View Full Version : On the lighter side: Sitting in traffic have you ever been caught doing......

02-13-2013, 11:25 AM
I commute to work about every day with my buddy/boss about 40 miles to and from work. It takes about an hour in the morning and almost 90 minutes going home. This time allows me to check people out in their cars trying to figure out what they are thinking and analyze.

So yesterday going home, I get the usual cell phone junky texting, someone having a melt down because he is late for something, women putting on their warpaint to freshen up and some dude with his finger buried in his nose up to his second knuckle (when you are no more that 2 feet away, you get details unfortunately.)

My buddy and I as usual talking about whatever and Black Powder shooting came up, which then brought up the deal about a competition at Rendezvous i used to attend, and trying to explain how it worked. When I talk I have this annoying habit of talking with my hands, and at about that time, I was telling him about the reloading of the Hawkins, I was motioning the action of the ramrod...and my buddy stopped me and said "Hey man, that looks kind of odd.." I looked at him thinking what? and looked to my right and there was this lady no more than two feet from me...with a big ass smile, and once I made eye contact, and my hand was stopped in mid stroke...she just started rolling.

Needless to say...there was no where for me to hide.

02-13-2013, 12:00 PM
I usually get busted for singing but that's okay 'cause I'm usually singing along with Neil Young, who is every bad singer's best friend.

02-13-2013, 12:12 PM
I usually get busted for singing but that's okay 'cause I'm usually singing along with Neil Young, who is every bad singer's best friend.

Bob Dylan is a good choice too, you don't even have to pronounce words that make any sense.

02-13-2013, 12:18 PM
So awesome that you weren't with your wife/girlfriend.

Had to be another dude! Greatness.