View Full Version : puppy problem

03-23-2013, 11:55 PM
Hey guys, this is my second German shepherd puppy. I have a one year old female and now a 3 month old male. He is having a issue of dripping urine and not knowing he is doing it. So its hard to correct him on it, don't get wrong when he purposely goes in the house he gets corrected by us and our female but the unknowing dripping is hard to deal with. We have taken him in twice now and the doc keeps telling us to wait it out. just wondering what everything thinks?

03-24-2013, 03:21 AM
Could it possibly be submission urinating, if it is ignore it when it happens and don't reinforce the submission with negative stimulus and the dog should stop.

03-24-2013, 10:51 AM
If he isn't doing it during excitement or, while ears are down and tail tucked (submission). It is probably just that his bladder control is running a little late, most pups don't actually get the ability to actively turn the taps on/off until about 12 weeks, but control can appear both earlier and later depending on the pup. I would keep an eye on it and if it doesn't start improving soon a visit to the vet may be in order to rule out a bladder infection. FWIW I have a female JRT who had bladder 'excitement' issues until she was about 2.


03-24-2013, 11:26 AM
It isn't submissive, he just will be walking and it'll drip. We have had him to the vet and the doc told us to wait it out. I think he just hasn't learned control yet.

Robert Mitchum
03-24-2013, 02:56 PM

03-24-2013, 08:19 PM
I think you misunderstood me, either way he is staying. I would never get rid of a dog, just wanted to know if this was common or not. He is gonna be a big dog and a good addition to our female as a security alarm.

Robert Mitchum
03-25-2013, 12:05 AM
I think you misunderstood me, either way he is staying. I would never get rid of a dog, just wanted to know if this was common or not. He is gonna be a big dog and a good addition to our female as a security alarm.

Who said anything about getting rid of him ??
Bro GOOD LUCK hope it works out ..