View Full Version : Any SMEs willing to talk with CO Legislators?

Red Leader
02-14-2013, 04:02 PM
Hey guys,

I have been sending emails out like crazy and have actually been getting a few responses. I'm wondering if there are any subject matter experts that would be willing to discuss gun control issues and how they relate to mass shootings with some of these legislators who are interested in some input right now?

If you are and are willing, I'd love to get some contact information from you to send on to these reps, so that their pro-2nd amendment camp isn't just represented by Joe the angry gun-nut (to them).


02-14-2013, 04:46 PM
I'll be happy to help, however, it had been my experience that most of the politicians and reporters I have spoken to over the past 20 years have been less interested in finding out the truth about subjects and really just wanted to find sensationalistic sound bites that supported their preconceived notions...

02-14-2013, 06:04 PM
I hate to say it, but I agree with Doc.

I was watching a CO legislator on TV explain how it was inconceivable that an armed college student could stop a shooter with their own handgun, and the handgun would just be another weapon for the shooter. I so much wanted to be able to ask that legislator if she was confronted with such a shooter, would she at that moment choose to have her own firearm or quickly pass another law.

Make no mistake, this is a rural/urban conflict, and the liberals see this as their great moment to reverse the last 20 years trend towards gun rights.