View Full Version : Drug overdose deaths climb

02-19-2013, 09:57 PM

With more than double the rate of firearms related murders, the Federal Gov. should consider banning assault prescription drugs and multiple pill dispensers

02-19-2013, 10:41 PM
Ha, I was just about to post this: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/drug-overdose-deaths-11th-consecutive-year

With the title "Stop the hi-cap Pill Bottles!"

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Ed L
02-19-2013, 11:37 PM
NYC Mayor is Bloomberg is already on it. He got NYC hospitals to agree not to give more than three days worth of perscription painkillers to people who show up at emergency rooms.

This means sick or injured people need to go back every three days or go to other doctors rather than get enough painkillers to stay home. This clogs up the emergency rooms by making people have to come back, means people in pain have to travel back to doctors or ERs, and certainly costs more money for multiple visits, be it private pay, health insurance, or public funds.

But it might make it harder for drug abusers to get drugs, so I guess it is worth it according to Bloomberg's thinking.

from: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/11/nyregion/new-york-city-to-restrict-powerful-prescription-drugs-in-public-hospitals-emergency-rooms.html?_r=0

But some critics said that poor and uninsured patients sometimes used the emergency room as their primary source of medical care. The restrictions, they said, could deprive doctors in the public hospital system — whose mission it is to treat poor people — of the flexibility that they need to respond to patients.

“Here is my problem with legislative medicine,” said Dr. Alex Rosenau, president-elect of the American College of Emergency Physicians and senior vice chairman of emergency medicine at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Eastern Pennsylvania. “It prevents me from being a professional and using my judgment.”

While someone could fake a toothache to get painkillers, he said, another patient might have legitimate pain and not be able to get an appointment at a dental clinic for days. Or, he said, a patient with a hand injury may need more than three days of pain relief until the swelling goes down and an operation could be scheduled.

02-19-2013, 11:40 PM
If it saves just one person....

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02-19-2013, 11:52 PM
Bloomberg is so stupid. Pharmacy robberies are already increasing exponentially, all his plan is going to do is make addicts and abusers more desperate and increase pharmacy robberies even more. It's just going to put medical professionals further at risk because he thinks he knows what's best for all of us.

02-20-2013, 12:11 AM
Bloomberg is so stupid. Pharmacy robberies are already increasing exponentially, all his plan is going to do is make addicts and abusers more desperate and increase pharmacy robberies even more. It's just going to put medical professionals further at risk because he thinks he knows what's best for all of us.

Yeah, but at least the criminals in NYC won't be able to rob the pharmacies using guns. And they certainly won't have any high cap magazines either so that's a good thing.

Wait... What??

Oh, here's an idea: Just make the pharmacies Gun Free Zones!
There, I fixed it!

~ Typos brought to you by my laziness & in attention to detail.

Odin Bravo One
02-20-2013, 01:32 AM
While someone could fake a toothache to get painkillers, he said, another patient might have legitimate pain and not be able to get an appointment at a dental clinic for days. Or, he said, a patient with a hand injury may need more than three days of pain relief until the swelling goes down and an operation could be scheduled.

Obamacare's socialized medicine should fix that in a hurry.

I'm on socialized medicine, and between work, travel, and limited appointment availability (especially over the holidays when my original appointment was cancelled....without anyone telling me......because the POTUS declared a federal holiday for Xmas eve), I'll get a dental appointment to fix a broken tooth (not a cavity, not a filling, not a root canal.......broken) in a matter of a few days.

.............about 140 days, give or take a day or two.........

I really don't see what the problem is. Since socialized medicine is subject to government oversight, real pain relievers are pretty tough to come by. 800mg Motrin. And water. And a bandaid, if you're a ****y.

Kyle Reese
02-20-2013, 07:51 AM
Bloomberg is so stupid. Pharmacy robberies are already increasing exponentially, all his plan is going to do is make addicts and abusers more desperate and increase pharmacy robberies even more. It's just going to put medical professionals further at risk because he thinks he knows what's best for all of us.

He does know what's best. Just ask him.

02-20-2013, 08:11 AM
While someone could fake a toothache to get painkillers, he said, another patient might have legitimate pain and not be able to get an appointment at a dental clinic for days. Or, he said, a patient with a hand injury may need more than three days of pain relief until the swelling goes down and an operation could be scheduled.

Obamacare's socialized medicine should fix that in a hurry.

I'm on socialized medicine, and between work, travel, and limited appointment availability (especially over the holidays when my original appointment was cancelled....without anyone telling me......because the POTUS declared a federal holiday for Xmas eve), I'll get a dental appointment to fix a broken tooth (not a cavity, not a filling, not a root canal.......broken) in a matter of a few days.

.............about 140 days, give or take a day or two.........

I really don't see what the problem is. Since socialized medicine is subject to government oversight, real pain relievers are pretty tough to come by. 800mg Motrin. And water. And a bandaid, if you're a ****y.

And after you get out, look forward to paying out the ass to have a civvie dentist unfuck your teeth. Ask me how I know :D

02-20-2013, 08:38 AM
Gee LL, how do you know? :D

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02-20-2013, 10:12 AM
And after you get out, look forward to paying out the ass to have a civvie dentist unfuck your teeth. Ask me how I know :D


~ Typos brought to you by my laziness & in attention to detail.

02-20-2013, 10:26 AM

~ Typos brought to you by my laziness & in attention to detail.

Excellent :D

Odin Bravo One
02-20-2013, 10:48 AM
And after you get out, look forward to paying out the ass to have a civvie dentist unfuck your teeth. Ask me how I know :D

I married a rich girl. Two words. Sugar Mama.

I highly recommend it.

02-20-2013, 10:53 AM
I married a rich girl. Two words. Sugar Mama.

I highly recommend it.

I did not do so myself but that's what I recommend for others :D

02-20-2013, 01:28 PM
I married a rich girl. Two words. Sugar Mama.

I highly recommend it.

Me too... Except mine's a Splenda Mama

Please excuse any typos, my Droid's kinda stupid. (°_°)

02-20-2013, 01:54 PM
Teach me guys! I'm listening!

02-20-2013, 05:43 PM
800mg Motrin.
Vitamin M, FTW!

And after you get out, look forward to paying out the ass to have a civvie dentist unfuck your teeth. Ask me how I know :D
"What?! You can do that? Does the Army know this?!"

02-21-2013, 10:01 AM
And after you get out, look forward to paying out the ass to have a civvie dentist unfuck your teeth. Ask me how I know :D

When I was stationed at APG, I was walking into Kirk medical center for a follow-up and I see them wheeling a young IET Soldier on a gurney into a civilian ambulance. He looked like a chipmunk from facial swelling. Turns out he had a broken tooth 'fixed' about a week prior, and this 'fix' resulted in three abscesses and a blood infection, so they had to send him down to Walter Reed for treatment.
Turns out the military dentist there at Kirk had a reputation amongst the IET Soldiers there, and they usually called him 'Dr. Bleeder' as a spoof on his surname.

02-21-2013, 10:37 AM
Best trama surgeon I know is USAF.

Best anesthesiologist I know is USN.

Worst GP I know has no military background.

Don't know any DDS types.

I've worked with MDs at Cleveland Clinic, Brooks, Reed, UC, Case and OSU.

02-21-2013, 10:54 AM
My brother-in-law is a former Navy infectious diseases doctor and every time I've asked him for help, I've been told to take Motrin. He's been cut off from comms with me after sending me a barrage of liberal emails and texts.

Odin Bravo One
02-21-2013, 11:37 AM
Best trama surgeon I know is USAF.

Best anesthesiologist I know is USN.

Worst GP I know has no military background.

Don't know any DDS types.

I've worked with MDs at Cleveland Clinic, Brooks, Reed, UC, Case and OSU.

It's not the Doctors where socialized medicine fails............it rarely is. Sure, there are some shitty doctors.

But I have been put back together enough times to make Humpty Dumpty look like a rookie, and given what they had to work with, I have been pleased with the results. Best two surgeons I know are USN. Best anesthesia dude I know is Army. Best dentists I know have all been civilians, but that is mostly because in 20+ years, I have rarely seen the same military dentist twice.

The system is where it breaks down. Administration types, front office people, schedulers, record keepers, policy makers, etc., are the ones who view their patients as numbers, and treat them like third class citizens. The surgeons, doctors, rehab, and nurses I have dealt with have all (but one) treated me like a human being. The specialists, i.e., the ones who know what they are doing, even have pain management plans that while hamstrung by BS policies, at least make an attempt, and make little things like learning to walk again somewhat bearable.

Ironically, as we discuss the budget cuts and sequestration..........the nurses, and rehab folks are mostly civilians. I'll lay dollars to pesos that they furlough/lay off the good ones, and keep the (but one) listed above.
