View Full Version : class sign-up software?

03-10-2013, 10:19 PM
I would appreciate pointers on where to look for software to manage sign-up for classes.

Each year, we offer several free firearms safety classes through the Sheriff's Office, and this year the demand is very, very high. Applications for the Georgia Weapons Carry License went from around 30 a month in our county to being over 200 a month since the first mention of gun grabs.

We have typically handled class sign-up by announcing a list of available dates with people calling to sign up, but this year that system has overwhelmed the office staff. We also received some unsolicited "help" in publicizing the classes to the point that the first four filled up within two days, and the two additional classes we announced filled up within 45 minutes.

What I would like to be able to do is post a link to a class with a certain number of spots. People sign up for the classes online, and once the number of slots are full it ceases to accept registration. I have been playing around with several event software suites, but I am not locked into anything yet.
