View Full Version : New Gallup poll on guns in schools

08-22-2013, 12:58 PM
The 45th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools was published in the September 2013 issue of Kappan magazine. The poll included questions about armed security and armed teachers for the first time.

Results here represent only 2013 respondents who are parents of public school children unless indicated otherwise:

T12 asked if parents "feared" for their child's safety when playing outside in their neighborhood. The number of parents responding "YES" rose from 28% in 1977 to 33% in 2013.

T13 asked parents if they "feared" for their oldest child's physical safety when he is at school. The percentage of parents responding "YES" rose sharply from 1977 (25%) to 1998 (36%) and has since dropped dramatically (only 12% in 2013).

T14 asked if regarding their oldest child's safety in school, are parents more concerned about intruders in school or other students. 14% said they were concerned about intruders compared to 80% who said they were concerned about other students.

T15 asked which a parent thought would be more effective in promoting safety: hiring more armed security or increasing mental health services. 36% said guards would be more effective, 52% said mental health services, 7% stated both (which wasn't an option offered by the tester), 3% stated neither (also not an offered option), and 1% said they didn't know or refused to answer.

T16 dealt with elementary schools. On a scale of 5 to 1 with 5 being "strongly agree" and 1 being "strongly" disagree:

Elementary schools should employ armed security guards
5: 17%
4: 18%
3: 22%
2: 15%
1: 28%

Elementary schools should allow teachers or other staff to be armed
5: 23
4: 10
3: 13
2: 12
1: 42

Elementary schools should use entry screening procedures "similar to those used in government buildings"
5: 32
4: 19
3: 21
2: 18
1: 10

T17 dealt with middle & high schools using the same scale:

Middle & high schools should employ armed security guards
5: 31
4: 20
3: 20
2: 10
1: 19

Middle & high schools should allow teachers or other staff to be armed
5: 24
4: 11
3: 14
2: 15
1: 36

Middle & high schools should use entry screening procedures "similar to those used in government buildings"
5: 34
4: 21
3: 23
2: 13
1: 9