern alltohellandgone.


Joe in PNG
09-14-2013, 05:08 PM
They've been coasting on JFK's rep for what, almost 40 years now?

The Kennedy's- Americas proof that aristocracy doesn't really work.