View Full Version : Buffers Gone Wild

03-21-2013, 06:57 PM


Floor buffers and magnets are a bad combination.

Sorry for the low quality pic, but I didn't want to take a good camera near the magnet.

03-21-2013, 08:00 PM
Low quality picture, but that looks like a floor buffer is stuck to the magnet of an open MRI.

If so shouldn't that have been locked. It would seem like with the danger involved that EVERYONE including the cleaning crews should be escorted in and out of the MRI rooms.

03-21-2013, 08:45 PM
Low quality picture, but that looks like a floor buffer is stuck to the magnet of an open MRI.

If so shouldn't that have been locked. It would seem like with the danger involved that EVERYONE including the cleaning crews should be escorted in and out of the MRI rooms.

Something broke down in the training. Fortunately, it's only my job to make things better after such things happen.

I got the call that every MR guy fears Tuesday evening, "Tim, we've got a buffer stuck in the magnet." :)

Took 8 hours to ramp the magnet down, pull the buffer off (only possible when the field was down to <20% of normal) and ramp it back up. A lot of helium died during the process. :)