View Full Version : Stephen King: Not So Pro-Gun After All

01-27-2013, 03:39 AM
Stephen King has entranced millions with tales of dread but his latest volume will read like a horror only to the National Rifle Association and other gun-rights advocates. The best-selling author made an unexpected charge into the national debate on gun violence on Friday with a passionate, angry essay pleading for reform.

King, who owns three handguns, aimed the expletive-peppered polemic at fellow gun-owners, calling on them to support a ban on automatic and semi-automatic weapons in the wake of the December shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school which left 20 children and six adults dead.

"Autos and semi-autos are weapons of mass destruction. When lunatics want to make war on the unarmed and unprepared, these are the weapons they use," King wrote.

He said blanket opposition to gun control was less about defending the second amendment of the US constitution than "a stubborn desire to hold onto what they have, and to hell with the collateral damage". He added: "If that's the case, let me suggest that 'fuck you, Jack, I'm okay' is not a tenable position, morally speaking."

King finished the 25-page essay, Guns, last Friday and wanted it published as soon as possible, given the Obama administration's looming battle with the National Rifle Association and its allies. It was published on Friday on Amazon's online Kindle store, price 99 cents.

The novelist, who has sold more than 350 million books, last year issued a call for the rich, such as himself, to pay more tax. In his latest foray into politics, he acknowledges his liberal inclinations but stresses that he is an unapologetic gun-owner with at least half a foot in the conservative camp of the US divide.

Full Article Here:


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Kyle Reese
01-27-2013, 06:03 AM
Stephen who?

01-27-2013, 07:36 AM
As a resident of the Bangor, Maine area, I have learned to IGNORE all political and social advice from Mr. King. He is deeply in touch with the 'dark' side of life, just read one of his books (until you cannot take it any longer). To his credit he is also a very generous social benefactor, but a true political lefty.

I wish I was rich enough to be that "liberal", but until that time, I will have to be a Liberal in the 18th century meaning of the word.


01-27-2013, 07:36 AM
He has never been pro-gun.

He's a "gun owner, but" like Biden or Feinstein or Michael Moore.

Kyle Reese
01-27-2013, 07:45 AM
Stephen King has entranced millions with tales of dread but his latest volume will read like a horror only to the National Rifle Association and other gun-rights advocates

He's writing a new horror novel, then? Pretty much everything released since 1992 has been a horror to even attempt to read, and watching Joan Rivers or Lifetime seems to be a less painful endeavor.

01-27-2013, 09:40 AM
Well now. I'll just have to file this between "favorite quotes by Sean Penn" and "sage advice from Marky Mark."

01-27-2013, 10:44 AM
*cough* Rage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_(Stephen_King_novel)) *cough*

King yet again spurred by a guilty conscience?

01-27-2013, 11:01 AM
He has never been pro-gun.

He's a "gun owner, but" like Biden or Feinstein or Michael Moore.

These folks speaking for gun owners is like that crazy uncle who feels qualified to have loud, slur-laden public discussions on the current state of race relations because he "had a black friend in middle school".

01-27-2013, 11:29 AM
Oh, I fully agree that he's truly a Liberal, and while most gun owners, and I should think ALL Pro-2A folks ignore him, there's a large segment of the populace that is ignorant and open to the suggestions **cough** rants **cough** of a "famous name".

I think that he may just get through to the people who aren't glued to the news headlines or the 5 second sound bites in order to forge their opinions on everything.

Personally, I'm starting to get pretty comfortable wearing my foil hat. :P

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01-27-2013, 11:38 AM
These folks speaking for gun owners is like that crazy uncle who feels qualified to have loud, slur-laden public discussions on the current state of race relations because he "had a black friend in middle school".

I'll be steali... er, using that one in the future.

Dagga Boy
01-27-2013, 01:08 PM
I suppose he would be good with reeling in the first amendment and banning any future assault books with violence, sex and horror in them........for the children. he should also support registration of those who own any previous books with these things in them.................from the guy who has written some of the creepiest stuff out there, what a typical hypocrite.

01-27-2013, 01:19 PM
These folks speaking for gun owners is like that crazy uncle who feels qualified to have loud, slur-laden public discussions on the current state of race relations because he "had a black friend in middle school".

2012 GOP presidential candidate redux!

01-27-2013, 04:31 PM
I suppose he would be good with reeling in the first amendment and banning any future assault books with violence, sex and horror in them........for the children. he should also support registration of those who own any previous books with these things in them.................from the guy who has written some of the creepiest stuff out there, what a typical hypocrite.


The 1st Amendment was meant to protect political and religious discourse. I'm certain the Founding Fathers never intended it to be used to protect horror novels, pornography, and violence movies. Nobody NEEDS to read any of his books therefor he should have no problem with them being censored.

Cuts Both Ways. :mad:

Mike Honcho
01-27-2013, 04:33 PM
*cough* Rage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_(Stephen_King_novel)) *cough*

King yet again spurred by a guilty conscience?

Exactly. I'd say Stephen King has influenced more school shooters than Gaston Glock or Eugene Stoner combined.

01-27-2013, 05:00 PM
Exactly. I'd say Stephen King has influenced more school shooters than Gaston Glock or Eugene Stoner combined.


Let's get it on! (I haven't read that novella in over twenty years, and yet I still remember that tagline. Great job, Stevie! Give yourself a hand...)

01-27-2013, 07:22 PM
I kinda sorta remember Carrie lighting up a school too.

01-27-2013, 10:38 PM
I'd honestly be more surprised if he came out in favor of gun rights. I don't ever remember any good words from him regarding firearms.