View Full Version : A terrifyingly candid look at the end game

02-01-2013, 08:51 PM

Spread this one widely. This is what we are up against. It's heartening to see even on DailyKos there's a 1% support for this nutjob, but still... he's just saying out loud what most of them are thinking.

02-01-2013, 09:08 PM

Spread this one widely. This is what we are up against. It's heartening to see even on DailyKos there's a 1% support for this nutjob, but still... he's just saying out loud what most of them are thinking.

Done. The 99% reading the website are just mad he spilled the beans......

02-01-2013, 09:34 PM
*snicker* "Pie" got more votes than "Ban 'em!"

02-01-2013, 10:21 PM
Bah. Sensationalist BS. Get's harder every day to attract those click-throughs....

02-01-2013, 10:50 PM
It may be grandstanding; but its a true exposure of the long game.

02-01-2013, 11:26 PM

Spread this one widely. This is what we are up against. It's heartening to see even on DailyKos there's a 1% support for this nutjob, but still... he's just saying out loud what most of them are thinking.

This is an extremist view, and as we know, an unrealistic one. NO, most of them are not thinking about a total gun ban. That helps to create the hysteria. In my life I have learned that most people's intentions are good and people do say what they mean. In a free society we can say what we are really thinking/feeling, and so we do.
Please don't engage in guilt by association...that is one of the things that we fought The American Revolution against.

Democrats support gun ownership by substantial margins, and many Democrats own guns and shoot them. Here's another thing: Not all Republicans are enthusiastic about guns. A substantial percentage of Republicans support banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines and believe we don't have enough gun control.

We need to find as many as we can who are sympathetic to gun ownership. By accusing them of being as radical as Spork, you don't get that opportunity.
Civil discourse wins the day.

02-01-2013, 11:27 PM
They forgot the part about violent resistance.

02-02-2013, 12:03 AM
This is an extremist view, and as we know, an unrealistic one. NO, most of them are not thinking about a total gun ban.

This is true, I agree.

However, it's not necessarily relevant. The decision making process used that comes to "ban and/or regulate assault weapons" will over time lead to banning everything. After "reasonable" and "common sense" gun laws are implemented, mass murder will continue. Then the chopping block continues using the same decision making process.

You virtually end up in the same place. This isn't hypothetical, either; Britain is a living example. They're to the point that even household cutlery is regulated, and the vilified object is kitchen knives over 3".

02-02-2013, 12:10 AM
This is true, I agree.

However, it's not necessarily relevant. The decision making process used that comes to "ban and/or regulate assault weapons" will over time lead to banning everything. After "reasonable" and "common sense" gun laws are implemented, mass murder will continue. Then the chopping block continues using the same decision making process.

You virtually end up in the same place. This isn't hypothetical, either; Britain is a living example. They're to the point that even household cutlery is regulated, and the vilified object is kitchen knives over 3".


As well, this is a very good look at the 'long game' view that many of our opponents take. They've been chipping away for decades, and they learned mighty quick that overreaching brought them grief in '94. That's why they're backing off 'assault weapon' bans and even high-cap mag bans. They've seen that the support just isn't there... yet. So they'll settle for the 'compromise' of 'universal background checks', because who can be against background checks? They'll trot out fake statistics, repeat them until they're accepted gospel, and carry on.

02-02-2013, 12:13 AM
This is true, I agree.

However, it's not necessarily relevant. The decision making process used that comes to "ban and/or regulate assault weapons" will over time lead to banning everything. After "reasonable" and "common sense" gun laws are implemented, mass murder will continue. Then the chopping block continues using the same decision making process.

You virtually end up in the same place. This isn't hypothetical, either; Britain is a living example. They're to the point that even household cutlery is regulated, and the vilified object is kitchen knives over 3".

We're already there. People assume the US couldn't run without government owned roads, government managed power companies. That's become normal. Commonsense. Reasonable. The next commonsense and reasonable thing is having control over automakers, over banks.

The mindset isn't just one of guns, it's how government encroaches on everything. No bombs, no machine guns, no guns that are /too/ foreign, no bullets that go through body armor /too/ well, no guns with over ten rounds, only a /few/ scary features... every step is pulled forward by people who want the end goal, complete control, and it's sold by tiny steps 'forward,' after the average person is convinced it's reasonable and understandable.

02-02-2013, 04:21 PM
We're already there. People assume the US couldn't run without government owned roads, government managed power companies. That's become normal. Commonsense. Reasonable. The next commonsense and reasonable thing is having control over automakers, over banks.

The mindset isn't just one of guns, it's how government encroaches on everything. No bombs, no machine guns, no guns that are /too/ foreign, no bullets that go through body armor /too/ well, no guns with over ten rounds, only a /few/ scary features... every step is pulled forward by people who want the end goal, complete control, and it's sold by tiny steps 'forward,' after the average person is convinced it's reasonable and understandable.

We are not already there.

US Citizens and The Judiciary are not going to let "them" take away our 2nd Amendment rights. The Judiciary will define where that line goes too far, and have defined that line. In the Heller decision they told the DC government they had gone too far and restored those 2nd Amendment rights. It also overruled gun bans in other jurisdictions and is now the law of the land. From my view the system worked, and our 2nd Amendment right was upheld. Parts of the Brady Act were also struck down by The Judiciary. Again, it shows the system worked....this resulted in a balance between gun restrictions and gun permissiveness. We are not "there"...we are not anywhere close to "there."


02-02-2013, 04:50 PM
We are not already there.

US Citizens and The Judiciary are not going to let "them" take away our 2nd Amendment rights. The Judiciary will define where that line goes too far, and have defined that line. In the Heller decision they told the DC government they had gone too far and restored those 2nd Amendment rights. It also overruled gun bans in other jurisdictions and is now the law of the land. From my view the system worked, and our 2nd Amendment right was upheld. Parts of the Brady Act were also struck down by The Judiciary. Again, it shows the system worked....this resulted in a balance between gun restrictions and gun permissiveness. We are not "there"...we are not anywhere close to "there."


We are one Supreme away from disaster

02-02-2013, 06:12 PM
We are not already there.

US Citizens and The Judiciary are not going to let "them" take away our 2nd Amendment rights. The Judiciary will define where that line goes too far, and have defined that line. In the Heller decision they told the DC government they had gone too far and restored those 2nd Amendment rights. It also overruled gun bans in other jurisdictions and is now the law of the land. From my view the system worked, and our 2nd Amendment right was upheld. Parts of the Brady Act were also struck down by The Judiciary. Again, it shows the system worked....this resulted in a balance between gun restrictions and gun permissiveness. We are not "there"...we are not anywhere close to "there."


The mindset is there. Furthered by the line of thought you just wrote as 'what works.' Oh, they didn't get everything at once, so we won. No. No we did not. I, in my last post, enumerated why that is not a win.

We are one Supreme away from disaster

All the supreme court does is slow down this progress, at most. The next court, and the next, and you have trillions in spending ending up from 'regulating interstate commerce.' It's one tiny disaster at a time.

I'll say again, the disaster is already upon us. When you're a frog in water that's slowly being heated, the disaster isn't when you die, it's when they started turning up the heat so that it only gets hotter as time goes on.

02-02-2013, 06:28 PM
The mindset is there. Furthered by the line of thought you just wrote as 'what works.' Oh, they didn't get everything at once, so we won. No. No we did not. I, in my last post, enumerated why that is not a win.

All the supreme court does is slow down this progress, at most. The next court, and the next, and you have trillions in spending ending up from 'regulating interstate commerce.' It's one tiny disaster at a time.

I'll say again, the disaster is already upon us. When you're a frog in water that's slowly being heated, the disaster isn't when you die, it's when they started turning up the heat so that it only gets hotter as time goes on.

Agreed. All American values have been under relentless attack for 100 years. The judiciary will not save us.

The rate of destruction can increase though.

Who thought John Roberts would cave on healthcare?

Joe Mamma
02-02-2013, 09:51 PM
We are not already there.

US Citizens and The Judiciary are not going to let "them" take away our 2nd Amendment rights. The Judiciary will define where that line goes too far, and have defined that line. In the Heller decision they told the DC government they had gone too far and restored those 2nd Amendment rights. It also overruled gun bans in other jurisdictions and is now the law of the land. From my view the system worked, and our 2nd Amendment right was upheld. Parts of the Brady Act were also struck down by The Judiciary. Again, it shows the system worked....this resulted in a balance between gun restrictions and gun permissiveness. We are not "there"...we are not anywhere close to "there."


Have you seen or heard about the recent gun law which was passed in New York State? How can you think "we are not anywhere close to there"? The Legislature defined where that line is. It is current and enforceable law.

Joe Mamma